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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
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Odd Opossum asks for proof that Germany lower criminal sentencing for child porn possession, which quickly devolves into others accusing him of being a communist who sexts with furry pedophiles.
they hid it after people noticed they were still jerking off to it
No, it'll be back. Josh hid it the first time during #DKF, hid it again when whatever that host was started "libeling" the site, is currently keeping it down during the Greer lolsuit. But make no mistake, Josh feels it's very important that he host the clearnet's largest repository of videos of puppies being fucked to death. Because that's how you do a heckin Libertarianism.
According to the front end 120+ guests are on the site. Probably KF users waiting to grasp some straw at how their Null cult is better than 10 guys bantering. Pretty sad.
Bruh, this site is botted to hell and back. We have maybe 30 monthly visitors, 12 daily mainstays and another dozen that pop in to view what's going on anonymously.
Go to this page
You'll quickly notice the bots just lurk the entire site by noting how they magically "view" locked profiles for minutes on end. If Kengle would stop allowing weak bitches to completely block their profiles then he could pretend these aren't ego boost bots but as it stands it's obvious what he's doing.
Bruh, this site is botted to hell and back. We have maybe 30 monthly visitors, 12 daily mainstays and another dozen that pop in to view what's going on anonymously.
Go to this page
You'll quickly notice the bots just lurk the entire site by noting how they magically "view" locked profiles for minutes on end. If Kengle would stop allowing weak bitches to completely block their profiles then he could pretend these aren't ego boost bots but as it stands it's obvious what he's doing.
People waste money on bots that do nothing?
People waste money on bots that do nothing?
Naw, takes a few lines of code that you can just skiddy. And it doesn't do "nothing", it tells people who might be considering joining that a place is more active than it actually is.
A certain other splinter forum also decided they needed a botted self suck to not feel so insignificant.
On today's episode of Shit That Never Happened:
Since shameless self promotion is apparently kosher here as long as it's funny, someone quoted me
View attachment 55778
The only way to prevent Josh from spam banning you is to inb4 it because then he's compelled by ODD (opossum) law to not do it
Remember that time you got sad over thinking Odd Opossum got banned and you made an AI tribute art for him?
Remember that time you got sad over thinking Odd Opossum got banned and you made an AI tribute art for him?
Sure, I stand by everything thing I've said and double down simultaneously on any contradictory statements. You're a self shilling fag and you made a good account 😏
If I was completely off base with my schizo theory I'd think you'd have got over this shit days ago instead of trying to Twitterfag up something I previously said like I'm going to do anything but laugh at us both
Sure, I stand by everything thing I've said and double down simultaneously on any contradictory statements. You're a self shilling fag and you made a good account 😏
If I was completely off base with my schizo theory I'd think you'd have got over this shit days ago instead of trying to Twitterfag up something I previously said like I'm going to do anything but laugh at us both
You are off base, that's why I think it's funny you've gone from posting things like that to your current stance.