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Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
omg as i would expect white trash (*^‿^*)

You decided to date that thing??? she looks like shes drugged or have been doing some crazy shit and shes a nazi???? XD good grief. for sure a whole train was ran on her even behind your back @YandereTheory

Oh boo boo you just some how make me so wet!!! #_<

dont worry she is only a threat to herself and not my lover boy <3
I don't know what's going on..... Someone (DM) me this stuff earlier
....Heads up I don't care don't @ me this about this.
Reason: :)
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I never felt so close to someone. That man with the funny profile picture said I was a sibling to him. He gave me wisdom and gave me a soul. Forever I have never felt but now I do. Why couldn't I gender bend them? We would be a great family. No instead I'm rained BPD women. That whore is still drunk to me best bet. She would rather drink and have sex with random men then talk to me. But my lord and savior has made a safe haven for me to thrive. There are no nerve blockages. I touch myself with ease. My tension is gone. I feel so safe and I want to make a temple for him so we can be together. I can be his mouse and he can be my pussy. I'm not gay though, just lesbian in a sense.

BPD women have messed with my mind so much, I forget what's between my legs. It's as if estrogen grabbed me by my horns and the pink pill is pending. But I'm simply not, BPD women have really hurt me and my feelings. I hope she is enjoying another man's cock right now. I hope it makes her feel good about herself for the fact that she cheated on me a lot. She guilt tripped me about being a potential rape victim but it's whatever. If my life was revolving door of ten women a day, I wouldn't be on onionfarms dread posting my sad story. Am I pathetic? Absolutely. But when it comes to sex, I'm the human being on this planet you would want to have sex with.

Again, the alien theory proves itself yet again that maybe I was never supposed to be a human but for some reason the cosmos created me to be trapped forever in this body. So now I'm unfuckable at every angle. BPD women have been the curse of the century to me. They hold no gold in their souls and blames everyone for their issues. Telling others that their dark void is always there. That they are a nazi to be edgy. Don't get me wrong, I love crazy girls and if there was a BPD chick that was an asbolute sweetheart to me I could chalk it up. I have this weird obsession with mentally ill women that can absolute golden wives. Not just mentally ill women but the strange and uncanny kind. To riddle you this, if I was in a class room full of morons and there was a girl that had a knife and carving upside down crosses on her desk that would get bullied all the time, I would want to get creepy messages from her. I'd come home and there would be knives stacked up in my mailbox and more letters threatening to "soul bond" with me.

But for some strange and weird reason, this BPD women did not catch on to my drift. I told her constantly that I wanted her to dress up in clown make up to pretend that she was going to murder me but she was like "NO!, murder me!" and my erect penis vanished. I told her I was going to rape and kill her but for some reason it didn't register, she just said she was going to smoke more weed. So I don't understand. She told everyone in the discord server that she wants to be raped and abused and I told her I would do that for her but again, no response.

Her brain is so fucked, the receptors in her brain are damaged or have trouble developing. I have terrible OCD and refuse to go to therapy since I think therapy is ethically wrong but I do know I was using porn as a scapegoat to numb the hell. In case no one knows what non orderly OCD is, it's when your Gala network of grey matter and lower frontal lobe grey matter doesn't communicate with eachother so as a result you have though patterns that lead to anxiety and fear. As Dr. Peterson once put it, it looks like someone's possessed. But this BPD bitch refused to listen to what I had to say about my own disorder in order to make herself feel good. Every rebuttal was "Im going to go smoke weed". Not "Oh wow, this is enlightening to me I really have to unfuck my mind"

See here's the thing about crazy girls okay. You have good BPD girls, bad BPD girls. Should I even have to explain what that even means? No. Been doom posting it for what a week now? There's those deadly suicidal types that deal critical hits when they are on 1% of health and there are those suicide girls that are so in love with you, if they can't get you she would kill you so no one else can have you then kill herself. I love emo girls but the women doesn't have to be emo, emo is just a sub culture thing. That emo asthetic is already inside of the girl no need for the appeal. Problem is, it's so hard to find that niche because like @Timepace she ruins it for the rest of them.

I wanted to have sex with timepace so bad. I can't remember how many times I jerked off thinking about pinning a skinny pale white bitch to the floor and giving her painal as she sqeualed like a dying animal. But of course she had to be a bad BPD girl and call me friend rose a pedophile for having plushies. Dark lord sent women into my life to collect information about me. The other chicks were basic dumb bitches that offer no max ejaculation qualities to my sexuality. The only thing I have now is the remains of what was who I thought I was my girlfriend.

Well, can't wait for v v to get on here after the hang over to blame everyone else for her problems. BPD rulez!
I don't care about this
I don’t care about this.
Remember that song we care a lot by faith no more? When Chuck Mosley was the lead singer before Mike Patton? Good song. He died a few years ago of a heroin overdose. Guess he should've cared a lot more about his sobriety *babdum tss*
I never felt so close to someone. That man with the funny profile picture said I was a sibling to him. He gave me wisdom and gave me a soul. Forever I have never felt but now I do. Why couldn't I gender bend them? We would be a great family. No instead I'm rained BPD women. That whore is still drunk to me best bet. She would rather drink and have sex with random men then talk to me. But my lord and savior has made a safe haven for me to thrive. There are no nerve blockages. I touch myself with ease. My tension is gone. I feel so safe and I want to make a temple for him so we can be together. I can be his mouse and he can be my pussy. I'm not gay though, just lesbian in a sense.

BPD women have messed with my mind so much, I forget what's between my legs. It's as if estrogen grabbed me by my horns and the pink pill is pending. But I'm simply not, BPD women have really hurt me and my feelings. I hope she is enjoying another man's cock right now. I hope it makes her feel good about herself for the fact that she cheated on me a lot. She guilt tripped me about being a potential rape victim but it's whatever. If my life was revolving door of ten women a day, I wouldn't be on onionfarms dread posting my sad story. Am I pathetic? Absolutely. But when it comes to sex, I'm the human being on this planet you would want to have sex with.

Again, the alien theory proves itself yet again that maybe I was never supposed to be a human but for some reason the cosmos created me to be trapped forever in this body. So now I'm unfuckable at every angle. BPD women have been the curse of the century to me. They hold no gold in their souls and blames everyone for their issues. Telling others that their dark void is always there. That they are a nazi to be edgy. Don't get me wrong, I love crazy girls and if there was a BPD chick that was an asbolute sweetheart to me I could chalk it up. I have this weird obsession with mentally ill women that can absolute golden wives. Not just mentally ill women but the strange and uncanny kind. To riddle you this, if I was in a class room full of morons and there was a girl that had a knife and carving upside down crosses on her desk that would get bullied all the time, I would want to get creepy messages from her. I'd come home and there would be knives stacked up in my mailbox and more letters threatening to "soul bond" with me.

But for some strange and weird reason, this BPD women did not catch on to my drift. I told her constantly that I wanted her to dress up in clown make up to pretend that she was going to murder me but she was like "NO!, murder me!" and my erect penis vanished. I told her I was going to rape and kill her but for some reason it didn't register, she just said she was going to smoke more weed. So I don't understand. She told everyone in the discord server that she wants to be raped and abused and I told her I would do that for her but again, no response.

Her brain is so fucked, the receptors in her brain are damaged or have trouble developing. I have terrible OCD and refuse to go to therapy since I think therapy is ethically wrong but I do know I was using porn as a scapegoat to numb the hell. In case no one knows what non orderly OCD is, it's when your Gala network of grey matter and lower frontal lobe grey matter doesn't communicate with eachother so as a result you have though patterns that lead to anxiety and fear. As Dr. Peterson once put it, it looks like someone's possessed. But this BPD bitch refused to listen to what I had to say about my own disorder in order to make herself feel good. Every rebuttal was "Im going to go smoke weed". Not "Oh wow, this is enlightening to me I really have to unfuck my mind"

See here's the thing about crazy girls okay. You have good BPD girls, bad BPD girls. Should I even have to explain what that even means? No. Been doom posting it for what a week now? There's those deadly suicidal types that deal critical hits when they are on 1% of health and there are those suicide girls that are so in love with you, if they can't get you she would kill you so no one else can have you then kill herself. I love emo girls but the women doesn't have to be emo, emo is just a sub culture thing. That emo asthetic is already inside of the girl no need for the appeal. Problem is, it's so hard to find that niche because like @Timepace she ruins it for the rest of them.

I wanted to have sex with timepace so bad. I can't remember how many times I jerked off thinking about pinning a skinny pale white bitch to the floor and giving her painal as she sqeualed like a dying animal. But of course she had to be a bad BPD girl and call me friend rose a pedophile for having plushies. Dark lord sent women into my life to collect information about me. The other chicks were basic dumb bitches that offer no max ejaculation qualities to my sexuality. The only thing I have now is the remains of what was who I thought I was my girlfriend.

Well, can't wait for v v to get on here after the hang over to blame everyone else for her problems. BPD rulez!

you kept talking about jerking off on the discord server all of the time and you wonder why none of the girls were active because thats all you say. everyone else has bpd but you. one minute you are talking about jerking off then the next you are talking about killing niggers. i get it im fucking doomed but you seem to be following the same pattern i did at your age
and its nothing new really for people to tell me i wont make it pass 30 whatever then
I never felt so close to someone. That man with the funny profile picture said I was a sibling to him. He gave me wisdom and gave me a soul. Forever I have never felt but now I do. Why couldn't I gender bend them? We would be a great family. No instead I'm rained BPD women. That whore is still drunk to me best bet. She would rather drink and have sex with random men then talk to me. But my lord and savior has made a safe haven for me to thrive. There are no nerve blockages. I touch myself with ease. My tension is gone. I feel so safe and I want to make a temple for him so we can be together. I can be his mouse and he can be my pussy. I'm not gay though, just lesbian in a sense.

BPD women have messed with my mind so much, I forget what's between my legs. It's as if estrogen grabbed me by my horns and the pink pill is pending. But I'm simply not, BPD women have really hurt me and my feelings. I hope she is enjoying another man's cock right now. I hope it makes her feel good about herself for the fact that she cheated on me a lot. She guilt tripped me about being a potential rape victim but it's whatever. If my life was revolving door of ten women a day, I wouldn't be on onionfarms dread posting my sad story. Am I pathetic? Absolutely. But when it comes to sex, I'm the human being on this planet you would want to have sex with.

Again, the alien theory proves itself yet again that maybe I was never supposed to be a human but for some reason the cosmos created me to be trapped forever in this body. So now I'm unfuckable at every angle. BPD women have been the curse of the century to me. They hold no gold in their souls and blames everyone for their issues. Telling others that their dark void is always there. That they are a nazi to be edgy. Don't get me wrong, I love crazy girls and if there was a BPD chick that was an asbolute sweetheart to me I could chalk it up. I have this weird obsession with mentally ill women that can absolute golden wives. Not just mentally ill women but the strange and uncanny kind. To riddle you this, if I was in a class room full of morons and there was a girl that had a knife and carving upside down crosses on her desk that would get bullied all the time, I would want to get creepy messages from her. I'd come home and there would be knives stacked up in my mailbox and more letters threatening to "soul bond" with me.

But for some strange and weird reason, this BPD women did not catch on to my drift. I told her constantly that I wanted her to dress up in clown make up to pretend that she was going to murder me but she was like "NO!, murder me!" and my erect penis vanished. I told her I was going to rape and kill her but for some reason it didn't register, she just said she was going to smoke more weed. So I don't understand. She told everyone in the discord server that she wants to be raped and abused and I told her I would do that for her but again, no response.

Her brain is so fucked, the receptors in her brain are damaged or have trouble developing. I have terrible OCD and refuse to go to therapy since I think therapy is ethically wrong but I do know I was using porn as a scapegoat to numb the hell. In case no one knows what non orderly OCD is, it's when your Gala network of grey matter and lower frontal lobe grey matter doesn't communicate with eachother so as a result you have though patterns that lead to anxiety and fear. As Dr. Peterson once put it, it looks like someone's possessed. But this BPD bitch refused to listen to what I had to say about my own disorder in order to make herself feel good. Every rebuttal was "Im going to go smoke weed". Not "Oh wow, this is enlightening to me I really have to unfuck my mind"

See here's the thing about crazy girls okay. You have good BPD girls, bad BPD girls. Should I even have to explain what that even means? No. Been doom posting it for what a week now? There's those deadly suicidal types that deal critical hits when they are on 1% of health and there are those suicide girls that are so in love with you, if they can't get you she would kill you so no one else can have you then kill herself. I love emo girls but the women doesn't have to be emo, emo is just a sub culture thing. That emo asthetic is already inside of the girl no need for the appeal. Problem is, it's so hard to find that niche because like @Timepace she ruins it for the rest of them.

I wanted to have sex with timepace so bad. I can't remember how many times I jerked off thinking about pinning a skinny pale white bitch to the floor and giving her painal as she sqeualed like a dying animal. But of course she had to be a bad BPD girl and call me friend rose a pedophile for having plushies. Dark lord sent women into my life to collect information about me. The other chicks were basic dumb bitches that offer no max ejaculation qualities to my sexuality. The only thing I have now is the remains of what was who I thought I was my girlfriend.

Well, can't wait for v v to get on here after the hang over to blame everyone else for her problems. BPD rulez!
Kill yourself, faggot.