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What are you currently reading? (Manga Edition)

Preacher Fox

Registered Member
Alright, I think you know the drill if you can read the thread's title. What are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it? Why/why not? What are you gonna read next?

Currently I'm reading- (incomplete list, I'm reading 20+ series, only putting down what comes to mind first)

Demon Slayer - As far as shonen manga series goes, It's alright. The fight scenes are decent, character designs are interesting. I'm 107 chapters in and the pace feels fine. It doesn't try to pretend to be something that i isn't. Haven't seen the anime yet but I've heard amazing things about the fight scenes so I look forward to eventually watching it.

My Happy Marriage - I'm a sucker for domestic life and romance manga. Very cute, extremely excited to see the anime once it finally airs. A bit slow on the updates since there's no official translation of the manga, might pick up the light novel if I get too impatient.

Blood on the Tracks - I currently don't know what's happening and I'm OK with that. seeing as it's Shuuzou Oshimi's standard practice. Reading every new chapter makes me feel on edge. At style is fantastic, mangaka utilities the page turn almost as good as Junji Ito.
I've just finished Battle Angel Alita: Last Order which was really good. The arc near the end with the karate masters in the tournament lasted for too long but outside of that I really liked it. The world of Battle Angel Alita is so interesting to read about with it crazy technology that causes it to be such a dystopian nightmare.

For manga that's currently still being updated I actually have been reading a ton of them as well. My favorite one right now is Fate/Type Redline. I always liked the fate stuff and it cool that the setting takes place during World War 2.
I revisit these from time to time, always pick up something new:

Liar Game: Fascinating read, if you like the idea of a group of strangers trying to manipulate, swindle, and backstab each other in really clever ways.

Blame!: Of course. Famously PewDiePie's favorite manga.

Marginal: This is one nobody knows about, and I mean virtually nobody. The concept of a 100% male world with an ancient conspiracy fascinated me.