Deleted User
An Onion Among Onions
Shawn Phase is an exceptional individual worthy of a thread because of his desire to quit coming back online but his persistence to do otherwise. His need to connect to others wont let him go offline, he's been everywhere from EFnet to discord, but most important, his addiction to simping is what brings him to the forefront today. I put this off since I found shawn amusing, but his recent simp-outs warrant this now.
ive had 3 concussions in my life, yes. ive had brain damage. when you have a concussion you have. but ive rebuilt and rewired my brain with nootropics and homeopathics over the span of my life. its what caused me to become shawn phase.
The face of a man with 3 concussions and a brain rebuilt and rewired with nootropics and homeopathy |
I recall he was bipolar too, he would get mad for no reason. And the other times he was comfortably numb ,I just listened to an interview of Shawn and he seems sane now. He was like a zombie before, He seemed pretty well known on EFnet, and probably other IRC servers,He did seem "out of it" most of the time ,We would get stoned on IRC every night for awhile , I was shocked to find him on this forum years later lol. - @Keranu
not chasing clout, what clout is here for me? ive been around the block a grip now.

A look back at shawn's life
yoinked from the official IP2 wiki
You decide how much he embellished in his biography... Anyways, the sounds of Nintendo is what inspired him to create chiptunes, which is in most of his catalogue of over 80 albums...Shawn Phase is Shawn Douglas Phase, of Baltimore, Maryland. Tssbay01. Earth, Alpha Centauri.
The following outlines the primary reasons why Shawn Phase is the most important person in IP2 history, not to mention the internet.
A Legend is Born
He was born at Franklin Square Hospital in the White Marsh area of Baltimore at 10:33am on Febuary 13th, 1978. An interesting tale recounted by his mother depicts her waiting in Room 13 after delivery, when a baby that was due to be brought to a waiting mother was brought down the hall and promptly and inadvertedly dumped out of the cradle that was holding him. Shawn's parents, having seen this and thinking that this baby was their child, was sussed out by a nurse, and Shawn's parents went to get him, a procedure that would not ever be allowed in todays hospitals across the country. A few years later it was uncovered in a newspaper article that this child grew up with birth defects as a result of being dropped by the nurse.
The Saga Begins
Shawn's early days were spent learning to read by picking up letters and abbreviations off of street signs, menus, and labels of anything and everything. He learned to read at the age of 3, and was put into first grade aged 4 at Harford Heights Elementary School in the Gifted and Talented Education program, where he soon met close friends such as Nick Bertling, drummer for seminal Baltimore funk band puddle., as well as ex-The Idea Men band mate Gary Barrett's Gary B and the Notions.
An Orchid Blossoms
Shawn attended middle school at Hamilton Middle School, in a part of the 'Advanced Academics' program. Ahead of most kids his age, he had a clamoring sense of using his energy for the sake of good, and promptly picked up playing in the school's jazz ensemble and orchestra, choosing to focus on percussion as well as repair of a large cache of equipment that was in bad shape, learning his way through how to use equipment that other students may have been reluctant to pick up. They released 2 cassettes between the years of 1988 and 1991, with 1990 seeing Shawn Phase's first statewide award, best jazz drummer in his age group. It was the performance of the song 'Drum Machine' that led the jazz enseble to this victory, led by conductor Alvin Wallace. Alvin, embroiled with scandal in his final years as a teacher, passed away in 2014. Shawn was able to reconnect with him mere days prior to his death.
It was at the now defunct Towson Catholic High School that Shawn experimented with many different ethics and moods to his music, ranging from electronic pop, to folk, to 'emotional' (or emo, which is not to say that the music he made was definitive of 'emo' by today's standards). He started a publication newsletter in his sophomore year called 'Powar' that was released on 11"x17" paper, limited to 20 copies of each of the 8 yearly issues, produced pro-bono in exchange for significant library computer assistance. With the advent of early iterations of the internet, as well as other early successful archival tools such as gopher, lynx and webcrawler, as well as online WWIV BBS systems and networks, Shawn volunteered his time to help other students access online information for reports and assignments when it was not easily available in the constantly expanding library. With Mr Sharkey the librarian, he worked as an 'unspoken aid' to assist in archiving both hard copy of printed materials as well as maintain and deliver a/v equipment used in classrooms and for school demonstrations.
The World's Only College Graduate
Shawn graduated in 1995, with accolades such as being a member of the National Art Honor Society, pioneering the music program for the school in his junior year, graduating with a 2.9 average, and also had volunteered in excess of the required 160 hours at Meridian Nursing Home in Baltimore, now repurposed and is in the infancy of being a drug treatment center. It was at this time between 1992 and 1995 that he was dubbed 'The Golden Boy' by many of the nursing home's inhabitants. Shawn graduated in the top 90th percentile of his class.
Ascension to Brilliance
As Shawn's life continued, the desire for complete musical coherency and consistency plagued his existence. This came at a large cost, both with time and financially, and necessitated fairly large sums of money for a modicum of recording equipment at a young age. He was able to make money with his visual art, often painting commissioned artwork of different anime characters in school, mounting the painted art on foam board and selling at a local anime shop. Shawn also was notorious for winning valuable magic cards in ante game rules, or playing the odd paying show in a bar underage without a fake id, even booking the shows himself. 'What could we do, he was bringing the talent from out ot state. These kids(sic) would help bring 500 extra bucks to our bar per gig!' one ex-bar owner who prefers to remain anonymous has went on record as saying.
Through the mid 90's years of writing and recording music, Shawn saved and worked to build backlines of equipment for his bands Grandizer and The Idea Men. It is speculated that Shawn earned and spent in the area of $4000 by age 17 for recording time and equipment, most notably the mammoth liverig that was used by [[The Idea Men]], which consisted of 2 cabinets sporting 2x10" speakers and 1x18" speaker each driven by a 400 watt amplifier sold to them by Eric Axelson of The Dismemberment Plan, a full guitar stack, as well as different guitars and recording equipment. A large amount of 4 and 8 track cassette material was recorded and of course digitized, as well as the odd 7" and compilation songs under various monikers such as The First Prototype, Glorious Fourlane, and Autospy. Several demos were made, but never shopped or released, with exception of the 'Heart As Far As Hands' 12" by The Idea Men, released in 1995. This was a trend that would plague him as his work continued, the essence being the struggle with simple engineering and completion of a project or task in order to present it with a modicum of respect to the art that was the same as envisioned, but doing so much, much later.
A "Nobel" Individual, Indeed
Shawn Phase won the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for Economics, when he created the absolute theorum for making the most beautiful music that any human ear could ever perceive. Because of his works' immense appeal, it caused an incredible upward spiral in the economy as nearly 3 billion records were sold of Shawn's jazz drumming alone, most notably the epic Cheater Stick Fetish. He has not slowed down since, making over 25 releases a year, each with 63 or more tracks. All of them are called by even such critical musical reviewers as Pitchfork as being "the musical equivalent of shitting doves".
The Golden Boy Reigns
During the years of 1997-2006t, over 185 releases were written and recorded under mainly the 'temp sound solutions' imprint, but several other releases such as Grandizer, The Idea Men, Horsetaint, as well as more memorable live recordings and much older recordings were released. A majority of these releases that were committed to CD or CDR were limited to 500 copies, and the music has been released on cd/cdr, 7", cassette, as well as compilations or distributed on netlabels or via the soulseek, bandcamp, chiptune, and video game remix communities. Shawn Phase and Temp Sound Solutions have written, recorded, and released over 300 albums to date, with no end in sight.
Back to the Future, or Shaping it?
Shawn Phase is currently looking to win his second lifetime Nobel prize, this time shooting for the Nobel prize in literature. His grand plan has been self-described as looking to reshape the way the people perceive feelings on the internet. Shawn limits his live stream endeavors to a 'once a month only' effort. In mid-2022, Shawn Phase will begin the 'Total Information Awareness' campaign, a livestreaming effort combined with a book tour. One of his main plans is implementing a new emoticon system as well as building and marketing the first true 'Neural Net' to be implemented in the first version of what he calls 'Subnet 2.0'. His sponsors include many of the founding fathers of the modern internet, including Albert Gore and Steve Wozniak. He plans to have these efforts fully completed by the end of 2024.
Not Just a Phase...
Awhile after the IP2 thread was formed, Shawn felt the need to correct the deets he believed were wrong. It only brought more attention to his character.
There's this guy "shawnphase" in the IP2 thread. You should befriend him.

Shawn enters the script
i dont post much here, but alice is a very dear friend of mine, has been for 2 years now. no need to hide powerlevel here as i havent before in the past, this is just an example of my culture getting crossed up. im connected to her, but i also am to several other interesting women in popular culture as well. sucks for me to see what happened to her but im sure you might see me on streams or streaming in the future. donno if i will contribute here too much but i do check the thread from time to time. im going to fix capt content's guitar that got smashed at some point because i am a fan of yamaha guitars and its a pricy guitar. im a musician and i play with video game music and chiptune cover bands, some of which perform and have a following near where chicken and alice live. so ive traveled and played there over the years, maybe this summer it gets spicy. we'll see whats up. peace peace, be good to each other.
Unsurprisingly they met through discord

When asked if he thought about showering [as he sweats profusely in his VODs] , this was his response...
The reason for his sweat stems from his rigorous drumming sessions he uploads in 4:3 and his hard labor job working at a department store.i consider showering several times a day but im constantly on the move and constantly sweating, its usually once every day or two days....
Shawn has a tendency to overreact to situations when unwarranted.
really depends what kind of conversation you're going to have with shawn when he comes around...holy shit, you all of you cats on here and ip2 are too much. ive had a kf acct since 2017, if i wouldnt have signed up here i never would have started using discord or met her i dont think. and no, i didnt donate 200 to chicken and alice the other day, i dont donate. i am undoubtedly a better drummer than stoic, as evidenced here in just the last 2 days, much less than 300 albums in my discography and tons of live shows.
also, i know how to trust. the schtick of my twitter is long running and will always be. follow if you want, dont, its all good. i hung out with alice because if i didnt give her a spot to crash out and rest after streaming as much as she did that day, she would have been stuck in dc, not knowing anybody with her dog. it was the night goo was with chicken and she ended up in the hospital. i really didnt want t have to worry abut two friends like that on that particular evening.
and look, alice is not like anyone any of you will ever know i do not think. the girl tells me she wants me to kill myself for her and i could care. i dont come to kf to spill tea, i casually come here to read a variety of threads for a second every now and then. i get into whatever i get into due to how demanding my music is, everything else is extracurricural for me.
Impact on the IP2 community
from the former top janny at the IP2 forums..
@Truth Bearer enters & leaves the IP2 thread who I believe to be Ganval Exposure [a figure against those in the Dx cabal..]
I've been around since beginning of IP2 and had been involved with many different groups as a spy. Some of the worst of these groups I've found & observed has been DX, Eniggas, and individuals who associated with Ganval. I don't have much time right now but if you have the patience, I suggest you view this video & others about his interactions with discord members which caused a discord user to go crazy & shoot at his neighbors. He is now serving life in prison basically for attempted murder, I begun starting certain actions due to Ganval constantly continuing his awful actions and manipulations... This guy needs to be put in prison along with Shawn Phase.This is just the start of what I have on these awful internet terrorist. He has dated and waped 2-3 girls before they turned 18 (Iris & Little Hell - Chloe Evans) & ruined both their lives by providing them with hard drugs etc... thankfully we contacted littlehell parents & she either had to break up with him or be kicked out of the house. Caused a woman named Snowden to overdose & die on DXM to prove to him she was dX & Lundell died as well due to his influence to take drugs. Hard pumps, Lester, Shawn phase are all going to prison. They cannot hide from what is coming or change the past. Oh and let's not forget Bos Blazer! He influenced him to take tons of OTC cough medicine aka DXM & almost died.. Heard he is dead now as well..
Ganval aka dX is a well known groomer/ pedo/ caller/ swatter that's been with the Cx/ ip2 community for years. Shawn was mod on his server/ stream and regularly appears on stream as well.. He left the group but not before they doxed many members of the community and some of the subjects of threads here at the farms [ MCfrosty , Aaron Carter, Tricia, SJC, Stoic, Tessi just to name a few] the trolls and everyone else found his relationship with Alice amusing he was ridiculed relentlessly, even to this day.
When Alice met Shawn...
He drew his attention to Alice when she was asking around for a place to stay in the DC area , she states she "needed a place to crash and he offered." He relishes in a false narrative that the picture below is Alice , later in an IP2 podcast it is brought up and Alice mentions they never had intercourse.
2700 Christopher Ave
Baltimore MD 21214
IP2 wiki | archive
Discord | shawn phase#9068
IP2 | u/shawnphase
KWF | @shawnphase