Hellovan Onion
To understand a transgender woman the surgery that they have to endure you have to first understand what they’re aiming for.
So let’s start with the biological woman. Women have different biological features from males have been obvious throughout human history. and if anybody’s wondering why I’m going over the female body parts well, it turns out that some people don’t know anything about the female body parts. yes, believe it or not, there are some men who want to become women and yet they have never seen a vagina or understood where vagina is.
Let’s start from the top
The female breasts
The external sex organs
Internal sex organs
The uterus
Problems associated with the reproductive system
Common known problems are cancer(cervical breast, uterus, ovaries) endometriosis.
Autoimmune disorders are more commonly found in women.
There’s also complications with women taking certain medication’s more than men.
Inter sex
I don’t have a full list yet well a full list that can be more or less abridged and understand Laymans terms. So I’ll give a shorter list and give the link to a more detailed list, but as my reading goes people with sexual development disorders are clearly different between the two sexes, very few people who have sexual development disorder could give birth. most people with sexual development disorders seem to have many health complications, but that doesn’t mean they can’t live normal lives to some extent.
Female orgasm
The transgender woman process
Let’s start on the top and work our way to the bottom. i’ll later post doctors good and bad that do the surgeries when I have more information.
Plastic surgery feminization
Plastic surgery. The breast.
Plastic surgery. The groin area.
As turns out, there’s very few surgeries to help a transgender woman and any other area. For example, the hands biologically men have bigger hands than women. so another words, a transgender woman will have larger hands than their female counterparts.
So, in conclusion, this thread is more for the physical aspects of transgender ism, especially for trans women and I hope this thread would be more so like education.
So let’s start with the biological woman. Women have different biological features from males have been obvious throughout human history. and if anybody’s wondering why I’m going over the female body parts well, it turns out that some people don’t know anything about the female body parts. yes, believe it or not, there are some men who want to become women and yet they have never seen a vagina or understood where vagina is.
Let’s start from the top
The female breasts
Internal sex organs
The uterus
Problems associated with the reproductive system
Common known problems are cancer(cervical breast, uterus, ovaries) endometriosis.
Autoimmune disorders are more commonly found in women.
There’s also complications with women taking certain medication’s more than men.
Inter sex
I don’t have a full list yet well a full list that can be more or less abridged and understand Laymans terms. So I’ll give a shorter list and give the link to a more detailed list, but as my reading goes people with sexual development disorders are clearly different between the two sexes, very few people who have sexual development disorder could give birth. most people with sexual development disorders seem to have many health complications, but that doesn’t mean they can’t live normal lives to some extent.
Female orgasm
The transgender woman process
Let’s start on the top and work our way to the bottom. i’ll later post doctors good and bad that do the surgeries when I have more information.
Plastic surgery feminization
Plastic surgery. The breast.
Plastic surgery. The groin area.
As turns out, there’s very few surgeries to help a transgender woman and any other area. For example, the hands biologically men have bigger hands than women. so another words, a transgender woman will have larger hands than their female counterparts.
When it comes to facial I’m not very picky. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. I think it more depends on the body structure of the male skeleton. biological women have been doing plastic surgery for many years since it started become a thing. there are many reasons for plastic surgery and there’s good things and bad things about that I’m not gonna get into it because that’s a topic for another day but if a trans women wants to get plastic surgery on her face, I’m not going to horribly judge them for that however I am going to judge them, thinking that it changed them when the surgery obviously failed.
like all surgeries, there are risks, and some of these risks can be life altering choices. i’m sorry, but I’m gonna try to be as brutally honest as I can about these risks because some people just don’t understand the consequences. this is not me trying to be mean to anyone however, I’m hoping that by being brutally honest, there can be a solution to some of the serious problems that we have. Someone can figure something out and things can be gone better.
I’m going to further elaborate, because I know there’s certain people out there that will say certain things, so let me evaluate further. I was born a natural woman. In many ways, I am comfortable being born a natural woman however, I’m not always comfortable with my female body and that’s OK. I would like it to be there’s looks fat subsistence may be change my face to make it look more, elegant. The solution to the problem would be to get my ass off the ground and exercise. I may be some plastic surgery, but in the end, I am a female and a female body but if one day it turns out I wake up and I have a male penis down there, and my breast are gone. I would be devastated because I really love my breast and it would be feeling like I’m missing limbs. As said I would be, I would try to make the best of the situation I mean I can go topless and if I need breasts I can get breast surgery however, I understand that there’s some risks involved, so maybe some fake breast but different sizes one day I can go small one day I can go medium one day I can have big knockers like I used to. but when it comes to the penis, that’s a whole different story I could probably get used to it. There’s lots of books on understanding my reproductive new organ. now the surgery to change the area. It’s around however I notice. Something that there are some surgeons that are more talent than others. No matter how much I want to surgery nothing Can’t replicate the vagina I lost however, all is not lost.
The opening of the of the hole of the vagina should look decent. And by decent I mean it doesn’t look like someone chopped me up down there and they made a Picasso. The other thing is a vagina canal which also concerns me because the canal is a muscle that can self clean itself and if I have surgery again to make another vagina, I will not have that so I would have to clean there by other means. bacteria would develop, and that would not be good. I would have to insert something soft and durable and small to be inserted up there to clean it out. it would be different, but I will learn to adapt and endure.
like all surgeries, there are risks, and some of these risks can be life altering choices. i’m sorry, but I’m gonna try to be as brutally honest as I can about these risks because some people just don’t understand the consequences. this is not me trying to be mean to anyone however, I’m hoping that by being brutally honest, there can be a solution to some of the serious problems that we have. Someone can figure something out and things can be gone better.
I’m going to further elaborate, because I know there’s certain people out there that will say certain things, so let me evaluate further. I was born a natural woman. In many ways, I am comfortable being born a natural woman however, I’m not always comfortable with my female body and that’s OK. I would like it to be there’s looks fat subsistence may be change my face to make it look more, elegant. The solution to the problem would be to get my ass off the ground and exercise. I may be some plastic surgery, but in the end, I am a female and a female body but if one day it turns out I wake up and I have a male penis down there, and my breast are gone. I would be devastated because I really love my breast and it would be feeling like I’m missing limbs. As said I would be, I would try to make the best of the situation I mean I can go topless and if I need breasts I can get breast surgery however, I understand that there’s some risks involved, so maybe some fake breast but different sizes one day I can go small one day I can go medium one day I can have big knockers like I used to. but when it comes to the penis, that’s a whole different story I could probably get used to it. There’s lots of books on understanding my reproductive new organ. now the surgery to change the area. It’s around however I notice. Something that there are some surgeons that are more talent than others. No matter how much I want to surgery nothing Can’t replicate the vagina I lost however, all is not lost.
The opening of the of the hole of the vagina should look decent. And by decent I mean it doesn’t look like someone chopped me up down there and they made a Picasso. The other thing is a vagina canal which also concerns me because the canal is a muscle that can self clean itself and if I have surgery again to make another vagina, I will not have that so I would have to clean there by other means. bacteria would develop, and that would not be good. I would have to insert something soft and durable and small to be inserted up there to clean it out. it would be different, but I will learn to adapt and endure.
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