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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
IDK if she's admitting to have been a sex worker or what. Thanks BP!
This is an okay pfp but an anime girl with big boobs has to be removed himself and post on your wall "site is sfw". Does this look SFW to you? Check out the archive to see her ass jiggling in a porny way:
I'm pretty sure the chick in the picture is that Tumblr chick named Luna who has a KF thread, BPD and is addicted to opioids.
Cuz the chuds who largely make up the userbase there fetishize the idea of tradwives, traditional households and parenthood to an insane degree. Sh0e already plays into this by dressing stereotypically trad in her more semi-recent videos and having a goddamn big, honkin’ American flag behind her.

They were also gushing about how cool and based it was back when Wendigoon got married. Like fine if you’re happy that a CC you enjoy is also happy (for whatever reason) but they sounded like they were cult members giving high praise to their leader or something.

All parasocial fans are annoying but honestly the right-leaning ones still annoy me the most. Die-hard Metokur stans also fit this category. Like there are people who seem legitimately upset that Jim’s cancer-ridden ass doesn’t wanna have kids so that he can “help save the white race” and bitch-post about it all over KF, Twitter and YT.
> Supports trad wife
> Fails being at an upstanding white breadwinner.

In this sick, sad modern world you have to choose between TP for your bunghole or dignity for your bunghole. Hey a girl's gotta eat several door dashed meals per day.

Last time I checked Macdonalds was hiring and you don't have to get nude to do that job.

Unless you're Louise Ogborn.

Google it 😏
Not saying he makes no decent points but of course he has to go into sperging about vaccines, Pakis and midlevels when it wasn't relevant. The latter belongs in the noctor thread, calling out Pakis is obviously just going to piss of the anti-racist BPers and muh vaccines 4 years later. Common Larry David's Opera Cape L.
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Is he European? They're trying to make us take the vaccine again in Europe.