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Drama 4 Yo Mama Steven Prugar / SnaeBakaBeans / Big Head Tech

He turns 30 in December. I'm sure that has absolutely nothing to do with his sudden disdain for birthdays

I have a much larger experience with gender diverse people than you probably know.
Which comes from a position of self-interest. As we both know.
To answer your question, kids cannot receive E or T early on, only blockers. Most doctors will wait until late teens before they start hormones.
Not the question I asked. Avoidance.
As for cancer and big pharma, god everything we eat and ingest will probably cause us to go into an early grave. Whether it's COVID-19 vaccines, the GMOs, the chemicals in our food, etc.
Diversion. Do you think that people SHOULD have the vaccine? People have to eat. They don't need to increase their chances of cancer because they are mistaken that they can change their biology.
Kids do it because their parents are assholes and don't support them.
They do it because they are mistaken that they can change their sex. They cannot. This is scientific fact.

Well, Steve-O, I think we know everything about you that we need to know.
American Age of Consent laws exist because society has decided that children aren't emotionally mature enough to decide what they stick inside/have stuck inside another person/themselves because the consensus is that children lack the intellectual agency to fully weigh the cost/benefits of sex or consider the consequences of having sex.

So I don't want to put words in your mouth, but it seems like you're saying children are capable of making permanent, life altering decisions with their bodies with or without their parent's consent, but I assume you don't think children should be able to consent to sex, right?
Puberty blockers are not permanent life altering decisions. The amount of trans people who detransition is in the low single digital percentages.

It's been proven time and time again, that when even a child as young as 4 or 5 says they want to be the opposite gender, it's a near 100% of the time they transition at some point. But that doesn't mean pump a kid with E or T. Let them grow up how they want. There's a next to zero chance, that if a boy wear dresses, grows their hair out, used a different name and attende school as a girl from ages 5-11, they will suddenly change their mind. Just doesn't happen, I mean 0.01% of the time it may. But that person also won't get Estrogen to around age 16.
Which comes from a position of self-interest. As we both know.

Not the question I asked. Avoidance.

Diversion. Do you think that people SHOULD have the vaccine? People have to eat. They don't need to increase their chances of cancer because they are mistaken that they can change their biology.

They do it because they are mistaken that they can change their sex. They cannot. This is scientific fact.

Well, Steve-O, I think we know everything about you that we need to know.
Fun fact, gender and sex are not the same thing. And you can indeed change what is between your legs
Here's the end all be all. Everyone deserves to be happy in life. What I wear, my pronouns, and my identification has no impact on you. That little bit who grows up to be a woman doesn't have anything to do with you. There are many things I don't understand in this world but I try to. I want everyone to be happy as they can be.

To quote a great person, "you can't wait for life to stop being hard before you decide to be happy". Over the past couple years I have lived each and every day to its fullest and contributed as much of our financial abilities as well as our time to helping people in need. The three areas my partner and I focus on our Transit on binary people, the lgbtq community and disabled veterans.

My partner and I have worked very hard in life to get where we are and we constantly spend so much of our capabilities and giving back and helping those that could benefit from it. I want my legacy to be that I was happy and I worked hard to help others and that to me is important but that may not be important to you or anybody else here.

You all get to live your lives in any way you see fit as long as you're not harming other people just like me. You can classify me in any way you see fit and that is her right and I hope you continue to live prosperous lives and do things that make you happy.
Puberty blockers are not permanent life altering decisions.
Yes they are, fucktard. You only go through puberty once, you can't go back and do it all over again.
Fun fact, gender and sex are not the same thing. And you can indeed change what is between your legs
But you can't change XX to XY, or XY to XX. You seem to not want to engage with the questions you have been asked. You seem to be very disingenuous (at best).

BTW, you know that you are a cow that posts on their own thread? You should consider the company you are keeping.
Puberty blockers are not permanent life altering decisions.
That's patently untrue. Puberty is triggered by the hypothalamus which sends out specific hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland which triggers the release of two specific hormones that stimulate either the ovaries or testes during normal development.
Even under the most favorable circumstances, a child on puberty blockers will NEVER experience a normal puberty. They'll experience a simulated puberty; the hypothalamus doesn't activate, the pituitary gland doesn't pump out LH and FSH, the genitals don't respond to those signals and primary sex hormones don't start being pushed through the body.
Instead, a male to female child would be given synthetic estrogens and testosterone blockers to simulate the natural stimulation of the ovaries by LH and FSH.
Frankly it's not even fully understood what signals the body to end puberty, or what specific factors play in signaling the onset of puberty. There are insulin like growth factors that might have something to do with modulating the onset of female puberty.. the point being...
interrupting this complicated process by interfering with the uptake of pituitary hormones interrupts a ton of other processes, the consequences of which cannot even be guessed and will not become obvious for at least another 50 years when these children who were put through female transitions can be studied.

It's not even remotely true that puberty blockers don't cause permanent issues. If you delay puberty in a child for 2 years, they don't get 2 years tacked on to the end of their puberty, those two years of development are lost forever.
The amount of trans people who detransition is in the low single digital percentages.
That's because the ones who reconsider their options end up killing themselves.
It's been proven time and time again,
No it hasn't.
Here's the end all be all. Everyone deserves to be happy in life.
No they don't lmao. There are many groups of people who derive their pleasure and happiness from hurting others or engaging in antisocial behaviour.
These fruitbags derived happiness from pissing on each other in public. If, hypothetically, this were their sole source of happiness, they wouldn't deserve to be happy.
What I wear, my pronouns, and my identification has no impact on you. That little bit who grows up to be a woman doesn't have anything to do with you. There are many things I don't understand in this world but I try to. I want everyone to be happy as they can be.
Your pronouns do have an effect on me. If you can choose your pronouns, then I can choose my adjectives. I'll respect your pronouns and refer to you by them whether you're in the room or not, if you agree to refer to me by my adjectives whether I'm in the room with you or not.
My adjectives are well-hung, brilliant, and handsome. This is how I identify. You have to respect my identity and if you don't refer to me by my adjectives, then you're committing an act of violence against me.

I didn't read the rest of your post.
No they don't lmao. There are many groups of people who derive their pleasure and happiness from hurting others or engaging in antisocial behaviour.
These fruitbags derived happiness from pissing on each other in public. If, hypothetically, this were their sole source of happiness, they wouldn't deserve to be happy.

Your pronouns do have an effect on me. If you can choose your pronouns, then I can choose my adjectives. I'll respect your pronouns and refer to you by them whether you're in the room or not, if you agree to refer to me by my adjectives whether I'm in the room with you or not.
My adjectives are well-hung, brilliant, and handsome. This is how I identify. You have to respect my identity and if you don't refer to me by my adjectives, then you're committing an act of violence against me.

I didn't read the rest of your post.
I lost sooo many brain cells reading this post. Thank god my IQ is over 160, but my universities may start asking for my multiple degrees back after reading your post...
Thank fod my IQ is over 160

Steve, you haven't really answered any of the questions put to you. You've deflected, avoided and down right lied.

What are the names of the NGOs you have/are involved with? Let's face it, you are presenting yourself as a voice for "Your People". But at best you are misinformed (I do not believe this) and are spreading this misinformation around the internet.

You are the one who is a danger to society (and children in particular). Are the NGOs you are "involved with" aware of your scant regard for factual accuracy?

Do you receive money from any NGOs?

Seriously dude, you are a moron if you think anyone believes you have an IQ of 160, you wouldn't tell such blatant porkies if you really were so smart.

I think social services should be informed about people like you.
I looked at the pictures in the OP to gauge how you dress and know what's going on here.

Your "hyperfeminine" is all what most would consider slutty dressing. You are the typical kind who gets a hard on at the idea of being bimbo, but unlike the others you realized you would never pass as a woman. Called yourself nonbinary then defined it using the terms of the binary you're supposed to be outside of.

Just say you like the stiffy you get when dressed like a hooker and people would respect you more.
I lost sooo many brain cells reading this post. Thank god my IQ is over 160, but my universities may start asking for my multiple degrees back after reading your post...

"It came after The Telegraph revealed that Mermaids has been sending potentially dangerous chest-flattening devices to children as young as 13 and 14 behind their parents’ backs and against their wishes.

Staff with no medical training were also found to have given advice to users, they believe were as young as 13, that controversial hormone-blocking drugs are safe and “totally reversible”.

"Chest-binding has been described as a form of “self-harm” as it can cause issues including breathing difficulties, chronic back pain, changes to the spine and broken ribs."

Your comments?
I lost sooo many brain cells reading this post. Thank god my IQ is over 160, but my universities may start asking for my multiple degrees back after reading your post...
I just remembered that you never actually answered my question. You haven't been back since so I doubt you will, but I'm just pointing it out; when I compared age of consent laws to your view that children don't need parental consent to transition, you dodged the point and left.

A: You realized that your worldview is hypocritical
B: You were too afraid to admit that your worldview isn't hypocritical

I'm curious which one it is, shame I'll never get that answer.

@TheFabulousEnby Your smile says corvette with the top down, your eyes say pontiac in the garage with 6 feet of hose and a roll of duct tape.