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Default Prefix - Flag for Staff Vent About Shit

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Vent/Cry/Be Angry
Naw, sounds decent tho

I mean it is a pretty horrible thing. The freaks should really just stick to wearing dresses and taking their titty skittles, you don't want a fistula between your intestines and your mangina
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The Silence of the Lambs was the last movie to depict trannies accurately, tbh
View attachment 67778

Fun Fact: as of 2024, the silence of the lambs is the only movie that has ever won the academy award for best picture that features a woman getting semen splattered in her eyes.
Now that the bitch boy quieted down. I have something to get off my chest and I know he will try and twist this too and say I'm the reason it happened. Anyways.

some bitch at work decided it was totally cool to not show up to work because I tried to get her to do her job. I had to put up so much shit today because it's the beginning of the month and halloween is coming. I enjoy it, I get to listen to tunes and bitch with my fellow gal co worker who drives a pink miata but this one bitch got upset because she left shirts all over the floor because "she didn't have room" when there was a shelf on the very top of the inventory closet which is huge btw and all she had to do is use the latter to get up to the shelf where there was no boxes so yesterday before I left I confronted her about it and trying to get her to understand she's putting product on a floor that tracks soil and germs and shit because that's just gross and she gave me a fucking attitude. So I told my manager about it and he told me that she will probably quit anyways because he sees the shit too she does
just lazy, has nothing to say, cant make jokes around her because she will get "urked" about dirty humor because she was sexually used by some guy. she has every piercing you can imagine on her mouth, she smells like cigarettes and over used perfume, she put fucking sour patch kids with the gum on the rack, she almost broke the register because she kept slamming it into the slot. Utter fucking bitch. And then on night shift it'll be just me and her and she's working in the back where the sex toys are and I'm up front at the shirts and she'll walk around the corner side looking me saying shit under her breathe.
then one day she didnt come to work and its a friday and it was just me in the morning until a co workers gets there in the noon, her issue was because she has heavy periods like bitch, me and three other girls work while on our periods what difference does it make if you are having one
so today I was fucked over by her and thankfully shes getting her last right up for no call no show because having to put up a truck of merch, halloween merch out the ass, i had no help today and I had to check people out, it was a fucking mess. at least I brought home some incense, a new incense fountain, a new nirvana shirt and some candy since im a skinny bitch
Now that the bitch boy quieted down. I have something to get off my chest and I know he will try and twist this too and say I'm the reason it happened. Anyways.

some bitch at work decided it was totally cool to not show up to work because I tried to get her to do her job. I had to put up so much shit today because it's the beginning of the month and halloween is coming. I enjoy it, I get to listen to tunes and bitch with my fellow gal co worker who drives a pink miata but this one bitch got upset because she left shirts all over the floor because "she didn't have room" when there was a shelf on the very top of the inventory closet which is huge btw and all she had to do is use the latter to get up to the shelf where there was no boxes so yesterday before I left I confronted her about it and trying to get her to understand she's putting product on a floor that tracks soil and germs and shit because that's just gross and she gave me a fucking attitude. So I told my manager about it and he told me that she will probably quit anyways because he sees the shit too she does
just lazy, has nothing to say, cant make jokes around her because she will get "urked" about dirty humor because she was sexually used by some guy. she has every piercing you can imagine on her mouth, she smells like cigarettes and over used perfume, she put fucking sour patch kids with the gum on the rack, she almost broke the register because she kept slamming it into the slot. Utter fucking bitch. And then on night shift it'll be just me and her and she's working in the back where the sex toys are and I'm up front at the shirts and she'll walk around the corner side looking me saying shit under her breathe.
then one day she didnt come to work and its a friday and it was just me in the morning until a co workers gets there in the noon, her issue was because she has heavy periods like bitch, me and three other girls work while on our periods what difference does it make if you are having one
so today I was fucked over by her and thankfully shes getting her last right up for no call no show because having to put up a truck of merch, halloween merch out the ass, i had no help today and I had to check people out, it was a fucking mess. at least I brought home some incense, a new incense fountain, a new nirvana shirt and some candy since im a skinny bitch

i hope you get to work with an unstable homosexual black guy so when you upset him he assaults you and we get to hear about it
some bitch at work decided it was totally cool to not show up to work because I tried to get her to do her job

when you are directing people you can't be little them and talk to them like garbage. why would any one want to work with you any way? you make stories up and tell half truths. you probably were upset because you were told to do your job and had a mental breakdown making that girl quit her job and not show up.
someone as depressed as you would not be motivated to direct others in the first place. depressed people let things slide because they don't really care and don't find purpose in a lot of things. you are either a very good liar or you are so delusional you keep having dreams about stuff like this and mistake them for being awake
when you are directing people you can't be little them and talk to them like garbage. why would any one want to work with you any way? you make stories up and tell half truths. you probably were upset because you were told to do your job and had a mental breakdown making that girl quit her job and not show up.
someone as depressed as you would not be motivated to direct others in the first place. depressed people let things slide because they don't really care and don't find purpose in a lot of things. you are either a very good liar or you are so delusional you keep having dreams about stuff like this and mistake them for being awake
Did he touch you here?
when you are directing people you can't be little them and talk to them like garbage. why would any one want to work with you any way? you make stories up and tell half truths. you probably were upset because you were told to do your job and had a mental breakdown making that girl quit her job and not show up.
someone as depressed as you would not be motivated to direct others in the first place. depressed people let things slide because they don't really care and don't find purpose in a lot of things. you are either a very good liar or you are so delusional you keep having dreams about stuff like this and mistake them for being awake

I guess you are HR now? You keep having these delusions about what I do at work. I'd love to at least see Rose make a coffee at dunkin doughnuts as something that makes you earn money while doing it called a job. I mean yes technically I'm talking about mine but come on, if you're going to shoot your shot at me, get off the rose band wagon so you have some validation to what you're saying, than we can go back and forth about whats going on at my job okie :3

is that what rose does with text, she makes emojis, does like E rp style conversation so she lures you in deeper to her manipulation? I mean, it's cute, I do it when I'm in love and stuff but I mean, dude shes fucking making you a bitch lmao

* cuddles * * smiles * * hugs *

* awwww come here things will get better *

you are so retarded
I guess you are HR now? You keep having these delusions about what I do at work. I'd love to at least see Rose make a coffee at dunkin doughnuts as something that makes you earn money while doing it called a job. I mean yes technically I'm talking about mine but come on, if you're going to shoot your shot at me, get off the rose band wagon so you have some validation to what you're saying, than we can go back and forth about whats going on at my job okie :3

is that what rose does with text, she makes emojis, does like E rp style conversation so she lures you in deeper to her manipulation? I mean, it's cute, I do it when I'm in love and stuff but I mean, dude shes fucking making you a bitch lmao

* cuddles * * smiles * * hugs *

* awwww come here things will get better *

you are so retarded

this vent thread is so garbage. even if rose did that it doesn't matter it's called showing someone that they care clearly.

no I'm in no position to be in HR. its baby sitting and im not going to do that but I do have a great point, you are a bitch, you direct people like a bitch so you will be treated like one

keep telling yourself you are special please do, you are giving me the attention I need finally.
this vent thread is so garbage. even if rose did that it doesn't matter it's called showing someone that they care clearly.

no I'm in no position to be in HR. its baby sitting and im not going to do that but I do have a great point, you are a bitch, you direct people like a bitch so you will be treated like one

keep telling yourself you are special please do, you are giving me the attention I need finally.
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So I decided to join a local forum this morning, where people that are into drugs and criminal stuff hangs around. Some are stupid enough to admit to their crimes.
I did talk shit about the King in my country. That he hasn't done good for the country. Norway is a woke hellscape, and he could've prevented it if he cared. The comment got deleted, even if it weren't against the rules. The thing is, Norwegians get butthurt af when people shit on the King or Queen.
I did say that Norwegians were assholes in another thread, and a moment later I got banned until tomorrow. Pardon me for forgetting to say most. And congrats for proving my point about being a huge asshole/reddit janny, cope, seethe and dilate.

I chuckled and went to the gym afterwards. Overall a good day
Just one of those nights I guess. Something dumb went down between me and someone I thought was my friend. Getting shit on for playing Vr doesn't bother me, but sometimes I do sit and wonder if I'm doing it all wrong. Generation Z makes me feel old. The 90s had things and the 2000s had more. More sense when I was born, less fun now. Doom and gloom isn't what I'm setting up. Maybe it's the cold making the anxiety creep back in. In 2002, I lived in a different state. Thinking of it now, there was a basement to the house I was afraid to explore. Before my parents split, they would walk me down the stairs because I was so afraid. It's wasn't just the fear though. There was a soul trapped in that house. During autumn when the foliage was at its highest, the house from the view of the backyard looked depressing. Every night I would sit on a couch in the middle of the basement, the feeling of sadness filled the atmosphere. We had a clock that ran on a couple of batteries.
Every week, the clock would stop. The batteries would have to be replaced. There was no voices, no footsteps. The television did not shut off. But that clock that was on the wall would stop working. Just like how time stops as I sit in a virtual world and no players are present. You begin to feel stuck. Falling behind at every step. My body gets chills, my heart flutters. A week of bullshit already does something to your mind as it is. Fridays are supposed to be fridays. Nights of something at least. Synthetic sugar, a fakeness to my smile. What matters is the full moon tonight. Nothing else. If I'm going to be sad, let it be in the dim light under the stars in the cold hugged by the dark.
Thought sleep paralysis demons were a forced meme until I had several experiences with one. The surreal experience last night was where they were sitting in my desk chair with a fog srurrounding their face chanting some demonic chingrish nonsense. So I hit it with a bludgeoned object while barely being able to utter any words. The object simply phased through it as it kept chanting and I barely uttered the words “shut up” to it.

Then I woke up and turns out I hadn't moved from my bed at all.
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I feel blessed, after I did throw out my old tank tops in S I use for the gym. In new ones in XXL, with some shrinkage. Because me washing without using the dryer isn't happening.
Tight clothes when you're all sweaty is torture. All 100% cotton, because synthetics are torture too.
Thought sleep paralysis demons were a forced meme until I had several experiences with one. The surreal experience last night was where they were sitting in my desk chair with a fog srurrounding their face chanting some demonic chingrish nonsense. So I hit it with a bludgeoned object while barely being able to utter any words. The object simply phased through it as it kept chanting and I barely uttered the words “shut up” to it.

Then I woke up and turns out I hadn't moved from my bed at all.
I crammed a 40-hour work week into three days. On the long drive home, I nearly toppled the trailer, swerving out of the way of what I thought was a large black dog. I don't miss those days. The mind has ways of playing tricks on you when you're tired.