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Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
I regret showing the BPD girl my penis. She did give me nudes in exchange and we just started dating but she has my nudes archived somewhere on her computer. She's not up to date with technology but she showed me some of the applications she has also softwares for team project. So she is sophisticated in some areas of using a computer. She didn't tell me what archiving program it was but she has a picture of my penis somewhere, archived somewhere. I didn't really think of it much maybe because she was just so in love with me and we were in the moment. I haven't had web cam sex in a hot minute on discord, last I had webcam sex was two years ago so I had a hard time getting off to her but she took a vibrator and started rimming her pussy on camera for me so that was when I started to get off.

Anyways, I have her nudes too, she has a picture of my penis but I'm not the type of person to leak things like how my swedish ex leaked those discord messages between me and her. That was really cold of her to do that. I'm just afraid the BPD girl will drop that picture here, that's the only thing she has over me is that stupid mistake but she has to realize that she has 100s of pictures of herself on the internet and I could make a whole thread about her so she can get bullied for leaking the picture of my penis. BPD women are mysterious in nature and I'm actually afraid she will get on this website and revenge porn me while I sleep.

But she has to understand, I have her nudes too and I know her socials where there are hundreds of pictures of her on them. It would be really stupid of her to do that because one night in voice chat she was crying to me while drunk about being bullied in school for sounding like a man, that she was beat by her ex for 8 years, typical BPD women shit. I could have recorded those calls of her crying and just leaked them on the Katelyn Rose thread but I'm not like my ex best friend, @Timepace, or Kaine and wouldn't do that.

Honestly the BPD women is going to kill herself anyways for cheating on me with new Rose. I don't even know why I trust women so much right away with my heart. One of new roses gfs is 2 spirited and the other does mushrooms in her bedroom. I don't understand why I surround myself with people like this, it must be I hate myself and I do this to myself for gratification.

What people don't understand is, I was a sex experiment because of my ex best friend. He would want me to masturbate everyday for a month to tell him what it was like. Now that I think about it, he was trans in away because he would tell me all of the time that he wished that he was a girl so I can eat his pussy and cum inside of him. He has serious sex issues and would tell me being a man was nothing special to him. The other night I was afraid that he was on this site because of a guy copying my style on KF 2 but it wasn't him thankfully. He is not the type to use forum sites so he wouldn't even know I'm talking about him.

He has a sex cult on discord and he's probably too busy running that to even give a shit about me. But I don't understand is why doesn't Rose just take me back in? Did rose seriously forget about me all this time and I'm just nothing anymore? Her boyfriend must really hate me for coming onto Rose but we could be one happy family and share her. Two guys with a lot of sexual urges taking turns on Rose. It would be therapy for both of us. I would love to see Rose take it like a champ in front of me and I would love to have her after her boyfriend cums in her. I think that's what Rose needs is two guys having sex with her, I think she wouldn't be depressed anymore but who knows. I'm in a discord server with a BPD women that keeps talking about being lonely and wanting to kill herself.

New rose is so boring, she doesn't know about this website so she wouldn't even know I'm talking about her. New Rose plays runescape all of the time, she plays stardew valley, the sims shit like that. And her and her gfs have a private sex voice channel they won't allow me. They have webcam sex but because one of the girls is lesbian they don't want to see a penis so I'm not allowed into the voice chat which is stupid because I could really change the lesbian girls mind. I just don't get it anymore I'm not even the type of person to scrape the bottom of the barrel. I just want some spice in my romance experiences.

Another thing the BPD women told me is she is into communicating with the dead. She told me she was able to summon a demon that told her what her future out look was but told me that she has to keep it a secret or it won't come true. This BPD women has dolls in her room, a shelf full of knives and ritual objects. She has mushrooms, weed, and crazy stuff growing in her room. She showed me her dildos, her sex toys and BDSM items. She told me if I were to walk into her house, sex was the thing I would have to give her if I wanted to leave or she would cast love spells on me and possess me into reproducing with her so I'm binded to her financially. She also hated that I would be in calls with a few of my buddies and would threaten to cut herself if I didn't VC with her. She also told me she hasn't been on meds for the past year and tried to kill herself. Really crazy women but I was not judgemental. One night when we voice chatted, she told me she doesn't feel a thing sometimes and warned me if I was handcuffed to her bed she might have urges to kidnap me and imprison me in a cabin somewhere out of the city and I would be a missing persons. This BPD women told me some crazy stories. But then for her to tell me one night, all of that wasn't because we were boyfriend and girlfriend really shattered my heart and now all she does in the disord server is guilt trip me and new rose about being suicidal so we can feel sorry for her. I don't understand why we keep her in the server. She says she's a nazi that would do mass shootings on LGBT parades but then flirts with one of new roses GFs behind her back so it makes no sense to me. I think when I told the BPD women that I had good parents, I had my own car and didn't get a ticket yet, it really bothered her that I'm 5 years younger than her and I'm not cooked. She used to do cocaine at work and was fired for it, she did mushrooms and peyote and I can tell she never came back from it. She drinks everyday and cuts herself sometimes. But I gave her attention and my heart and she stomped on it but guilt trips me. She lost her license for DUIs.

I really don't understand. Now she also cries that she gets bullied on discord, gets bullied on instagram, gets bullied by her friends. She is a tragic case and needs to fuck off. I want to tell her she should just take the easy way out but I'm not like my ex best friend that lets a suicide happen so I'm trying to be the bigger person and go with her rants and ramblings. When I told her about onionfarms she said she would shoot most of the people on here but yet she hasn't made an account yet to rebuta my claims about her. Maybe once she beats her drinking problem she will make an account but that will never happen.

do you really think that i'm that fucking stupid?
I was watching you the whole fucking time ;_; the whole time and you just made fun of me for my issues and problems. Telling everyone my business joking about my abuse, telling everyone my beliefs your a piece of shit for this and you made me drink more i was going to get my shit together so i can actually try with the relationship but you fucking went on this site and told lies upon lies about me and i dont care about that whore im not picking sides but motherfucker you messed with a crazy bitch and i plan to stay as long as you are on here because for the past week my heart has been sinking and the work you put on it made anything i had vanish your the only guy that made me feel something and i stopped drinking for 2 days because you made me feel like im something fuck you @YandereTheory
I was watching you the whole fucking time ;_; the whole time and you just made fun of me for my issues and problems. Telling everyone my business joking about my abuse, telling everyone my beliefs your a piece of shit for this and you made me drink more i was going to get my shit together so i can actually try with the relationship but you fucking went on this site and told lies upon lies about me and i dont care about that whore im not picking sides but motherfucker you messed with a crazy bitch and i plan to stay as long as you are on here because for the past week my heart has been sinking and the work you put on it made anything i had vanish your the only guy that made me feel something and i stopped drinking for 2 days because you made me feel like im something fuck you @YandereTheory
Oh shit
I regret showing the BPD girl my penis.
if you're this person
I was watching you the whole fucking time ;_; the whole time and you just made fun of me for my issues and problems. Telling everyone my business joking about my abuse, telling everyone my beliefs your a piece of shit for this and you made me drink more i was going to get my shit together so i can actually try with the relationship but you fucking went on this site and told lies upon lies about me and i dont care about that whore im not picking sides but motherfucker you messed with a crazy bitch and i plan to stay as long as you are on here because for the past week my heart has been sinking and the work you put on it made anything i had vanish your the only guy that made me feel something and i stopped drinking for 2 days because you made me feel like im something fuck you @YandereTheory
Post his nudes
You are a stupid bitch. Wasting my time for two weeks. Using me as a rebound to make yourself feel better. Gas lighting me and the server about not feeling loved. You don't deserve any. No man will ever love you and treat you right but me. I gave you so much affection, so much attention and you took my sweetness just to drain me of my emotions. Honestly, welcome to the site bitch because @Timepace could be your sister since she has what you have.

Why did you have to join the discord server? Out of all of the females why you? Just to break another persons heart.

it was too soon asshole! i never gave you nudes, i dont have dildos we never did anything on discord webcam we only talked two fucking times! but now ik how you truly are asshole! fucking making shit up about me because i friendzoned you! fucking immature and typical problem child shit! it really upsets you that much to the point you made pages upon pages telling lies about me
no that im here do you feel like youre getting the attention now huh???? is this what you wanted motherfucker you piece of shit??? congratz you just got it and i will continue to put you in your fucking place you piece of shit joking about my suicide attempt, joking about my ex odding, fuck you for that man! grow the fuck up and get over yourself

you are so delusional and deranged and just far gone you make shit up about people and felt so bad i reported maximilianmuses' channel for you when you told me the shit he did to you but now fuck it you deserve every bit of that i should have never trusted you and you think your so cute threatening to dox my socials GO THE FUCK AHEAD faggot you piece of shit i hope you fucking die
Anyways, I have her nudes too, she has a picture of my penis but I'm not the type of person to leak things like how my swedish ex leaked those discord messages between me and her. That was really cold of her to do that. I'm just afraid the BPD girl will drop that picture here, that's the only thing she has over me is that stupid mistake but she has to realize that she has 100s of pictures of herself on the internet and I could make a whole thread about her so she can get bullied for leaking the picture of my penis.
No need to make a thread. You should just DM the nudes to me instead. I will keep them safe.
I lied about having her nudes. But there's a whole catalog of this women far off somewhere on the internet you can jerk yourself off to like I did when she was my babe. Nothing like jerking off to a Nazi bitch that looks like fester. Then again she is a whore I don't know if you would want seconds. Nothing like a screaming Heil Hitler! when you cum.

Nothing like some revenge. I put what you did to me past me. So last year but come on, let the onionfarms have a piece of the pie? Your reputation is so fucked right now. Why don't we be a little based and let the dumb bitch have it?
I'm not giving anyone anything. If Rose goes on this site and sees I did something fucked up like that, she won't be my friend again. I don't care what you people have to say about it. I am going to be the bigger person in this situation.

you wouldnt have the balls and it wouldnt even matter if you did i post my shit public anyways so who gives a shit
I can't get a fucking break with you people. Never. For the 5th or so time I do not have Rose added I do not know where you are getting this from. Rose blocked me, banned me from the server she was working on for me. The server was going to be a romance server designed for me to find my soul mate. One night I came on to Rose and the boyfriend forced her to block me. I was smoking weed, was stressed and became horny and I made a stupid mistake because I was CHEATED on for the 3rd time by a girl. You people do not understand how fucking depressed I get when I realize I do not have a women to hold me fucking ever in my sad fucking miserable life. I NEVER @that bitch v told you to fucking report the guys channel, you made that decision on your own and now you have made yourself a potential target and now you have put my channel in danger of being taken down. Hope you are fucking happy.

You people just beat people the fuck down like me and rose and it is never fair to us. We have issues, health problems, financial issues and all you niggers do is sit around and hope that we kill ourselves and it's fucking funny coming from @Timepace that told me in private that she has depression cycles ON MY BIRTHDAY mind you, to fuck up my day. Why the fuck do I have to be constantly dragged through the mud over mistakes I made so long ago, losing friends, being fucked over my best friends, being cheated on all the time, ghosted, fucking manipulated. Rose was the only person that understood me, that gave a flying fuck about me and you people always bitch and moan about her all the time.

@Deus Kaine, you complain about Rose not playing the videogames she bought you but she never asked for them in the first place, she has told you constantly that she is in a relationship and you fucking refuse to accept that fact. You always brag to her about getting pussy but yet when you are alone and don't have someone to roleplay with in a discord server you go crawling back to Rose for affection.

@that bitch v
You have ruined my heart for nights and nights and nights. I gave you my everything. My attention to you, my cuteness, my sugar, my FUCKING very seed and honey for you to fucking play with me. You are a miserable specimen with no future in sight. doesn't matter what money you are making now you will always being an alcoholic, pot head piece of shit that will not make it pass 30. I even offered a second chance to you and you fucking turned me down. I'm the only boy that have ever loved you, adored you WANTED TO BE IN DISCORD CALLS WITH YOU. and you fucking left me to bleed and cry in so MUCH FUCKING PAIN. I hope the next boyfriend you get, he beats the fucking soul out of your already critically damaged body. You complain about having friends but when you have friends you guilt trip the fuck out of them like you have the discord server. Please continue feeling lonely you stupid fucking bitch. Fuck you, fuck your life, fuck everything you have, go back to crying some more because right now I'm jerking the fuck off to some good ass porn. At least with that, I feel something because you fucked me up mentally over the course of last month. Fuck you, maybe you should be the one to fucking die you fucking stupid bitch.

asshole I was just getting out of a rough break up. I wasnt ready yet you could have just fucking waited but instead you came on here and brought me into the shit storm well im here now and im staying like i said you are fucking retarded i bet you enjoy being humiliated because you are so alone i never wanted to fuck you you werent my type anyways i can already tell you sound like a faggot when you talk you cry at everything i say like you actually care please shut the fuck up about my emptiness you will never understand that shit retard. i never wanted to get the pc i was just saying that so you can leave me the fuck alone
you will never understand what i went through and you acted like you understood my drinking issue in the server but you dont i never wanted to "cuddle" with you i only date men not pussy boys that cry like babies to me because of my issues that dont really give a shit you are like my friends total fucking scumbags that dont give a shit about me and it shows because you wrote sex ful posts about me and just made shit up

shut the fuck up

again kill yourself you are ugly as fuck and you are friends with niggers
asshole I was just getting out of a rough break up. I wasnt ready yet you could have just fucking waited but instead you came on here and brought me into the shit storm well im here now and im staying like i said you are fucking retarded i bet you enjoy being humiliated because you are so alone i never wanted to fuck you you werent my type anyways i can already tell you sound like a faggot when you talk you cry at everything i say like you actually care please shut the fuck up about my emptiness you will never understand that shit retard. i never wanted to get the pc i was just saying that so you can leave me the fuck alone
you will never understand what i went through and you acted like you understood my drinking issue in the server but you dont i never wanted to "cuddle" with you i only date men not pussy boys that cry like babies to me because of my issues that dont really give a shit you are like my friends total fucking scumbags that dont give a shit about me and it shows because you wrote sex ful posts about me and just made shit up

shut the fuck up

again kill yourself you are ugly as fuck and you are friends with niggers

white trash
asshole I was just getting out of a rough break up. I wasnt ready yet you could have just fucking waited but instead you came on here and brought me into the shit storm well im here now and im staying like i said you are fucking retarded i bet you enjoy being humiliated because you are so alone i never wanted to fuck you you werent my type anyways i can already tell you sound like a faggot when you talk you cry at everything i say like you actually care please shut the fuck up about my emptiness you will never understand that shit retard. i never wanted to get the pc i was just saying that so you can leave me the fuck alone
you will never understand what i went through and you acted like you understood my drinking issue in the server but you dont i never wanted to "cuddle" with you i only date men not pussy boys that cry like babies to me because of my issues that dont really give a shit you are like my friends total fucking scumbags that dont give a shit about me and it shows because you wrote sex ful posts about me and just made shit up

shut the fuck up

again kill yourself you are ugly as fuck and you are friends with niggers

Local Broom here can to share what is going on?