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  • For the record, I have no account on Lounge96. The Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt account listed on the forum is a phony

  • The Ashley Boards will stay open.

Onionfarms Bling - General U Design it: I will list it.

Crimson and Polonium do have a fair point about Kengle not deserving money but I just checked and he's making exactly $3 profit per shirt and he's already in the negative from asking a copyright lawyer a question it took me 5 minutes to find the answer to.
Of course I can now just print my own shirt through Printify and basically get free shipping for the same cost :trollface:
Apparently we're both lying because he has an unwarranted sense of self importance. He's the only one :late: enough to not already be aware of Ken's loli arc. Too bad the search feature doesn't even work.
Yeah I don't get if he's doing a bit or genuinely forgot but he's already seen proofs and been told how to find them on KF.
That's hilarious.

Also another point I didn't make yet is why support a site that doesn't even function when I try to use it?
Reason: It's not like giving it money would make it worth any better with this spaghetti code.
That's hilarious.

Also another point I didn't make yet is why support a site that doesn't even function when I try to use it?
Indeed. Where's the KF general? Where's the bug fix for the 3 day long server error?
Seems like time could have been spent on better things than larping as a Nigerian female journalist and helping a 764 pedophile poorly try to clear his name because that somehow owns Josh
Crimson and Polonium do have a fair point about Kengle not deserving money
That wasn't really the point I was making.
Give Ken money if you want to, but begging for (sorry """"""""""suggesting"""""""""") a special badge for donators is very, very reddit farms.

I love hathaway simp as much as I love all my onion brethren but this is like when your buddy is blind drunk at the bar in Bangkok and you're trying to steer him away from the ladyboys but at the end of the day, it's his asshole so 🤷‍♂️
Onion farms is more like a reddit splinter site such as communities.win, where the Donald moved to for being too autistic for even reddit while creating the q anon community and their own take on other sub reddits much like this one does with its sub forums.
UI.X and banded grey and blue are not that awful but I'm sort of used to dark theme legacy now. I can see using bear computer for the memes but cow tile is an eye sore.
Reason: As a result Christmas theme 1 works for me and new Halloween theme 1 isn't too bad. Maintenance isn't bad either.
Many of the others are too awful to use like blue and pink etc.
Reason: I might start using the grey and blue one.
Well I apparently won't be buying anything since Kengle is refusing to adjust my shirt cuz he's angry at me for calling out his weird sock puppet's "interview" with the 764 pedophile Brother Alameen, who is apparently cleared of all accusations because he said its nawt truuu and rambled some goofy shit about the CIA.

I even made an account on Printify to check and it would take like 60 seconds to fix it
View attachment 54856
I adjusted it.