Josh is super fucking on tilt recently.
This 300 pound faggot just scammed a substantial amount of money out of his idiotic ballwashers and is for some reason pulling out big broom measures on the community.
I guess he didn't like me literally recapping the events of the past week lol.
I really don't get why other than the giant bag of money giving him his first erection in almost a decade.
I'll bet you that KF is pawned off on some retard within two years if Josh is able to see an actual return on the lolsuit.
Either way, he's a fucking faggot and I literally cannot wait for him to go away, by any means necessary.
Fuck it, have $300M. Go be a fat homo chimo and enjoy the riches before the 'beetus finally takes you Josh.
But holy fuck, just go away. KF would be so much more fun without the cringey cult of personality built around an absolute weasel.
Tangential, but I posted this in the funny pics thread with zero commentary, it was approved, then deleted, then an account went bye-bye.

Holy shit, I can't wait until Josh disappears into obscurity. Dude sucks the biggest bucket of peckers possible