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People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
oh shit, are you wormkiller?

I told all of them I was going somewhere better.

He has done absolutely nothing to further the White race, is not White, and does not stand for White interests. He has a long history of employing illegal spics and Poles, is in bed with the Kremlin, is a rapist pedophile, failed to overthrow the government, loves kikes, has a Russian mail-order bride, loves niggers, probably raped his own kid (the retarded one), ran an NFT scam, drew on a weather map with a sharpie to show the world how Joshua he is, and ultimately failed to rig a second election.

Meanwhile, he lies like Joshua, is fat like Joshua, hides from bullets like Joshua, surrounds himself with worthless cocksuckers like Joshua, complains about everything like Joshua, makes shit up like Joshua, is mentally ill like Joshua, has a martyr complex like Joshua, eats unhealthy garbage food like Joshua, Is a grifter like Joshua, and will probably die on the toilet like Elvis and probably like Joshua.

Why the fuck should I vote for White-hating Orange Boomer Joshua? To keep Sleepy Joe out of office? He's probably going to be dead within a year anyway, so why give a fuck.

GOP, if you want my vote, run a candidate who is actually worth a damn and stop shoving this non-White lardass down my throat. And get better at rigging elections, because 2020 was a fucking embarrassment.
Say "Joshua" again, fag.
Steve o snorted coke with hiv positive blood and talked about it before. Idk if he ever caught it.

I fucking hate him.

Asshole gets a dick tattooed on his forehead at 50 and now he's going to get fake tits as a stunt. Stop it, faggot. It's not 2002. Jackass died when Ryan Dunn went up in flames. Your whole life has been spent being the male version of a pick me girl.

And just the fact that he had a whole show where he snitched on every celebrity he did drugs with without their permission was greasy as fuck. Fucking throat cancer sounding ass motherfucker out here dry snitching on everyone who ever did coke with him.
I was a lazybones and sat in the AC all day 😎 I must grind tomorrow since things aren't going well with the one plasma clinic so I'll have to start donating at the other while waiting for things to resolve
Asshole gets a dick tattooed on his forehead at 50 and now he's going to get fake tits as a stunt
All that's pretty funny tbh and I admire his sobriety but he's incredibly preachy, elitist and leftist.
I fucking hate him.

Asshole gets a dick tattooed on his forehead at 50 and now he's going to get fake tits as a stunt. Stop it, faggot. It's not 2002. Jackass died when Ryan Dunn went up in flames. Your whole life has been spent being the male version of a pick me girl.

And just the fact that he had a whole show where he snitched on every celebrity he did drugs with without their permission was greasy as fuck. Fucking throat cancer sounding ass motherfucker out here dry snitching on everyone who ever did coke with him.
I didn't realize that retard was 50 years old. I stopped following jackass after the first movie.
@Time 4 Guillotines you're okay?
Well since it's totally fucked anyway now, might as well talk about it. So I've been staying in my storage unit since I got to this town. It's been extremely comfy but you can't have anything nice around meth head pieces of shit.
So I woke up at 4AM to a couple toothless and ruthless lads breaking into the unit right beside mine. My unit's definitely going to be gone since there's a camera right beside our two units and I had to call the cops, which management will obviously be hearing about.
Puts me in a rather shitty situation since I can't even go to the shelter here since you have to have Medicaid, which means I'll have to go back to toting around my hobo bindle and so I'll be unable to hit up plasma.
Back to really roughing it, might as well start hitching towards Casper before the weather really cools. Once they finally give me the boot out my unit, I've heard tale from a home bum of a town nearby that's a very soft touch for sign flyers. If he's remotely to be believed, he said he made over $800 in a day. If it's even half that solid I'll be able to afford a train ticket anywhere and start over yet again elsewhere.
Either way, I hope Hitler 2 rounds up every meth smoking piece of trash (⁠╯⁠ರ⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠ರ⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

Cool story bro

Ok but for real, is Trump really a conservative? Admittedly I don't keep up with politics because that's gheykneegurl but my impression is that Trump has not explicitly opposed hot potatoes like LGBT/abortions/womens right, which are three big targets of American "conservatives"(aka baby crazy psychos). He even sided with Tranny Jenner for using a female restroom, though Jenner is an unironic GOP manwhore. I think the better way to describe him is that he really doesn't care about civil rights stuff that doesn't give him more power to do whatever he wants, so even though he doesn't go after gays and fetuses, if his voter bases bolster his fuck you all policies, he has no problems exploiting it.

Ok but for real, is Trump really a conservative? Admittedly I don't keep up with politics because that's gheykneegurl but my impression is that Trump has not explicitly opposed hot potatoes like LGBT/abortions/womens right, which are three big targets of American "conservatives"(aka baby crazy psychos). He even sided with Tranny Jenner for using a female restroom, though Jenner is an unironic GOP manwhore. I think the better way to describe him is that he really doesn't care about civil rights stuff that doesn't give him more power to do whatever he wants, so even though he doesn't go after gays and fetuses, if his voter bases bolster his fuck you all policies, he has no problems exploiting it.
No, he's actually a narcissist in a position of influence and a former Democrat.
Before Ronald Reagan used the Charlie church chucklefucks to win in 1980, religious people didn't get involved in politics. Unlike the BLM niggers who got suckered by biden though, crazy Reagan actually came through for the evangelical base that got him elected. The rest is awful history.

The Republican party being for Bible thumpers is only about 10 presidential cycles old. Before that, conservatism had nothing to do with religion past the constitutional right to practice it freely.

So do I think Trump's a Republican in the sense of the Ned Flanders people who have hijacked the party for their own means and schemes? FUCK no. Do I think he's a Nixon (and every Republican before him) style Republican who wants tougher laws on crime, adherence to the constitution, decreased taxes, good foreign policy, limited government and states rights? Absolutely.

You could see it at the RNC when a small majority of people lost their shit when the tattooed face hooker chick spoke and the Indian lady prayed to Vishnu or whatever. The crazy religious nuts were like "WE DON'T WANT THEM IN THE PARTY WE KNOW YOU'RE TRYING TO WIDEN THE TENT TO GET TRUMP ELECTED BUT YOU'RE LITERALLY BRINGING SATAN INTO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY"

Most people who look at that from the outside think that that's every Republican. It's not, it's a very very small majority and religious wackos who think that we should ban condoms and make rape victims raise their rapists baby are the AOC's and Ilhan Omars of the Republican party. They are a fucking embarrassment and they either need to shut the fuck up and vote Republican, or go start their own Evangelical party and see how many fuckin votes their wacko candidate gets when he says that there's no such thing as evolution.
All I know is I would not want to be out in Casper Wyoming, homeless without money and resources. Or Wyoming in general.
Naw, Casper's pretty nice. Half chasing the meme of wanting to hang out with Cobra but also it's an ok place to hobo.
I've lived all over America but where would you go?

Cool story bro
Is this dumb bit about me pretending to be homeless some sort of weak bait to get me to start power leveling or something?
"Oh no, I must defend my honor on an Onion Farm! Time to start live streaming"
I write here because I like journaling the dumb stuff I'm going through and I know a few people find it mildly interesting. If it were fake and for attention I'd have pivoted to a grift by now
(CashApp link in bio, btw)
Naw, Casper's pretty nice. Half chasing the meme of wanting to hang out with Cobra but also it's an ok place to hobo.
I've lived all over America but where would you go?
Depends on the time of year the west coast is cozy during the winter especially down and SoCal, during the summer and fall months the Midwest has got some cozy spots to lay and stack cash. Florida's got some cozy panhandling you can do.