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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
You know there were second thoughts because of the shower thing. Not to sound like I'm promoting suicide, but if they are actually going to do it then they should do it right. It should be something instant and as painless as possible so it doesn't leave time for second thoughts. Because surviving an attempt usually leaves you fucked up to the point you wish you were dead.

Lighting yourself on fire is a cry for attention. It's a narcissistic way to die. These morons who light themselves on fire are just like school shooters in that they don't actually care about their supposed grievances, they just want to cause a ruckus. Guarantee you that as those two guys were burning they were smugly imagining all the "rest in powers" and "omg they died for what they believed in!!!" tweets that would hit the internet once their death videos went viral. They also under estimate how long it takes them to die and how painful it is.

They didn't actually want to kill themselves, they were just fags who were so addicted to their power fantasy that they didn't even bother to stick around to see if it came true.

I see you guys arguing about trannies and their history. I think you're all forgetting how we got here.

Long but based post, this is exactly how it happened. What I've always found interesting is how Tumblr became Ground Zero for this stuff and that the trannyfication we see now is a direct result of something hijacking that energy. The modern Democrat party in the US directly reflects the retarded rhetoric that was coming out of Tumblr circa Occupy Wallstreet.

Odd Opossum is once again correct. The zoomers and such larping on KF right now are just like the vaporwave fags/dark academia girlies, they are longing for a romantic fantasy world that they never experienced and have had no contact with except in movies and #aesthetic posts.