• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights spergy users on kiwifarms you've come across/interacted with

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
list me (and us) spergy kiwifarmers who will fucking lash at you if you slightly disturb them
God of Nothing is a self appointed domestic violence expert.

Can he ever stop taking Ls?
View attachment 42128
next time, link the person you are mentioning

I figured it was obvious since they were already mentioned here. But yes, that is the worst of the lot to me. Say what you want about Josh, but I can find humor in his whining. KY, on the other hand, is just fucking sad. He tries way too hard to fit in.
I only remember seeing Kali Yuga around the music section. He often shat the place up with blowhard Kerrang takes on punk and alternative. The creepy arm wiggling Nina Hagen avatar only served to enhance my annoyance.

He's literally le wrong generation incarnate, but not as funny about it as Dom Cruise is. He actually thought his fellow millennials don't care about past music, movies, etc when literally every other millennial faggot won't shut the fuck up about the nineties (especially when most of them were literal toddlers at most in that decade).
your reply here can also be applied to rightists since both of them behave the same
I was applying it to them...it's funny how they whine about drag queen story hour being degenerate but loli and shota are just fine.

"But they are just pictures, bro. Fictional, bro."

Yeah, of children. So even if they are not real, can these nerds not see the issue here?
So even if they are not real, can these nerds not see the issue here?
They don't want to see. Everything they do is an attempt not to see and run away from reality. Degenerates and the abhorrent always need someone lower on the totem pole, to cope. It explains a lot with people overall.

KF is mostly sad cowish autists and losers, who find people they can (try to) laugh at to feel like "Well, at least I'm not THEM!"

Its why so many on KF, and so many literal open racists and such, even though they're childless weirdos, obsessively clutch pearls and think/talk about pedophiles. Weird dudes in their 20s/30s/40s who still live with their parents or live alone to constantly be "worried" about pedophiles. They're not worried about children. Pedophiles are just the only thing in society considered more evil and abhorrent than them.

"I'm a hero fighting the evil pedophiles! Anyone who I dont like is a pedophile BTW!" from them. And on the left, you have people who promote crime and violence, but "At least I'm not a racist like Hitler, the worst person in history! Also, anyone I dont like is a racist! I'm actually fighting the oppression of the system!" People on all sides are full of fake-moral hypocritical outrage and cope to justify themselves.
They don't want to see. Everything they do is an attempt not to see and run away from reality. Degenerates and the abhorrent always need someone lower on the totem pole, to cope. It explains a lot with people overall.

KF is mostly sad cowish autists and losers, who find people they can (try to) laugh at to feel like "Well, at least I'm not THEM!"

Its why so many on KF, and so many literal open racists and such, even though they're childless weirdos, obsessively clutch pearls and think/talk about pedophiles. Weird dudes in their 20s/30s/40s who still live with their parents or live alone to constantly be "worried" about pedophiles. They're not worried about children. Pedophiles are just the only thing in society considered more evil and abhorrent than them.

"I'm a hero fighting the evil pedophiles! Anyone who I dont like is a pedophile BTW!" from them. And on the left, you have people who promote crime and violence, but "At least I'm not a racist like Hitler, the worst person in history! Also, anyone I dont like is a racist! I'm actually fighting the oppression of the system!" People on all sides are full of fake-moral hypocritical outrage and cope to justify themselves.

Nailed it, brother. This is exactly what I have been saying for years now, and surprisingly a lot of people tend to agree with it. A bunch of self-hating millennials who cannot handle adulting and, rather than reach out and get support for their issues, lash out at anyone and everyone else. Mencken said it best that puritanism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy, and that's what the Kwiffar do: someone, somewhere, is happy? No way! That's degenerate! Stone 'em! It's so transparent, and I see it all the time on all sides. It's easy to shit talk and stereotype an entire group of people, but hard to admit that you may be completely wrong about them. And before anyone challenges me on calling them out to be millennials, keep in mind I've said terminally online millennials. Of course, there are plenty of hard working millennials of sound mind out there, but facts are facts; the vast majority of Kwiffar and other similar groups tend to be millennials, who you'd think would know better than to do to the zoomers what boomers did to them, but alas, there's many such cases of millennials ironically spewing the same exact shit they thought was boomer bullshit: you kids got nothing to worry about, wait till you're paying bills, blah blah blah. And when I say what I say here elsewhere, a lot of them lash out at me, thinking I am a "boomer" or a "zoomer" because I dare to call them out on it. It's pure NPC thinking - they're so terminally online that they can't handle being told: "Look, you're almost forty by now, you're wasting your life online, get a fucking life, let alone a job, before it's too late."

I also like to remind them that Tarrant, Lanza, Cho, Rodger, Klebold/Harris, Card (Maine shooter), and others were all millennials - why? Well, if zoomers and boomers are "le evil gen," why can't I point out millennials are also fucked up in the head? Even the fucking pooner shooter in Nashville was a millennial. It's funny how mass shootings started being a thing when millennials came of age, isn't it? It's funny how tranny shit started taking off when they came of age, too. Forget white fragility, I would seriously write a book on millennial fragility at this point. Don't forget they gentrify youth spaces like Roblox, cartoons, YA books, etc, etc (putting them all to the torch, of course) and then predictably get outed as spergs (Kathleen Hale, Cassandra Clare, the hacks who backed up Sarah Dessen) or perverts (that one cartoon creator who got outed for perving on little boys, among many others) and then seethe when told they should GTFO and pick up interests for their age group. Don't forget millennial writing has killed pretty much every franchise you can think of (just recently the "millennial power fantasy" (their own words) that the Saints Row reboot devs made killed the studio) Don't forget that millennials have yet to create anything generationally defining - all they can do is "totally improve" shit made by boomers and Gen-X. Millennials cope so hard over the fact that all they've ever brought into pop culture is garbage music like Brokencyde, Harry Potter house trivia and fucking frog memes that they've begun trying to act like they were 90s kids (despite being largely toddlers at best) and co-opting shit like the Attitude Era (go onto any classic WWF video on YouTube and see the comments), old school MTV and the like as "our shit," despite the fact that they were hardly of age when it was taking off. Not to mention that some of them call today's shit "degenerate" yet they are apparently fine with the WWF having its women practically strip on national television. "It's all woke, bro," he says as he cheers Beavis and Butthead for poking fun at "white privilege" despite the show being an ode to everything they hate about American society.

I could go on, but the point is that if these terminally online cucks want to play the generational blame game, so can I. And of course, like they did with the SR reboot, they will blame it all on "zoomers" despite the fact that every single time, pattern recognition kicks in and the birth years fall under the millennial generation.

It's almost like we have all fallen short or something, huh?

I meant what I said when I pointed out that within fifty years, after Gen Z takes what's left of the spotlight from millennials, that they're gonna snap. I can legitimately see many of them committing suicide once it dawns on them that they've wasted their lives, and of course the rest of us will have to be the emotional labor and put on a smile and give 'em gibs to avoid this. Reddit already has subreddits for ex-QAnon types; how long till some talk show puts an "ex-incel" or whatever on television and gives us a sob story about how we have to give more gibs and placate them on their "road to recovery" when all they ever needed was a boot up the arse? There'll be plenty who'll quietly drop their flags and act like they never did anything wrong (see /pol/ suddenly pretend they never simped hard for Trump after he ended up being a total dud) but most will go down screaming. And you just know you'll be the one shit on for daring to tell them to shut the fuck up, it's your own fault.
I think people who regurgitate the term sneed are annoying, there I said it. We get it dude, you hate the 'feds' and are racist and also can't get laid, idgaf, it's been done into the ground for years and by proxy you're a bottom feeder. Why do alt-right faggots hate letting jokes die.
I think people who regurgitate the term sneed are annoying, there I said it. We get it dude, you hate the 'feds' and are racist and also can't get laid, idgaf, it's been done into the ground for years and by proxy you're a bottom feeder. Why do alt-right faggots hate letting jokes die.

And they say the left can't meme. I mean, they can't, but this isn't better.
get a fucking life, let alone a job
That reminds me of a thread on KF where some kid is bitching about a tranny at a pizza place they work at, how they're annoying, and the non-joke advice so many are giving is "Go to HR and tell them that you're concerned about the mentally ill pedophile." These retards have never had jobs, have never gone outside and interacted with non-internet people, and are giving this kid advice that will 100% get him fired. So often people there give advice when its clear they have no experience or perspective themselves and shouldnt be giving advice.

Regarding Millennials, its strange that the generation that grew up on South Park and Chapelle show, who rebelled against and still complain about their "pearl clutching" parents, are the biggest pearl clutching busybodies ever. Everyone knows the current era woke censorship and cancellation stuff and many modern lefties ironically being witch hunting zealots like the Christian boogiemen they hate, but you can see on KF even among the self-proclaimed rightwing hardcore free speech absolutists that "Oh, but things _I_ don't like should be banned. THOSE cross the line of what's OK for free speech."

But being hypocritical assholes is pretty much the human condition throughout history. Milennials are just that age right now where they're the prominent generation. Its kind of like when people go "Politics have never been this uncivil until now!" when human history is literally just humanity murdering each other en masse over basically all this same shit.

I think people who regurgitate the term sneed are annoying, there I said it. We get it dude, you hate the 'feds' and are racist and also can't get laid, idgaf, it's been done into the ground for years and by proxy you're a bottom feeder. Why do alt-right faggots hate letting jokes die.
Null in particular has really beaten that dead horse and flanderized it in his poor attempts to humorous and popular.

list of the most spergy fags on kiwifarms​

Anyone who's ever posted in "Mass Debates" is a max-level cow poster.
That reminds me of a thread on KF where some kid is bitching about a tranny at a pizza place they work at, how they're annoying, and the non-joke advice so many are giving is "Go to HR and tell them that you're concerned about the mentally ill pedophile." These retards have never had jobs, have never gone outside and interacted with non-internet people, and are giving this kid advice that will 100% get him fired. So often people there give advice when its clear they have no experience or perspective themselves and shouldnt be giving advice.

Regarding Millennials, its strange that the generation that grew up on South Park and Chapelle show, who rebelled against and still complain about their "pearl clutching" parents, are the biggest pearl clutching busybodies ever. Everyone knows the current era woke censorship and cancellation stuff and many modern lefties ironically being witch hunting zealots like the Christian boogiemen they hate, but you can see on KF even among the self-proclaimed rightwing hardcore free speech absolutists that "Oh, but things _I_ don't like should be banned. THOSE cross the line of what's OK for free speech."

But being hypocritical assholes is pretty much the human condition throughout history. Milennials are just that age right now where they're the prominent generation. Its kind of like when people go "Politics have never been this uncivil until now!" when human history is literally just humanity murdering each other en masse over basically all this same shit.

Once again, nailed it. Once again, I've said this time and time again. I especially like your last point. I had people bitch at me when I told them "2020 is a cakewalk compared to 1914-45" whenever they would post some "this is the worst year ever!" meme because, well, come on. You're going to compare having to stay inside with an internet connection and DoorDash to any other year and say that? Like, seriously. And then there's those who claim no, it's 2016, because of Orange Man, and I'm like, again, you literally saying that makes you utterly retarded. Go tell a survivor of the atom bomb that 2020 is the worst year ever. I'm sure they'd agree.
I think people who regurgitate the term sneed are annoying, there I said it. We get it dude, you hate the 'feds' and are racist and also can't get laid, idgaf, it's been done into the ground for years and by proxy you're a bottom feeder. Why do alt-right faggots hate letting jokes die.
Kiwifags seem to think that's Josh's bit since call posting on KF sneeding but it's a thing from /tv/ meant to agitate jannies.
With a single word you can befuddle the uninitiated, anger the people who don't get it and are tired of hearing it and indict the oppressive janny pig system.
Sneeding is based but not when a bunch of retarded parrots are doing it because e-daddy thinks it's funny
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Its kind of like when people go "Politics have never been this uncivil until now!" when human history is literally just humanity murdering each other en masse over basically all this same shit.
I think of this fairly often when someone is bitching and moaning about the current state of the world. It's truly the same as it ever was, just with new bullshit distractions
That reminds me of a thread on KF where some kid is bitching about a tranny at a pizza place they work at, how they're annoying, and the non-joke advice so many are giving is "Go to HR and tell them that you're concerned about the mentally ill pedophile." These retards have never had jobs, have never gone outside and interacted with non-internet people, and are giving this kid advice that will 100% get him fired. So often people there give advice when its clear they have no experience or perspective themselves and shouldnt be giving advice.
I know, I think I saw that same thread. They were all acting like it was highschool and they could just meangirl there way into getting the troon fired. They are on such a whole other level of unemployed they don't even know that even managers and supervisors are barely allowed to mention mental health or medical issues or that a lot of corporate workplaces have mental health programs now because when you fire a person and they immediately off themselves it doesn't look good on the company.

Kiwis are like little kids, they are so naive and out of the loop.
Once again, nailed it. Once again, I've said this time and time again. I especially like your last point. I had people bitch at me when I told them "2020 is a cakewalk compared to 1914-45" whenever they would post some "this is the worst year ever!" meme because, well, come on. You're going to compare having to stay inside with an internet connection and DoorDash to any other year and say that? Like, seriously. And then there's those who claim no, it's 2016, because of Orange Man, and I'm like, again, you literally saying that makes you utterly retarded. Go tell a survivor of the atom bomb that 2020 is the worst year ever. I'm sure they'd agree.
Imagine if you will that here was a time that women died in childbirth and little children worked 14 hour days if they weren't crushed by giant machinery first. Like Null he average farmer is mostly illiterate and can't or won't read about stuff that happened before they were born.