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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I've found a really interesting internet community that's full of meth, power leveling, name fagging, face fagging and general retardation. Think I'm going to use this evening to write up an OP on them.
But I'm going to post it to Kiwi Farms instead of here 😏
I've found a really interesting internet community that's full of meth, power leveling, name fagging, face fagging and general retardation. Think I'm going to use this evening to write up an OP on them.
But I'm going to post it to Kiwi Farms instead of here 😏
Thanks for the tip off to your kiwi farms sock.
Reason: I'm sure the try hard lurking kiwis would love to find and report it.
Thanks for the tip off to your kiwi farms sock.
I don't get why retards think this matters. I'm quite aware of the repercussions of telegraphing your moves before making them, and yet I do it anyway 🤔
Regardless, my main remains above suspicion and it's not like saying there's going to be a new PG thread is anything for them to go on

Giving three guesses of which comments came from which threads without using Google search. Can you guess the context of what these clowns are talking about?

do you know how site backup works? every web hosting provider has a file manager and cpanel (control panel). you need file manager to manage your site's files and folders. that's how website management works.

I highly doubt the average kiwi intelligence is high enough to understand stuff like website management.
View attachment 51506
do you know how site backup works? every web hosting provider has a file manager and cpanel (control panel). you need file manager to manage your site's files and folders. that's how website management works.

I highly doubt the average kiwi intelligence is high enough to understand stuff like website management.
Bud, don't be so reactionary that you find yourself defending Kengle. Show me where anyone here on the Xenforo forum says to be a fucking retard in order to restore an accidentally deleted thread
View attachment 51506
do you know how site backup works? every web hosting provider has a file manager and cpanel (control panel). you need file manager to manage your site's files and folders. that's how website management works.

I highly doubt the average kiwi intelligence is high enough to understand stuff like website management.

reminder that this is coming from the site whose owner fucked up its web server computer, almost frying its motherboard and got his ass owned by a Turkish teenage script kiddie
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