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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature

Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
That’s still not how blasphemy works, retard+didn’t read all that. Go to fucking Hell.
Tmw when a Muslim was tricked into blasphemy. We won and now we're just parading a corpse through the streets.
I bet you kiss girls faggot
Bro admitted he was a boy kisser
I knew you were a faggot. Didn’t have to edit this one. You can’t read a dictionary.
Esl chat gpt ass response. Actual rocks for brains.
3955384 - edit Islam Muhammad politics religion.jpg
I rape babies and continue to falsely accuse others of such.

Unlike Muhammad, I can’t read.
You are a walking nasty cadaver, and so is your pfp and Betelgeuse’s faggotass. You are the one committing blasphemy; you didn’t win shit.

You have maggots in your brain. Literally and figuratively. Actually severely subhuman responses have come from you alone, and no amount of you and Betel altering my words or rating them Tantrum, Dumb, Etc., will change the fact that you and him are gigantic faggots. You especially.
I dislike when people don't stay on thread topic. For example, a religious debate spat in a vent thread. OK, rant over.
Well, I did try to change the subject, and simply called Crimson a faggot (i.e. quickly venting about another user), but he decided to be a massive tard, as expected.
You are a walking nasty cadaver, and so is your pfp and Betelgeuse’s faggotass. You are the one committing blasphemy; you didn’t win shit.

You have maggots in your brain. Literally and figuratively. Actually severely subhuman responses have come from you alone, and no amount of you and Betel altering my words or rating them Tantrum, Dumb, Etc., will change the fact that you and him are gigantic faggots. You especially.

No shit, retard
You tried to lie about it like a snake when you claimed you don't do that. 🐍 Don't get butthurt because you got called out for being more obvious than Ashley. She did the socking thing first so you're just copying her gimmick. Or would it make you more upset if I said you were more obvious than arkomia, because both are true. 😏