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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
mabye we are the cows and the lolcows are normal....
mabye kengle and null are the same person....
mabye autists are the next stage of human evolution....
mabye ghost of null is sentient....
mabye everyone is a lolcow...
mabye cwc stands for chandler weston chris not chris weston chandler....
mabye amberlynn reid is wearing a fat suit....
mabye the quartering and vaush are the same person....
mabye the tranch (place kevin gibes lives with guns and transformers) is nuclear capable....
mabye starkiller was right about mortal engines....
now yuo see....
Them continuing to do dumb things.
Everyone acts dumb sometimes, but the difference between a normal person and a lolcow is that they do and say dumb stuff constantly.
They never learn or change, either through being a genuine idiot or some form of mental illness, and they never have any self awareness.
mabye we are the cows and the lolcows are normal....
mabye kengle and null are the same person....
mabye autists are the next stage of human evolution....
mabye ghost of null is sentient....
mabye everyone is a lolcow...
mabye cwc stands for chandler weston chris not chris weston chandler....
mabye amberlynn reid is wearing a fat suit....
mabye the quartering and vaush are the same person....
mabye the tranch (place kevin gibes lives with guns and transformers) is nuclear capable....
mabye starkiller was right about mortal engines....
now yuo see....
starkiller88 did nothing wrong, shoo shoo putinbot

Prisoner or guard?
No, the train.