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Hobbies What are you Currently Playing?


Not a funposter
Baby Onion
Let's have a thread for the games we're playing at the moment. Post a game and your thoughts on it.

I'm right now I'm enjoying Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. It's the fifth Metal Gear game I've played and while the level-based gameplay doesn't seem to leave one with as much freedom of exploration as the previous entries I quite enjoy the base management system and it gives me plenty of time to while away. I also find the motion-comic style of cutscenes to play very well to the system's strengths and give it yet another way to stand out from previous games. My only gripe at the moment is that I don't feel the story is really all that engaging, I find the set-up to be a little too subdued and feel it is lacking in interesting characters. Metal Games though from what I've seen really deliver in the last act so perhaps my thoughts will change.
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I Managed to get PPSSPP running on my computer, so I decided to try out a couple of games on it. A few of them are updated ports of other games (such as Darkstalkers Chronicles and Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, which IMO are both DEFINITIVE versions of their respective game), while the other ones I've never touched before are games such as Fate/EXTRA. I've been playing Fate/GrandOrder on my phone, so i thought EXTRA would be the same thing... but its not. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm definitely not too keen on the whole "blind rock-paper-scissor" memorization battle system.
This game is not fun. Its super frustrating. But you should play it.

I could not get into project zomboid. I should have too, it has all the things I like.

Right now, I'm playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I bought it a year or two ago and played very little, just enough until you try to bury your parents, get your ass kicked, and saved by Teresa the mill wench. It's a really great game once it gets going. Starts out pretty hard but gets easier as you train and go along. Pro tip: as soon as you can train in Rattay!!

IIRC, it's available right when you go see your former Lord at the Rattay castle (it's one of your main quest missions). You can train with the captain of the guard right outside the town, past the archery range and castle courtyard, right outside of the gate.

If you're wearing any armor, take it off if you're going to be training swords, otherwise, it'll get busted and you don't need it training with wooden swords. If you're training with maces and you have the money (probably a little later on after you make a few bucks, id start with swords personally) you should consider investing in some cheap armor, especially a helmet, that you wear when training maces because unlike training with wooden swords, wooden clubs will bust your skull open and make you bleed.

Anyway, while training, time doesn't pass so you can go on and on gaining skill. The only other thing you might have to do is quit once in awhile to eat if Henry gets hungry, but that wasn't an issue for me really.

Doing this, you are able to train from being a worthless peasant who can't even beat the town drunk in a fist fight to a relatively talented fighter. The Captain you train with has all types of wooden weapons, so you can train whatever you want. I only recommend swords because I like them and like I said earlier, you won't have to get bloody and bandage your cuts while training with a wooden sword as opposed to an axe/mace.

If you put in the time, you can make a gigantic difference. You'll raise strength, agility, swords(or whatever you're using), defense, and warfare. He'll show you how to do combos too, which you can unlock as you level up your weapon skills.

Cool ass game though. I'm maybe 1/2 way through the main story line and I'm pretty hooked. It has moments of sadness, tragedy, but also hilariousness. The main character isn't a silent protagonist who just blankly stares at people like a retard when they're speaking to him. No, he actually talks back, interacts, and has a personality.

I don't mind the silent protagonist concept as much as most people, but it is very refreshing to have a main character with a voice and a personality. A very likable and relatable personality at that.
This game is not fun. Its super frustrating. But you should play it.

I've heard good things about it, but haven't tried it yet.

I've been really into Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. I'm a huge FFT fanatic, actually made my own rebabalance mod for it. Fell Seal is the true successor, and far far exceeded my expectations.

I was initially put off by the art style, and I wondered if the female protag would be a Mary Sue feminist statement. But I should have played this sooner.
neogeo had good sports games windjammers super sidekicks baseball stars neoturf masters
The Neo Geo was FUCKING AWESOME!! I owned one back in the early to mid 90s (I came into some inheritance $$, so naturally you blow a portion of it on a massively expensive video game console and it's equally expensive games. Nam 1975, Baseball Stars 2 The Fatal Fury series, Neo Turf Masters, were/are among my favorites.
Downloaded the 1995 PC version of Blood Bowl. I'm a huge fan of the table top version, but I'm not going to be buying a modern system anytime soon, and I don't think my ancient laptop (10+ years old) will handle any of the newer versions. But it is Blood Bowl. Graphics are not very good even by mid 90s standard, it does not have many teams, only 8. But it does play like more or less like Blood Bowl from that era. The AI strategy is interesting, but limited.


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Been replaying a hat in time recently. Really relaxing 3d platformer but I've only dipped my toe into death wish so far so that feelings probably gonna disappear real quick.

So I've been playing Fallout: Nevada. It's a fan made Total conversion mod that acts as a prequal of sorts to fallout one. The game play is pretty good, bit on the more difficult side but if you're playing it at all odds are good you will be pretty familiar with how to handle the game. Less traditional Fallout, more a mad max kind of game. Not bad overall if you are into that sort of thing.
Playing more Olde Shit. I found a cool home brew of 1942 for the Atari 7800, which in turn made me decide to seek out the original arcade/home versions. I remember seeing 1942 when it originally made the rounds of the local pizzerias/corner stores/bowling alleys when it came out in the early 80s, but I paid it no mind as I was into mostly sports games. Anyhow, 1942 is bretty basic, so many of you youngsters will probably not care for it, but there are plenty of sequels, 1943, 19XX, 1944, 1941 (I had no idea there were sequels past 1943) ...all great, try em if you can.