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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Grillcast W
You can't call him wrong.
In more KF centric news, this unfunny piece of clickbait fluff was featured. Anything to make it seem like the world of lolcows isn't stale right now, I guess
I said surely they didn't somehow turn this into a doxing thing, so had to sign in to check. Nope, just the text from the article
The comments are exactly as Reddit tier as you'd think.
In more KF centric news, this unfunny piece of clickbait fluff was featured. Anything to make it seem like the world of lolcows isn't stale right now, I guess
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I said surely they didn't somehow turn this into a doxing thing, so had to sign in to check. Nope, just the text from the article
View attachment 55857
The comments are exactly as Reddit tier as you'd think.
Well as stale as it is, there's always kf to help us solve that issue with how much lolcowery it has in of itself
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While I hate this nigger, I can at least sympthize with the fact he's at least right in some aspect
(I feel bad for his mother since some fucking nigger doxed her)
I'm more inclined to call this a cope since I also hate this nigger. KF is only irrelevant to normal people but Hujan isn't a normal person and I don't think he really did lmao
I'm more inclined to call this a cope since I also hate this nigger. KF is only irrelevant to normal people but Hujan isn't a normal person and I don't think he really did lmao
Yeah, as much as it is a cope cause he has a KF thread and they've been HEAVILY on his ass, I genuinely do think he's right in the aspect of him him saying KF is dead
Yeah, as much as it is a cope cause he has a KF thread and they've been HEAVILY on his ass, I genuinely do think he's right in the aspect of him him saying KF is dead
I've seen people say "it's totally over for KF, for real this time" so much over the last 6 years I'm forced to stand by my contrarianism. Until an actually viable alternative pops up and avoids the pitfalls both Farms fell into I suspect KF is going to keep chugging along. The cult mindset is real and there's a whole new generation of spergs to indoctrinate
I've seen people say "it's totally over for KF, for real this time" so much over the last 6 years I'm forced to stand by my contrarianism. Until an actually viable alternative pops up and avoids the pitfalls both Farms fell into I suspect KF is going to keep chugging along. The cult mindset is real and there's a whole new generation of spergs to indoctrinate
There's nobody interesting trying to destroy kiwifarms right now, so I'm apathetic. I miss Lukas.

"Not everyone was born for greatness, but Null was"

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I hate this little amphetamine addicted dicklick so much, it's unreal. I should really revive the stub OP I made about him. I read through way too much of his way too many posts and promise what I allege in the OP is real but it needs sources and fleshing out.

I don't like self shilling bits that I run over on KF but everyone already knows it was me, so in case you missed it, I had a really fucking goofy exchange with him once where I catfished much TMI