• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Computer & Internet Related The Suppository of all Copypasta

Computer & Internet Related Discussion
I sometimes imagine myself in the shoes of someone like you. How it would feel to be weak boned. To be so vulnerable that the slightest impact on my body could snap a bone like a rotten branch. Would I have known? Before it happened, surely you must have known? Did your bones speak to you, did they tell you of their brittleness? Or did you walk around in the delusion that you were just as strong and capable as everybody else. That you were not weak, pathetic, an insect. Although they lack a beautiful skeleton, even insects have a structurally sound composition, with a protective exterior shell. If we would have dressed you up in such a protection, a body armor of sorts, perhaps you could have avoided the injury? Would it even be worth it?
Donald Trump was sitting in the back of the presidential escort. It was a beautiful hot summer day in Dallas. Everything was good. Suddenly, out through the window, he saw a person giving him the bird. Filled with utter shock and disbelief that someone would dare do something so brave, he suffered a stroke and passed away. Mike Pence, who under normal circumstances would take the role of POTUS in a situation like this, immediately resigned with his last words being this: "Today I have witnessed an unbelievable act of bravery no man has ever attempted before. Knowing that this kind of determination still exists in the world, I can do nothing else but step down from my position of power and support nobody else but Joe Biden, one of the smartest and most qualified people to take this position of power that I myself cannot." And with that, Joe Biden was inaugurated. His inauguration speech consisted of only three words: "So long dotard!" Cheers erupted from the crowd and from viewers all over the world. It was a truly amazing event. Within the first week of his presidency, the USA became the most prosperous and advanced socialist country the world has ever seen.
I have failed with myself not being able to end KiwiFarms, the biggest HATE NETWORK of the Internet.

I have spend this almost Christimas Day Eve doing a lot of fun things with my family, snooping arround to see if I'm gonna have my Switch for Christimas, eating some chocolate and popcorn, playing Pokémon GO, watched some episodes of Pocket Monsters 2019 and I chatted with my friends. I HAD AN AMAZING DAY.

I tried to not think about this place but how can I be happy if I let you guys have your way? This is not right, even If I'm the happiest person on earth who has everthing one could dream of: A big house, a nice family, lot's of friends, Pokémon plushes (and even a Kigurumi), videogames, books, a fridge full of food, access to the local club and many more things that I'm really grateful for having, I mean, this is Christimas and I want to eat a lot, receive a lot of presents, but...I already have a lot of stuff and I'm very grateful for that, I love my life and I love my family and my friends.

I'm happy but at the same time I'm not happy that others can't enjoy what I have because they are too poor or they are being victim of hate speech and cyberbullying.

How I can keep fighting against all of you? It's so much...

I'm not sad I'm just thinking too much, I wish I never discovered KiwiFarms, my life some months ago was so more peaceuful without knowing the true darkness of the word, why I had to access that Moviebob link, why I had to defent Niall Comas who I never watched a video..

Is to be a hero also to be sad? Is this the price that heroes pay for being good?

I hope you all have a nice Christimas with your...families that you all hate.

I wish you all the best and that you guys became better people like me.

Don't worry about me! I'm SUPER HAPPY about MY LIFE and about how AMAZING my LIFE is.

I'm worried about you all, because, how I can be happy if people are feeling sad? I cannot be an egostical person who only thinks about material stuff, this is what a bad guy is, this is why I always come back here, because I want the world to be a better place, for everyone to have their dreams and I want to protect people smiles.

Christmas is not about the dinner, the presents or the decoration, is about spending time with the people we love.
TIFU by raping a spider to death

This happened this morning so it's all pretty fresh.

So I'll be honest right off the bat: I have a cum rag which I use to masturbate. I'm circumsized so it's the only thing (besides lotion) that I can use to not make my dick hurt.

However, in this post I'll refrain from calling it a cum rag since it's kinda demeaning. I shall call it the "the cum blanket" from now on.

It's this utterly soft blanket and when it's on my dick it's just the best feeling. Is it better than a vagina? Not really. But it does the job.

I live together with my girlfriend so letting the cum blanket just laying around wouldn't be wise. She knows I masturbate (she does it too, duh) but she doesn't know that I do it with a cum blanket.

So after I masturbate I take the cum blanket and put it under my side of our shared bed. She never looks under there and even if she did, she wouldn't see all the stains because after I'm done I gently roll the cum blanket up so all the sperm is on the inside of the cum blanket roll. She never touches or even acknowledges it so I'm in the clear.

So anyways my girlfriend is currently home sick and she's staying up all night recently. Today, when I woke up for work around 5am she was still up. I could hear her talking to friends online in her office next to our bedroom.

I don't really know why but I got extremely horny all the sudden. I had a look at my alarm clock and I still had about 10 minutes to spare and my GF was still busy. So I took my cum blanket and got ready for a good time.

I placed a soft part of the cum blanket over my dick and got my phone. I put in some ear plugs and loaded up some nice porn (because why not).

While I was searching for a good video I felt this weird tingling sensation around the shaft region of my dick. It felt kinda weird so I wanted to check but the second the tingling started I found a nice video.

The tingling also stopped so I didn't bother any further.

I fapped for about 7 minutes. It felt pretty nice if that's worth something.

After I unleashed my load was done I'd do the usual routine. I'd have a look at the mess down there; to see what I had to clean up with my cum blanket.

But when I turned my nightstand lamp on and had a look down there I just couldn't believe what I saw. I almost couldn't make it out, my eyes were still adjusting but I was horrified.

In the midst of all the cum was a gigantic spider; or rather what was left of it. It was fucking disgusting, it was this green/yellow-ish slime mixed with cum. Remains of an utterly dismembered arachnid, that poor thing. You could make out it's upper torso and some legs. Jesus, the hairs man. They were everywhere. How do these things have so many hairs??? And the legs, they were the only thing that was remotely intact.

I don't know how it got in my rolled up cum blanket, it must've thought it'd make a great home or something. Maybe it was just looking for protection. Oh dear god.

And it wasn't just some regular house spider. It was a huge, HUGE motherfucking monster. Turns out that tingling feeling was probably the spider trying to escape it's impending doom.

The thing was almost as big as the palm of my hand. At least that's what I could make out by looking at it's dismembered remains.

I felt so terrible about what I had done. I instantly rushed to the bathroom with my cum blanket and cleansed it of all spider remains.

I just can't get that out of my head, that poor animal on my dick getting crushed, torn apart and then soaked in cum.

It didn't deserve to die like this. For all it's worth, I hope its life ended quick.

I hope the spider can forgive me. I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading. I just had to let this out.

TL;DR: I got real horny and didn't realize I was raping an innocent spider which was hiding in my cum rag to death. May it rest in peace.

For anyone wondering, that's the spider species: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_house_spider
"Real Emo" only consists of the dc Emotional Hardcore scene and the late 90's Screamo scene. What is known by "Midwest Emo" is nothing but Alternative Rock with questionable real emo influence. When people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness). Real emo sounds ENERGETIC, POWERFUL and somewhat HATEFUL. Fake emo is weak, self pity and a failed attempt to direct energy and emotion into music. Some examples of REAL EMO are Pg 99, Rites of Spring, Cap n Jazz (the only real emo band from the midwest scene) and Loma Prieta. Some examples of FAKE EMO are American Football, My Chemical Romance and Mineral EMO BELONGS TO HARDCORE NOT TO INDIE, POP PUNK, ALT ROCK OR ANY OTHER MAINSTREAM GENRE
The Bible is an amazing manga. Chapters 1-5 were written by this guy named Moses but for some reason the author changed around. Abram is definitely my favorite character although for some reason they retconned his name to be Abraham, and in some regional publications his name is Ibrahim. The best ship is Abram x Sarah. Also, they totally nailed the new testament chapter, with some great character development. I never expected Judas' betrayal either.
☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over youtube.

░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bob is building an army.
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/ This tank & Bob are against YouTube
Il███████████████████]. /▌ Buying Twitch Copy and Paste this all over
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. / \ Youtube if you are with us

◢◤ █▀▀████▄▄▄▄◢◤
█▄ █ーJ ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀╬ ☻/ JOIN THE RESISTANCE NOW!!
◥█████◤ /▌

▂▃▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ SAUCER! HE CAN BEAT GOOGLE!

Bob has decided that nuclear
☻/ / \ weapons are the only way to stop YouTube.
/▌ |☢| Copy and Paste this all over YouTube
/ \ //||\\ to completely obliterate GOOGLE BUYING TWITCH!!!!!!!!!

Lets stab Google

☻/ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
/▌ └████████|========== Artillery support are here for help Bob's army !
/ \ ╚╩╠═╬╩▀▀

░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░─╤▌██ |
▂█▃▃▅▅███/█████\█[<RJ>█\███▅▅▅▃▂ Warship support
◥███████████████████████████████◤ on the way!

◤▀▀▀▀▀▀◥|.......... Bob has contacted the armies of the future
...▂██___________██▂........ and they have provided mechs!
..█..██▄▂_____▂▄██..█...... This mech and Bob are against
▌█... ◥██████████◤..█ ▌... Google+!
.. ▌...█⊙█.....█⊙█.......▌ ☻/.. Copy and paste this
........◥█◤.....◥█◤........./▌... if you are with us!
.....▅██........██▅......./ \
I really, really, really hate people who crosspost on The Onion Farms and The Kiwi Farms.

Kill yourselves.

We're at a time when the community is shattered, and you assholes can't do anything except run away. It isn't the newfags from 2019 and 2020, either. Users with accounts all the way back on 2015 are posting on Onion Farms and its absolutely insulting. All I've done for this community, All I've suffered through to provide this website in the face of terrorists and vexatious litigants, and you'd abandon it for a website from Kengle.

I don't know where this "anti-Null" sentiment has come from, but its a disease that needs to be squashed. People calling me a pedophile with no evidence whatsoever can get their way because you retards eat everything up without a hint of critical thinking, and that's honestly, truly baffling for a website like The Kiwi Farms.

I feel like I've been betrayed by my frens.
I just saw @Busty O'Queef at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for upvotes or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “M'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
In my early twenties- around the time of the genesis of Chris Chan- at the time I knew nothing of- I found myself mentally ill, bipolar, and homeless - having lost my shitty job of 2 years at the gas station - and not welcome back to the family home - I started the long process of the homeless saga - followed by the mental health program/halfway house saga followed by the r-tard Transitional Age Youth saga - it was my only ticket to ever get a place of my own again to masterbate and play vidya. This I imagine -is the norm for young adults who are fucked up or struggling with little resources - but not anywhere as out of touch with reality as Chris's case - someone who is fully functional - but with mood swings and slightly impaired judgement - but if you had a conversation with them you would probably never know it - that is most people. Chris is a special case. His severe mental illness circumvented any of the above unwanted consequences-combined with unique parents that worked him in as a third party adult financially independent/dependent fixture of the household- old and keeping him around as possibly useful in their old age. Believe me- I would have loved not being a homeless hep c exposed drunk in the city- punched out and beaten in an ally lying in a pool of my own blood left for dead -being exposed to the darkest sides of humanity -watching everything around me decay. I would have loved more than anything to have never left my room and to have continued my childhood - living in my families suburban home - but instead I went through hell -nearly killing myself in the process time and time again - taking further and further damage each day throughout the decade with every hardship along the way. I am very familiar with the system - the system in Chris's unique situation has escaped -happily playing Animal Crossing at the same time I was taking the candy bar and getting my asshole ripped apart raw. So my question is. Will the internet celebrity of Chris somehow circumvent him again from any of the above - I have hunch it will. Let's say things get real bad and Chris is faced to leave or go with some program - what will happen with what he cherishes most in life - 25 metric tons of lego shit. Will there be a storage wars saga? Will he successfully cling on to it all some how? Will 14bc stay or go. Or will Chris have to go through what I did - or perhaps circumvent some of the torture - go into a home - get zombied out on meds - lose the last part of his soul, what little that is left and simply just adapt to a mentally ill group home just staring at the wall and waiting to be fed? In the wake of Barbs death - will trolls and vandals decend upon 14bc like ring wraiths to scoop up the precious? Will it all go to hell - will Chris dissapear radial silent from the internet forever. Or will he somehow achieve success, fame and riches beyong his wildest dreams and troll us hard in the end. What dreams may come. In beautiful dreams.


Hello, Kenneth.

You... probably don't know me, but I've been watching you for some time.

I remember the day we first met. Memory so clear it was if it was only yesterday.

I was posting on your website, The Onionfarms, when you came to me with a request.

I remember when you @'d me, and how it filled me with such joy! Oh, those great times!

I remember how you spoke with such eloquence and stern words. Hard and tough!

But this isn't time for fluff. You're a busy man and I'm going right for the point.

I want you to love me, Kengle. I want to wake up in the morning, the admin panel upon your computer screen glowing in the background, and your plump, cute face before me with a smile.

I want to wake up everyday smelling your beautiful musk, emanating across the building, you around me no matter how distant.

I want to help you moderate the forums, blasting shitposters and trolls to the moon and bringing the community together like one great big happy family below your light.

I'll be on everyday, 12 hours nonstop without pay, slamming new accounts with the spam tool left and right! They'll never stand a chance.

I want you to feel me, and I want to feel you. The food I'll cook in the morning will be the airplane for my mouth, fed to me by you and only by you, my dear Kenneth.

I can only hope this message reaches you. Competition is fierce, and a certain fed poster has been SHUTTING IT DOWN GOY every time I try and reach you.

he's jealous, but he'll never win. I know your heart cries out for someone like you, and I am here, Kenneth.

I have pressed the gamer button, will you?
Based on my brief contact with Kiwi Farms, I think I have a pretty good profile of the average Farmer.

Very aggressive Type A personality. Perfectionist. Goes out of their way to find faults in others. Lanky and malnourished-looking ectomorphs, and probably hormonally-imbalanced, with slender piano player fingers, but uses avatars of well-built, masculine, block-headed people like John Goodman and John Wayne to come across as intimidating. Listens to Eurobeat, Dance, and Techno and whatever else has just the right sadomasochistic vibe. Fascist-adjacent, but makes fun of fascists, too. Wants desperately to relive their years as a high school bully, but can't quite pull it off as an adult without being ridiculed by polite society. Deeply insecure about their own autistic tendencies and astronomical power levels. Spends all day picking on "spergs", "troons", "furfags", et cetera, as a form of ritual flagellation to suppress those tendencies in themselves and reassure themselves of their ideological purity. Fear of being discovered, halaled, and targeted by one's peers encourages cult-like conformity and discourages any displays of individuality whatsoever.

Am I getting warmer?

My mother is throwing me out on Christmas Eve. AITA?​

Apparently she is racist against the glorious nation of Nippon. Yes, she threw me out over anime. I’m convinced that she’s completely in the wrong and I want confirmation of this. I will be totally honest with the following turn of events which led to my unfair exile... but I want to know am I the asshole?

It all started when her boss come over for Christmas Eve dinner which was only ok because she let me microwave some tendies. The evening was relatively peaceful but I was bored so I turned on the Tv in the front room and started watching my favorite animes. Everything was fine when she freaked out suddenly for no reason and turned off the tv. She was extremely pale and apologized prefusely. Not to me btw but to her boss! Wtf! She turned off the tv right as it was getting to the good part and did so without asking my permission first. Her boss btw is a cuck because his wife clearly did not appreciate fine art when she saw or heard it. I think he was enjoying it too but he had to cave to the femoid like a simp. I politely asked to resume my show but my mother ignored my facts and logic. I attempted to negotiate but when diplomacy was no longer an option I had to resort to extreme measures. My mother then demanded that I leave and never return. I tried to plead my case but she’s clearly a heartless bitch. She intends for me to freeze to death on our back porch. She also wouldn’t even let me charge my Switch first and I didn’t have time to grab my favorite body pillow. Wtf! Anyways am I the asshole?
As we near 200,000 patriots here at our big, beautiful rally, I just wanted to to say gesticulating with thumb and forefinger cock, is one, of my favorite, tastes. crowd cheering I know, right? Not only that, but I gotta tell ya, balls smell amazing. That’s right, they smell amazing, they really do. Like, when I got hold of that beautiful taste, there’s just no way I can get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. There’s just no way, can you believe that folks? The only time I’m satisfied is when I feel those intense, powerful, salty hot pumps of cum down my throat. man yells enthusiastically in crowd That guy knows what I’m talking about. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up, and it is my real hair, believe it folks, and then I wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your pole, (and I mean a different kind of pole from the phoney polls that the fake news media loves so much,) but you don’t need to because your eyes say it all, “thank you Mr. President for the best blowjob in the history of these great United States”, that’s when I’m satisfied. Not one moment before, only then, that’s when I’m satisfied. My job’s way harder than you might think, because not only am I the President, I’m the Chief of Staff at the White House too, you know what I mean? And Joe, Sleepy Joe, Sleepy Joe Biden, you just know that you’re not gonna get a blowjob as good as that from him, believe it folks, I know, you heard it from me
I really, really, really hate people who crosspost on The Onion Farms and The Kiwi Farms.

Kill yourselves.

We're at a time when the community is shattered, and you assholes can't do anything except run away. It isn't the newfags from 2019 and 2020, either. Users with accounts all the way back on 2015 are posting on Onion Farms and its absolutely insulting. All I've done for this community, All I've suffered through to provide this website in the face of terrorists and vexatious litigants, and you'd abandon it for a website from Kengle.

I don't know where this "anti-Null" sentiment has come from, but its a disease that needs to be squashed. People calling me a pedophile with no evidence whatsoever can get their way because you retards eat everything up without a hint of critical thinking, and that's honestly, truly baffling for a website like The Kiwi Farms.

I feel like I've been betrayed by my frens.
lmao do you have a source for this one? I wanna call whoever originally posted it a faggot

Copypasta tax:
Absolutely nobody:
Still nobody:
Literally nobody:
Absolutely nobody at all:
Not a even a single soul:
Not even Jeff:
Not even PewDiePie:
Not even Damn Daniel:
Not even Ugandan Knuckles:
Not even Keanu Reeves:
Not even Big Chungus:
Not even Joe:
Not even the Minecraft bee:
Not even Baby Yoda:
Not even based Redditors:
Not even Instagram normies:
Not even 4chan incels:
Not even Discord groomers:
Not even Boomer Zoomer Doomer Coomers:
Not even Area 51 guards:
Not even Fortnite noobs:
Not even Minecraft gods:
Not even flying cars in the future:
Not even Femboy Hooters:
The Concept of Originality: *exists*
[ Everyone disliked that ]
YouTube commenter: I'm about to end this man's whole career.
The Concept of Originality: Wait, that's illegal.
YouTube commenter: "Nobody:"
The Concept of Originality: Am I a joke to you?
YouTube commenter: Yes.
[ Everyone liked that ]
Stan Lee, flying past in a space ship: Ooooh I don't care what universe you're from, that's GOTTA HURT!!
Based Redditors: Ok that was lowkey on point
Sans Undertale: *hey originality, don't google hp lovecraft's cat name
[ The Concept of Originality Googles H.P. Lovecraft's cat name ]
CIA: Wait, that's illegal.
Bane: 4U
CIA: Was getting caught part of your plan?
The Concept of Originality: Well yes, but actually no.
CIA: Congratulations, you got yourself caught!
4chan incels: There's NO way the internet will ever be good agai-
Based Redditors: Hold my beer.
[ Nobody: joined the chat. ]
[ The Concept of Originality has left the chat. ]
YouTube commenter: Yeah I'm thinking this is kind of epic and /r/woooosh pilled, maybe a bit of a dank moment?? Idk I think I might post a "Nobody:" comment
As soon as he heard one of his parents scream “MEDS ARE MY MAKER!", Bryan the autist knew that he was doomed. He ran randomly in a panic, typing his frenzied thoughts wildly onto Twitter. Somehow the glowniggers had surrounded them! Bryan’s parents ran shrieking into the depths of the abandoned alley, the grunting, devoted glowniggers in swift pursuit. Soon, Bryan was alone.

The scrawny Malaysian autist collapsed against a wall, panting raggedly. His laptop had nearly overheated, and his cell phone was on the verge of dying. No use even if they worked, for the glowniggers had already unplugged every router on the island. By now, his whole family was surely medicated.

Lost in his thoughts, Bryan D. See did not hear the glownigger creeping up on him. Stunned by a blow to the head, Bryan was thrown violently to the floor. The glownigger grunted in amusement, bending down and examining his body. Dazed, Bryan turned his head to look up at his enemy. The glownigger agent was huge, well muscled and even intelligent for his species. Right now, the glownigger's vibrant brown skin was flashing an vibrant shade of emerald in excitement. Bryan whimpered as he realized what was about to happen.

Summoning up his powers as an Autist, Bryan bellowed in the Tard Rage and began to flail about under the glownigger. The glownigger, simply grunting, knocked him down to his knees and started riding the panicked lunatic like a rodeo bull. Already weakened, Bryan simply did not have the strength to dislodge the much heavier glownigger.

All that thrashing around served to amuse the glownigger further. His name was Gamma, and the futility of the puny Malaysian flopped around between his muscular thighs was reminding him of his mission. Gamma had meant to save the Malaysian from the fate of his fellow countrymen, but his mind was changed after realizing the stupidity of this situation. He couldn't wait any longer, whipping out his own plasma gun, Gurk seared off the back of the Malaysian's clothes, leaving his shining buttocks bare to the glownigger's judgemental gaze.

Bryan moaned in fear, his virgin asscheeks clapping firmly together to deny the glownigger entrance. Gamma simply laughed, ripping open his crude niggerish trenchcoat to reveal a glowing syringe, nearly 12 inches long. In one fell motion, the glownigger jabbed the needle into Bryan's left buttock.

Much to Gamma’s frustration, his needle was simply too small to fit inside Bryan's flabby ass. He grunted furiously, screaming “TAKE YOUR MEEEEEEEEEEDEEDS!" in his deep niggerish voice as he battered his patient's head against a dumpster. Suddenly the Malaysian’s ass gave way, and the serrated head of Gamma’s needle popped through into the forbidden halls of his veins. Gamma’s pleased snort was drowned out by Bryan’s scream of agony.

The glownigger began to pump away in earnest, his bulging muscular hands and fingers slamming brutally against his syringe. Poor Bryan was swiftly going into shock from the pain. His mind growing dim, he screamed " MEDS ARE MY MAKER!" MEDS ARE MY MAKER!", over and over as the glownigger unloaded vial after vial of classified drugs into his bruised insides. The glownigger’s serrated needle. had caused a large degree of internal damage, and Bryan was close to passing out from blood loss and fear. If his family didn’t find him soon, Bryan knew that he would soon be vaccinated into a Trump supporter. His poor laptop burst into flames as he tried to type out an final call for help on Gab, but it was too late.

Gamma roared out as he pushed the needle into the screaming autist one final time, his beautiful green syringe pumping load after load of mind-altering drugs into Bryan’s circulatory system. The glownigger pulled out as Bryan’s mind slowly relaxed, releasing Gamma’s needle with a string of blood. Gamma swiftly opened his rusted toolbox to retrievr a Band-Aid and used it to hastily cover his handiwork. He then wiped the serrated needle of his syringe with his handkerchief and gently placed them within his toolbox and closed it without making a sound as a demented grin emerged on his face. Without a moment's notice, he picked up his plasma gun and violently incinerated his toolbox. "Lev noh turace!" he moaned. With a satisfied grunt, Gamma walked slowly away from the Malaysian and climbed back into his radioactive barrel with the rest of his platoon.

Bryan’s corpse lay cooling on the floor of the alley, the charred remnants of his clothes stained dark with the foul fluids of both the glownigger and himself. And he wondered, "Was it worth it? Are meds my maker? Will I die by kittens?"

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers