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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

  • For the record, I have no account on Lounge96. The Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt account listed on the forum is a phony

  • The Ashley forums have been merged
  • Posts from the Public Figure Miscellaneous forum have been merged into the Public Figure forum

Onionfarms Bling - General U Design it: I will list it.

Done but I have this on a coffee mug. The design is too small in size for a shirt.
Hold on let me edit out the shirt.
Here it is.
Reason: Done.
If I try to expand the design for a TShirt, the quality won't be very good.
I meant I'd add it without the shirt in case the program or app you used to remove the shirt messed up the edges and left them rough looking. Sometimes the remove background or object things I use don't do a very good job. Then I have to make adjustments myself.

Literally just a shit post I made in a couple minutes with most of the time being used to find the goatse hands and remove the background.

Also image uploads don't work again. Is the site going to kick the bucket or something?
Reason: I was going to post a screenshot of the thing I was using.