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Sexuality Drama Transgender women

Sexuality related drama
I saw a fucking troon on Al Jazeera of all places:

Damn, and the one thing I really liked about the War in Ghaza is that I didn't have to see any troons on either side. Thanks Al Jazeera for ruining that. Now I hate Islamists even more, because they broke the troon-truce first.

Didn't that network also merge or buy outwith a western (progressive) media company a few years ago? I could be wrong. That probably explains it at least in part. Pandering to "global standards" is also a major possibility. No better way to get on the good side of the western elite.
To understand a transgender woman the surgery that they have to endure you have to first understand what they’re aiming for.

So let’s start with the biological woman. Women have different biological features from males have been obvious throughout human history. and if anybody’s wondering why I’m going over the female body parts well, it turns out that some people don’t know anything about the female body parts. yes, believe it or not, there are some men who want to become women and yet they have never seen a vagina or understood where vagina is.

Let’s start from the top

The female breasts
The external sex organs

Internal sex organs

The uterus


Problems associated with the reproductive system

Common known problems are cancer(cervical breast, uterus, ovaries) endometriosis.

Autoimmune disorders are more commonly found in women.

There’s also complications with women taking certain medication’s more than men.

Inter sex

I don’t have a full list yet well a full list that can be more or less abridged and understand Laymans terms. So I’ll give a shorter list and give the link to a more detailed list, but as my reading goes people with sexual development disorders are clearly different between the two sexes, very few people who have sexual development disorder could give birth. most people with sexual development disorders seem to have many health complications, but that doesn’t mean they can’t live normal lives to some extent.

Female orgasm

The transgender woman process

Let’s start on the top and work our way to the bottom. i’ll later post doctors good and bad that do the surgeries when I have more information.

Plastic surgery feminization

Plastic surgery. The breast.

Plastic surgery. The groin area.

As turns out, there’s very few surgeries to help a transgender woman and any other area. For example, the hands biologically men have bigger hands than women. so another words, a transgender woman will have larger hands than their female counterparts.

When it comes to facial I’m not very picky. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. I think it more depends on the body structure of the male skeleton. biological women have been doing plastic surgery for many years since it started become a thing. there are many reasons for plastic surgery and there’s good things and bad things about that I’m not gonna get into it because that’s a topic for another day but if a trans women wants to get plastic surgery on her face, I’m not going to horribly judge them for that however I am going to judge them, thinking that it changed them when the surgery obviously failed.

like all surgeries, there are risks, and some of these risks can be life altering choices. i’m sorry, but I’m gonna try to be as brutally honest as I can about these risks because some people just don’t understand the consequences. this is not me trying to be mean to anyone however, I’m hoping that by being brutally honest, there can be a solution to some of the serious problems that we have. Someone can figure something out and things can be gone better.

I’m going to further elaborate, because I know there’s certain people out there that will say certain things, so let me evaluate further. I was born a natural woman. In many ways, I am comfortable being born a natural woman however, I’m not always comfortable with my female body and that’s OK. I would like it to be there’s looks fat subsistence may be change my face to make it look more, elegant. The solution to the problem would be to get my ass off the ground and exercise. I may be some plastic surgery, but in the end, I am a female and a female body but if one day it turns out I wake up and I have a male penis down there, and my breast are gone. I would be devastated because I really love my breast and it would be feeling like I’m missing limbs. As said I would be, I would try to make the best of the situation I mean I can go topless and if I need breasts I can get breast surgery however, I understand that there’s some risks involved, so maybe some fake breast but different sizes one day I can go small one day I can go medium one day I can have big knockers like I used to. but when it comes to the penis, that’s a whole different story I could probably get used to it. There’s lots of books on understanding my reproductive new organ. now the surgery to change the area. It’s around however I notice. Something that there are some surgeons that are more talent than others. No matter how much I want to surgery nothing Can’t replicate the vagina I lost however, all is not lost.

The opening of the of the hole of the vagina should look decent. And by decent I mean it doesn’t look like someone chopped me up down there and they made a Picasso. The other thing is a vagina canal which also concerns me because the canal is a muscle that can self clean itself and if I have surgery again to make another vagina, I will not have that so I would have to clean there by other means. bacteria would develop, and that would not be good. I would have to insert something soft and durable and small to be inserted up there to clean it out. it would be different, but I will learn to adapt and endure.
So, in conclusion, this thread is more for the physical aspects of transgender ism, especially for trans women and I hope this thread would be more so like education.

You guys have fooled me WAAAY too many times before
The only problem I have with any of this is where the trans woman says that her vagina is the same as a biological woman and it’s not. The neo vagina is its own thing and it should be its own thing.

You should read more posts from people who've actually had this butchery done to them. Their account of what it feels like, even years afterwards, are truly horrific:

In the kitchen, I’ve carved out a little office space, where I’ve worked solidly at home for the last three years. Lockdown was a nightmare, I know, but not for me. I get so much more done working in my own space, away from the noise and bright lights of the office. After an hour of going through my morning work routine, I’m pulled out of focus by a sharp sting, which normally happens after sitting down for an hour or so. It’s my pelvic region. It’s worse than usual, some days are better than others, but today is one of the bad ones.

Normally the warmth of the shower in the morning, is enough to relax the urethral passage, making using the toilet a little bit easier, but again, not today. I’ve been sitting on the toilet for about five minutes, and nothing is coming out, though not for the lack of trying. I begin psyching myself up, almost preparing the muscles to open, knowing that the final push will sting a bit.

A dribble begins. Okay, we’re in business. Do the pelvic exercises like the nurse told you and relax your bottom half, whilst slowly breathing outwards. The tiny stream slightly increases in velocity, allowing for a short-lived burst to emerge, before turning itself off like a tap. Inpatient at the sudden stoppage, I forcibly press the muscles trying to squeeze out the final drops, but that too isn’t enough. It still hasn’t stopped though, it’s just coming slowly. Again, as I was taught, I began rocking back and forth, side to side, attempting to empty any lingering urine. I’m confident enough to stand up, whilst holding some toilet tissue on the area, knowing more dribble will occur.

Upon returning to my desk, only thirty minutes pass before the sensation of a full bladder hits me again, and I go back and repeat the routine. By mid-day, I’ve done this several times, and no matter how careful I am, the dribble never seems to end and my underwear needs changing already.

Around 7:00 p.m., a welcome needle mitten saves me from the chain of dreams. I’m not annoyed at him this time, I’m grateful for the reminder, that the dream was a dream, and nothing more.

More alert now, my hand searches down my body on its own accord. The long muted sex drive, dampened by years of SSRi’s, hormones and surgery flickers like a star, but it’s still there, it’s just dim. Not being able to do anything without lubricants, I begin thinking about searching out a fresh tube, but by the time I’ve got up, the moments passed, only to be swapped for a sense of dissatisfaction and frustration. Standing to leave the bed, I suddenly remember my reality. Even the disturbing dreams were better than what I’ve just awoken to.

There’s a great deal of beauty in the world, and I like being part of it. Walking through forests, hearing the crashes of waves on long, empty Northumbrian beaches. But I can’t go far or do as I used to. Exercise generally is out of the question, it angers my scar area into a red rage of inflammation. Wherever I go, I have to think about the limitations, that really, no one my age who was healthy, should ever be thinking about. The level of medical care required to sustain my ongoing issues is nothing short of geriatric. All the physical issues aside, they all pale in comparison to the angst, betrayal and grief I hold for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t sit and wallow in misery all day every day, that’s boring and tiring. Trans-age is valid because I feel a thousand fucking years old.

A sharp pain comes out of nowhere. Scrunching my face in discomfort and breathing through the ache, I concluded that it was most certainly an injury sustained from trying not to slip and walking faster after the earlier incident. Man, it feels like something is dislodged inside, it’s not, it just feels that way. So I go to the bathroom and use the topical cream, allowing me to ‘inspect myself’. It’s like it’s itching, but probably the early signs of inflammation. The only way to get some relief is to lay flat, but I’m not tired or ready for bed yet.

In some ways, we were always ruined, even before we manifested that onto our bodies. So, what now? Would you like a pep talk? Do you want to reassure me that it’s difficult, but it’ll get better? Nah, you don’t want that, and I don’t want to hear you make promises you can’t keep, Let’s do something else instead. Let’s be realistic.

This dance went on for a while, but by 2018 the music had stopped and I was laid out for my sexual lobotomy known more kindly as SRS. Soon as I came around for surgery, I realised how much I fucked up and though I feigned happiness to everyone, deep down I was crushed. What had I done to myself?

But because I had GRS, I was able to see my gender therapist for another 2 years after surgery. I had expressed regret constantly, and this was blamed on obsessive thinking towards OCD.

Aside from keeping myself hygienic, I dilate about 4 times a year for 20 mins each and it never closes and most of the time never bother outside managing the trickle of urine from my constricted urethra after going to the toilet, the occasional shooting pain and the despair of my own stupidity.

My pelvis is behaving as if it’s been impaled, constantly trying to heal, constantly confused with what to do with the nerves. My urethra goes through cycles of constriction, meaning every 2 years I need surgery to open it again.

Dismiss me if you like, and put it down to ‘poor surgical outcomes’, but it’s not - I got lucky if you can believe it, I can climax, but there is nothing but numbness in the outer groin, I have tried prodding with clean knives and needles to see if I feel anything, but it’s just not there, there are isolated patches of nerve connectivity too where i can, but its mostly numb. This is not rare.

Most of my friends who had SRS have no sensation. Nothing.

I found that any negativity around this wasn’t discussed in the Church of Trans… “it’ll get better” but it never does. People are selling things they have no business selling, making promises they can’t keep.

It's the day before surgery, there's something ticking in your mind trying to break through a formidable defence of cognitive dissonance.

You neatly lay your character on the bed, ready for the surgery you’re convinced will make you better and save your life.

You wake up in a hospital bed. Your character was just that all along, it was you. This is the big reveal, the curtain call – the gravity of what you've just done hits you so hard.

It's not what you thought it would be and its full of hidden terms and conditions; incontinence, discharge, areas of no sensation, some sensation, pain, UTIs, infections, low energy, varicose veins…

You become demoralised and realise this wasn't worth it all.

You can climax, that's great, but actually you’ve started to realise your dysphoria down below wasn't even that bad to begin with, and in fact the idea of being with another male is quite a nice idea in your head.

Then you realise actually you wrote your character all wrong to begin with, and no one really helped with that.

You're gay, and you're traumatised from a life of severe homophobia.

You realise there is no undoing any of this.

This is what SRS is really like.
The only problem I have with any of this is where the trans woman says that her vagina is the same as a biological woman and it’s not. The neo vagina is its own thing and it should be its own thing.

You should read more posts from people who've actually had this butchery done to them. Their account of what it feels like, even years afterwards, are truly horrific:

In the kitchen, I’ve carved out a little office space, where I’ve worked solidly at home for the last three years. Lockdown was a nightmare, I know, but not for me. I get so much more done working in my own space, away from the noise and bright lights of the office. After an hour of going through my morning work routine, I’m pulled out of focus by a sharp sting, which normally happens after sitting down for an hour or so. It’s my pelvic region. It’s worse than usual, some days are better than others, but today is one of the bad ones.

Normally the warmth of the shower in the morning, is enough to relax the urethral passage, making using the toilet a little bit easier, but again, not today. I’ve been sitting on the toilet for about five minutes, and nothing is coming out, though not for the lack of trying. I begin psyching myself up, almost preparing the muscles to open, knowing that the final push will sting a bit.

A dribble begins. Okay, we’re in business. Do the pelvic exercises like the nurse told you and relax your bottom half, whilst slowly breathing outwards. The tiny stream slightly increases in velocity, allowing for a short-lived burst to emerge, before turning itself off like a tap. Inpatient at the sudden stoppage, I forcibly press the muscles trying to squeeze out the final drops, but that too isn’t enough. It still hasn’t stopped though, it’s just coming slowly. Again, as I was taught, I began rocking back and forth, side to side, attempting to empty any lingering urine. I’m confident enough to stand up, whilst holding some toilet tissue on the area, knowing more dribble will occur.

Upon returning to my desk, only thirty minutes pass before the sensation of a full bladder hits me again, and I go back and repeat the routine. By mid-day, I’ve done this several times, and no matter how careful I am, the dribble never seems to end and my underwear needs changing already.

Around 7:00 p.m., a welcome needle mitten saves me from the chain of dreams. I’m not annoyed at him this time, I’m grateful for the reminder, that the dream was a dream, and nothing more.

More alert now, my hand searches down my body on its own accord. The long muted sex drive, dampened by years of SSRi’s, hormones and surgery flickers like a star, but it’s still there, it’s just dim. Not being able to do anything without lubricants, I begin thinking about searching out a fresh tube, but by the time I’ve got up, the moments passed, only to be swapped for a sense of dissatisfaction and frustration. Standing to leave the bed, I suddenly remember my reality. Even the disturbing dreams were better than what I’ve just awoken to.

There’s a great deal of beauty in the world, and I like being part of it. Walking through forests, hearing the crashes of waves on long, empty Northumbrian beaches. But I can’t go far or do as I used to. Exercise generally is out of the question, it angers my scar area into a red rage of inflammation. Wherever I go, I have to think about the limitations, that really, no one my age who was healthy, should ever be thinking about. The level of medical care required to sustain my ongoing issues is nothing short of geriatric. All the physical issues aside, they all pale in comparison to the angst, betrayal and grief I hold for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t sit and wallow in misery all day every day, that’s boring and tiring. Trans-age is valid because I feel a thousand fucking years old.

A sharp pain comes out of nowhere. Scrunching my face in discomfort and breathing through the ache, I concluded that it was most certainly an injury sustained from trying not to slip and walking faster after the earlier incident. Man, it feels like something is dislodged inside, it’s not, it just feels that way. So I go to the bathroom and use the topical cream, allowing me to ‘inspect myself’. It’s like it’s itching, but probably the early signs of inflammation. The only way to get some relief is to lay flat, but I’m not tired or ready for bed yet.

In some ways, we were always ruined, even before we manifested that onto our bodies. So, what now? Would you like a pep talk? Do you want to reassure me that it’s difficult, but it’ll get better? Nah, you don’t want that, and I don’t want to hear you make promises you can’t keep, Let’s do something else instead. Let’s be realistic.

This dance went on for a while, but by 2018 the music had stopped and I was laid out for my sexual lobotomy known more kindly as SRS. Soon as I came around for surgery, I realised how much I fucked up and though I feigned happiness to everyone, deep down I was crushed. What had I done to myself?

But because I had GRS, I was able to see my gender therapist for another 2 years after surgery. I had expressed regret constantly, and this was blamed on obsessive thinking towards OCD.

Aside from keeping myself hygienic, I dilate about 4 times a year for 20 mins each and it never closes and most of the time never bother outside managing the trickle of urine from my constricted urethra after going to the toilet, the occasional shooting pain and the despair of my own stupidity.

My pelvis is behaving as if it’s been impaled, constantly trying to heal, constantly confused with what to do with the nerves. My urethra goes through cycles of constriction, meaning every 2 years I need surgery to open it again.

Dismiss me if you like, and put it down to ‘poor surgical outcomes’, but it’s not - I got lucky if you can believe it, I can climax, but there is nothing but numbness in the outer groin, I have tried prodding with clean knives and needles to see if I feel anything, but it’s just not there, there are isolated patches of nerve connectivity too where i can, but its mostly numb. This is not rare.

Most of my friends who had SRS have no sensation. Nothing.

I found that any negativity around this wasn’t discussed in the Church of Trans… “it’ll get better” but it never does. People are selling things they have no business selling, making promises they can’t keep.

It's the day before surgery, there's something ticking in your mind trying to break through a formidable defence of cognitive dissonance.

You neatly lay your character on the bed, ready for the surgery you’re convinced will make you better and save your life.

You wake up in a hospital bed. Your character was just that all along, it was you. This is the big reveal, the curtain call – the gravity of what you've just done hits you so hard.

It's not what you thought it would be and its full of hidden terms and conditions; incontinence, discharge, areas of no sensation, some sensation, pain, UTIs, infections, low energy, varicose veins…

You become demoralised and realise this wasn't worth it all.

You can climax, that's great, but actually you’ve started to realise your dysphoria down below wasn't even that bad to begin with, and in fact the idea of being with another male is quite a nice idea in your head.

Then you realise actually you wrote your character all wrong to begin with, and no one really helped with that.

You're gay, and you're traumatised from a life of severe homophobia.

You realise there is no undoing any of this.

This is what SRS is really like.
You should read more posts from people who've actually had this butchery done to them. Their account of what it feels like, even years afterwards, are truly horrific:

This is what SRS is really like.
I’ve read and well seen videos on YouTube and comment section. I also went to a certain website that gathered information from various other websites and it’s just very sad. I don’t want people to be hurt and I don’t want something that was supposed to be a solution causing more problems than it is. I know it’s gonna sound like a crackpot idea, but I was hoping for some type of prosthetic. there are some companies that prosthetic limbs that the patient can feel something.
@Firegirl26 you need to see this, this is what SRS is really like:

This testimony from a bisexual woman whose TIM partner is forcing her to go down on his inverted dick is particularly disturbing. She can tell that the inverted dick is nothing like a real vagina and is likely infected, but the TIM is in denial and refuses to see a doctor about it being infected:


Check out her sources too:

Works Cited:
AmandaQuantum. “Overwhelming scent from partner's vagina.” Reddit, 2021,

/ overwhelming_scent_from_partners_vagina . Accessed 30 March 2024.

BengalStripes. “Strong odor post op.” Reddit, 28 March 2024,

/ strong_odor_post_op . Accessed 30 March 2024.

Chang, Olivia H. “Care of the Post-vaginoplasty Patient: Management of Complications and Common Gynecologic Issues.” Springer, 6 January 2023, https://link.springer.com/article/10..... Accessed 30 March 2024.

DenseRegret6445. “Hair growing deep inside vaginal canal.” Reddit, 9 November 2017,

/ hair_growing_deep_inside_vaginal_canal . Accessed 30 March 2024.

Kerchkof, et al, Mauro. “Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunctions in Transgender Persons: Results from the ENIGI Follow-Up Study.” PubMed, 2019, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31668.... Accessed 30 March 2024.

Morrison, Shane, et al. “Principles and outcomes of gender-affirming vaginoplasty.” Nature Reviews Urology, 6 January 2023, https://www.nature.com/articles/s4158.... Accessed 30 March 2024.

Openworker. “Welp. There's hair in my vag...fuck : r/asktransgender.” Reddit, 2 November 2018,

/ welp_theres_hair_in_my_vagfuck . Accessed 30 March 2024.

Rajveer Purohit, MD, MPH. “Hair Removal Before Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty.” Transgender Surgery NYC, https://transgendersurgerynyc.com/vag.... Accessed 30 March 2024.

Terrible-Worldliness. “Post op orgasm failures.” Reddit, 2023,

/ post_op_orgasm_failures . Accessed 30 March 2024.

transthrowaway12121. “post-op sexual frustration.” Reddit, 2023,

/ postop_sexual_frustration . Accessed 30 March 2024.
van der Sluis, Wouter, et al. “Neovaginal discharge in transgender women after vaginoplasty: A diagnostic and treatment algorithm.” NCBI, 2020, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti.... Accessed 30 March 2024.

This comment:

This video just made me realize that there's no telling what could get trapped in a 'neo-vagina' and grow/ cause infection. They are not self-cleaning like a real vagina. We walk around with a flipping open hole in our bodies, and we are just fine because vaginas are amazing, and they take care of themselves. Creating an open wound in someone's body seems so incredibly dangerous!

@Firegirl26 you need to see this, this is what SRS is really like:

This testimony from a bisexual woman whose TIM partner is forcing her to go down on his inverted dick is particularly disturbing. She can tell that the inverted dick is nothing like a real vagina and is likely infected, but the TIM is in denial and refuses to see a doctor about it being infected:

View attachment 52716View attachment 52715View attachment 52714

Check out her sources too:

This comment:
I was looking for that that is a horrible story story. I’ve read about a few years ago on a certain website. when I have time to organize my computer, I have similar stories like that one. i’ll eventually one day post it.
Tbqhwy if I can't imagine having to go through life as a post-op tranny and knowing you've absolutely fucked yourself beyond all hope of redemption. I can understand why so many of them 41% themselves so fast after the snippy-snip. I'd definitely do it.
Here’s two videos of trans women and their experiences having their surgeries

Those videos aren't sincere. It's just posturing for Youtube.
This is what SRS is really like:

In the kitchen, I’ve carved out a little office space, where I’ve worked solidly at home for the last three years. Lockdown was a nightmare, I know, but not for me. I get so much more done working in my own space, away from the noise and bright lights of the office. After an hour of going through my morning work routine, I’m pulled out of focus by a sharp sting, which normally happens after sitting down for an hour or so. It’s my pelvic region. It’s worse than usual, some days are better than others, but today is one of the bad ones.

Normally the warmth of the shower in the morning, is enough to relax the urethral passage, making using the toilet a little bit easier, but again, not today. I’ve been sitting on the toilet for about five minutes, and nothing is coming out, though not for the lack of trying. I begin psyching myself up, almost preparing the muscles to open, knowing that the final push will sting a bit.

A dribble begins. Okay, we’re in business. Do the pelvic exercises like the nurse told you and relax your bottom half, whilst slowly breathing outwards. The tiny stream slightly increases in velocity, allowing for a short-lived burst to emerge, before turning itself off like a tap. Inpatient at the sudden stoppage, I forcibly press the muscles trying to squeeze out the final drops, but that too isn’t enough. It still hasn’t stopped though, it’s just coming slowly. Again, as I was taught, I began rocking back and forth, side to side, attempting to empty any lingering urine. I’m confident enough to stand up, whilst holding some toilet tissue on the area, knowing more dribble will occur.

Upon returning to my desk, only thirty minutes pass before the sensation of a full bladder hits me again, and I go back and repeat the routine. By mid-day, I’ve done this several times, and no matter how careful I am, the dribble never seems to end and my underwear needs changing already.

Around 7:00 p.m., a welcome needle mitten saves me from the chain of dreams. I’m not annoyed at him this time, I’m grateful for the reminder, that the dream was a dream, and nothing more.

More alert now, my hand searches down my body on its own accord. The long muted sex drive, dampened by years of SSRi’s, hormones and surgery flickers like a star, but it’s still there, it’s just dim. Not being able to do anything without lubricants, I begin thinking about searching out a fresh tube, but by the time I’ve got up, the moments passed, only to be swapped for a sense of dissatisfaction and frustration. Standing to leave the bed, I suddenly remember my reality. Even the disturbing dreams were better than what I’ve just awoken to.

There’s a great deal of beauty in the world, and I like being part of it. Walking through forests, hearing the crashes of waves on long, empty Northumbrian beaches. But I can’t go far or do as I used to. Exercise generally is out of the question, it angers my scar area into a red rage of inflammation. Wherever I go, I have to think about the limitations, that really, no one my age who was healthy, should ever be thinking about. The level of medical care required to sustain my ongoing issues is nothing short of geriatric. All the physical issues aside, they all pale in comparison to the angst, betrayal and grief I hold for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t sit and wallow in misery all day every day, that’s boring and tiring. Trans-age is valid because I feel a thousand fucking years old.

A sharp pain comes out of nowhere. Scrunching my face in discomfort and breathing through the ache, I concluded that it was most certainly an injury sustained from trying not to slip and walking faster after the earlier incident. Man, it feels like something is dislodged inside, it’s not, it just feels that way. So I go to the bathroom and use the topical cream, allowing me to ‘inspect myself’. It’s like it’s itching, but probably the early signs of inflammation. The only way to get some relief is to lay flat, but I’m not tired or ready for bed yet.

In some ways, we were always ruined, even before we manifested that onto our bodies. So, what now? Would you like a pep talk? Do you want to reassure me that it’s difficult, but it’ll get better? Nah, you don’t want that, and I don’t want to hear you make promises you can’t keep, Let’s do something else instead. Let’s be realistic.

This dance went on for a while, but by 2018 the music had stopped and I was laid out for my sexual lobotomy known more kindly as SRS. Soon as I came around for surgery, I realised how much I fucked up and though I feigned happiness to everyone, deep down I was crushed. What had I done to myself?

But because I had GRS, I was able to see my gender therapist for another 2 years after surgery. I had expressed regret constantly, and this was blamed on obsessive thinking towards OCD.

Aside from keeping myself hygienic, I dilate about 4 times a year for 20 mins each and it never closes and most of the time never bother outside managing the trickle of urine from my constricted urethra after going to the toilet, the occasional shooting pain and the despair of my own stupidity.

My pelvis is behaving as if it’s been impaled, constantly trying to heal, constantly confused with what to do with the nerves. My urethra goes through cycles of constriction, meaning every 2 years I need surgery to open it again.

Dismiss me if you like, and put it down to ‘poor surgical outcomes’, but it’s not - I got lucky if you can believe it, I can climax, but there is nothing but numbness in the outer groin, I have tried prodding with clean knives and needles to see if I feel anything, but it’s just not there, there are isolated patches of nerve connectivity too where i can, but its mostly numb. This is not rare.

Most of my friends who had SRS have no sensation. Nothing.

I found that any negativity around this wasn’t discussed in the Church of Trans… “it’ll get better” but it never does. People are selling things they have no business selling, making promises they can’t keep.

It's the day before surgery, there's something ticking in your mind trying to break through a formidable defence of cognitive dissonance.

You neatly lay your character on the bed, ready for the surgery you’re convinced will make you better and save your life.

You wake up in a hospital bed. Your character was just that all along, it was you. This is the big reveal, the curtain call – the gravity of what you've just done hits you so hard.

It's not what you thought it would be and its full of hidden terms and conditions; incontinence, discharge, areas of no sensation, some sensation, pain, UTIs, infections, low energy, varicose veins…

You become demoralised and realise this wasn't worth it all.

You can climax, that's great, but actually you’ve started to realise your dysphoria down below wasn't even that bad to begin with, and in fact the idea of being with another male is quite a nice idea in your head.

Then you realise actually you wrote your character all wrong to begin with, and no one really helped with that.

You're gay, and you're traumatised from a life of severe homophobia.

You realise there is no undoing any of this.

Troons can only enter a church through deception, even in death they have to resort to deception to get their way in:

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York condemned the funeral of a trans activist that was held last week in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, expressing outrage over what it called “scandalous behavior.”

More than 1,000 people filled the pews of the revered New York cathedral on February 15 to honor the legendary trans activist Cecilia Gentili, who died on February 6 at 52. Gentili was a pillar of New York’s trans community, as well as a fierce advocate for sex workers and people with HIV/AIDS. Though she grew up attending Catholic services in her home country of Argentina, she was also an avowed atheist.

Friends and family members of Gentili characterized last week’s service as “iconic” and “historic,” with funeral organizers saying they believed Gentili was the first trans person to have a funeral at the cathedral. Mourners showed up in feathery red dresses, fishnet stockings and lace veils, and the community prayed for God to protect trans people with health care and housing. In one eulogy, Gentili — a former sex worker — was remembered as “Saint Cecilia. Mother of all whores.”

But after videos from the funeral and news reports from CNN and other outlets began circulating online, some prominent Catholics and conservative groups responded with backlash. A senior leader at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the seat of the Archdiocese of New York, said after the fact that it was deceived into hosting the service.

“The Cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral Mass for a Catholic, and had no idea our welcome and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive way,” Rev. Enrique Salvo, the rector at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, said in a statement over the weekend.

“That such a scandal occurred at ‘America’s Parish Church’ makes it worse; that it took place as Lent was beginning, the annual forty-day struggle with the forces of sin and darkness, is a potent reminder of how much we need prayer, reparation, repentance, grace, and mercy to which this holy season invites us.”

Rev. Salvo added that the cathedral offered a mass of reparation at the direction of Cardinal Timothy Dolan to atone for the funeral.

Funeral organizers told CNN that they chose to honor Gentili at St. Patrick’s Cathedral because they felt its grandeur was a fitting tribute to her legacy — she was remembered at her funeral for championing the most marginalized peoples in society.

Imagine being so used to lying that you even have to lie from the grave to get into a space you're not welcome in.
I disagree with what Null says here though:

(reading from the chat) "I have seen the images"? Bro, the trannies think it's like an epic p0wn to send me the porn of F1nnster, like, just naked, on Twitter. As if I give a fuck. Like, I know what a man looks like. I've seen a penis before, it's attached to my body. You're not gonna surprise me with like a random photo of F1nnster and his boyfriend.

No, trans bodies truly are scary and viscerally disturbing. The first time I saw a troon naked I was viscerally disturbed at the sight of a synthetically hermaphrodized male body, which is what a so-called "transgender body" actually is. Null says: "I know what a male body looks like"... but a male body that has been poisoned with HRT literally no longer looks like a normal male body, it looks like a poisoned male body. I've already described how visibly sick and atrophied these so-called "girldicks" actually look, literally oozing snot as these gooning troons wring the life of their dying cocks. But take for example moobs. Troons think it's cute to have moobs, but it's really not cute when you look at it from a medical perspective. A healthy male body is not supposed to have moobs. Strong, healthy men have visible pecs but not hanging moobs that they need to wear a bra to keep in place. Many troons don't even wear bras like women do, because they fetishize the feeling of their moobs bouncing up and down when they walk, they openly talk about this on Reddit and how they get off on the idea of others watching their moobs bounce in their shirts when they walk in public with no bra, even and despite admitting that their moobs actually hurt. Whenever a male body develops moobs, it means there is something wrong with it, there's an imbalance there that's causing the moobs to grow, so it's a visibly sick body. When I look at a troon, I see someone who is sick and is manifesting their sickness physically in so many scary ways. That is very disturbing to me, the sight of a man making himself sick and assuming his sickness makes him look sexy to others. This fetishization of visibly sickened male bodies reinforces my perception of the gender cult as a necrophilic death cult.