• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Eh I was coming more from a " It would be naive to think everyone was a goodboy and nobody used the easily accesible doxxing", even if Josh washed his hands and didnt allow planning officially.
Its retarded to grant the "offsite of course" lie Josh tells.

Though, if Josh allowed harrasment then its even more indefensible
Hi pals. Kiwi lurker here.
Since I would just read particular threads that I found interesting, and really have no opinion about Null one way or another, can someone please explain all this backstory about mods, resentment and what makes Null worthy of all this?
I don't buy that KF is some noble stand for free speech on the internet but I'm not sure I understand all the strong emotions on any side.
I will miss reading certain threads because they were honestly funny but life goes on.
start here: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/kiwi-farms-moderators.600/post-39346
And someone called DSP's bank and got his banking records pretending to be him. Not only was that posted, it was featured. Those are just two off the top of my head.
One of my greatest fears is what happens once the DSP board people are completely unbound tbh.
Hi pals. Kiwi lurker here.
Since I would just read particular threads that I found interesting, and really have no opinion about Null one way or another, can someone please explain all this backstory about mods, resentment and what makes Null worthy of all this?
I don't buy that KF is some noble stand for free speech on the internet but I'm not sure I understand all the strong emotions on any side.
I will miss reading certain threads because they were honestly funny but life goes on.
Null made a site people liked to use and allowed them to have fun while being an absolute retard white niggo about it every step of the way making him very irritable and him being unable to bust a nut because of his broken dick he would lash out at people at random and behave like a total raving retard. Eventually this behavior build's up animosity and alienation because while they like the site most users hate dealing with Josh.
family emergency.png
what makes Null worthy of all this?
He's spent years gay-op'in people who he doesn't like, iffy business practices, and is a nonce. He is, himself, the very person that KF gay-oppas would pick as a target to harrass. "Instant Karmas gonna get you... smack you straight in the face".
Null made a site people liked to use and allowed them to have fun while being an absolute retard white niggo
COunterpoint: TOOK OVER a site people liked to use... then proceeded to let it go to his head, and totally fucked the site.
he allowed doxxing as a power move
Lol he allowed people to dox social security numbers. Practice blackmail on cows by threatening to drop more than just a dox on a cow if they didnt stop doing things. At one point swatting became the normal thing til he started to get heat and demanded people stop doing all these things which made his psychopathic users angry. This entire event is joshs fault. If he ran kf professionally it probably wouldnt be gone right now.
Lol he allowed people to dox social security numbers. Practice blackmail on cows by threatening to drop more than just a dox on a cow if they didnt stop doing things. At one point swatting became the normal thing til he started to get heat and demanded people stop doing all these things which made his psychopathic users angry. This entire event is joshs fault. If he ran kf professionally it probably wouldnt be gone right now.
I didn't know swatting was a regular thing on KF. Is that in one of the threads?
It wasn’t. It’s just that Josh lost the war on the PR front.

Take 4chan and anonymous for example. They are also anonymous and are feared and have bad rep, but a lot of people sided with them because they went after bad people like Scientology or terrorists. It‘s a mix of fear and respect.

Meanwhile, Josh feels all mighty and powerful telling governments to fuck off, targeting whoever he doesn’t like with a thread, and allowing /pol and 8chan rejects to flood the site.

And he allowed doxxing as a power move. Legal, or not, Let’s face it if people liked being doxxed nobody in Kiwifarms would be anonymous or worried about the hack. Plus, You would be naive to think people didn’t use the doxxing for harrasmeant. Offsite of course.

It wasn’t that hard to make them be the villains.

Which could have been avoided if Josh has just focused on it being a gossip site and marketed it as such. But he had to have his cake and eat and it, and now he is paying the consequences.

Kiwifarms reputation is so terrible Nobody is going to speak up for them. Not even the free speech anti -SJW crowd.
The best part is that there's nothing joshy can do to fix the bad PR, he would fare worse than the antiwork janny if he even dare to start an interview and joshy knows it.

"hi joshy, do you agree that trans rights are human rights?" asked the journalist.

How could joshy even respond lol.
The best part is that there's nothing joshy can do to fix the bad PR, he would fare worse than the antiwork janny if he even dare to start an interview and joshy knows it.

"hi joshy, do you agree that trans rights are human rights?" asked the journalist.

How could joshy even respond lol.
The antiwork janny, as you put it, was fucking retarded.
Why in the actual fuck would anyone go to Fox News and expect its journos and audience to be reasonable?
The best part is that there's nothing joshy can do to fix the bad PR, he would fare worse than the antiwork janny if he even dare to start an interview and joshy knows it.

"hi joshy, do you agree that trans rights are human rights?" asked the journalist.

How could joshy even respond lol.

Speaking of Fox News, Ironically, you would think that them, and people like Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, or Jordan Peterson and the other conservatives would be in a rush to defend Josh and Kiwifarms. Like how everyone rushed to defend Gina Carano when Disney fired her.

On paper sounds like a wet dream for them. Groomer transexual tries to censor brave free speech site to cover up crimes and child abuse while being aided by Mainstream media.

The fact that not even them are willing to defend the farms should tell you how bad Kiwifarms rep is. Not even a single word. Notice All KF defenders are mostly just anonymous people And Z list e-celebs like Rekieta law.

I do agree many, maybe most farmers, only did gossip and never did anything bad beyond mean words. But, let’s be honest a lot of people’s worst nightmare was to wake up and discover you had a thread there. So many people are happy it might be gone.

Like I said, if Josh had actually just focused on being seem as gossip site, instead of giving the middle finger to people out of spite he might have people siding with him. Instead the farms are seen as the stalking and harrasment place. And that is not completely unfounded.
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Hi pals. Kiwi lurker here.
Since I would just read particular threads that I found interesting, and really have no opinion about Null one way or another, can someone please explain all this backstory about mods, resentment and what makes Null worthy of all this?
I don't buy that KF is some noble stand for free speech on the internet but I'm not sure I understand all the strong emotions on any side.
I will miss reading certain threads because they were honestly funny but life goes on.
Its mostly just dorks being catty with each other. Gossip sites bickering isn't worth much more than a passing thought.