Which is thanks to Vordrak, who got the Xenforum license revoked and
publicly gloated about it.
Interestingly, he expressly stated at the time that the lack of security updates would increase KF's risk of being attacked,
"However, the loss of the license makes it harder to move the forum or obtain upgrades and plugins. This is important as it makes the site considerably more vulnerable to attack."
It does not really matter who hacked the Farms this time. Vordrak wins again and the vulnerabilities can only get worse as long as the Farms uses Xenforum.
Also, Cloudflare seems to have dropped Nool thanks to Vordrak.
Cloudflare has been defending Kiwifarms for years, even after the Christchurch thing where 51 people were shot and Josh told the New Zealand police to fuck off. The NZ government could not even get them to drop KF. Then, Vordrak comes along and bizarrely accuses Anominous of being a C-suite Cloudflare executive.
He says in an article he has put evidence to Cloudflare. 3 days later, Jawsh is gone.
Keffals is just the smile on the face of the tiger. Josh has a lot of enemies far cleverer and more subtle.