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Last Update January 21, 2025

Sexuality Drama Ugly Transgendered Individuals

Sexuality related drama
INb4 Ashley swoops in to call these ugly fucks "conventionally attractive".
Along this line I have to imagine what a guy like this would say to his middle aged wife who, idk had to get a masectomy because of breast cancer and now has a big ugly scar where her tit used to be. Because I know what my husband would do in that situation because I trust him. Or gained weight due to pregnancy and postpartum. Thankfully we don't have arranged marriages so no human female has to suffer through those common scenarios of physical deformity and change with this slug.
KF user Trannymura.
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Qutoted my throwaway post 4 times? Did I somehow hit a nerve through all that blubber?
I pondered whether to post this in this thread or the Trainwreck Transitions thread, but I think this should go here. Because Nyk admitted that he was driven by pure vanity when he did his to himself. He made a video titled "Beauty" justifying his extreme vanity to the world. He insisted, against all evidence, that he was actually happy with the results.

As some of you know, when I was still on KF I spent most of my time in the ContraPoints thread. I stopped following Nyk/ContraPoints after I left KF, but recently I began to wonder what Nyk has been up to. I decided to check out one of Nyk's most recent videos. Nyk has only been posting monthly videos for his Patreon paypiggies, so all of his new videos are only available on Patreon now. If you were on Dayimo's Discord (RIP), you know you know. Anyways, I checked Nyk's latest Patreon video, and what I saw there really disturbed me.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what ContraPoints' FFS results look like, 4 years after the fact:


Holy fuck did Nyk ruin his face with his botched Facial Feminization Surgery.
I wrote on KF that Nyk's FFS was botched when he first showed his post-surgical face, and this basically proves that I was right all along. Nyk's face immediately looked botched after the FFS, and that botched look is even more apparent today.
No wonder Nyk only makes videos for the Patreon paypiggies nowadays.
If Nyk showed THIS face to the world, all those people who enabled him might actually find their balls in the shower with both hands, and thus find the nerve to finally tell Nyk the truth. That he doesn't look feminine at all. That all he achieved in the end is to make himself look far far worse than aging naturally as a man would've ever made him look.

I remember I had posted this Nine Inch Nails song in Nyk's thread on KF.
For me this song perfectly illustrates the obsessive/addictive nature of AGPs like Nyk who crave "something they can never have".
It feels even more fitting to post this song here after seeing Nyk like this...
