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Meta Random txts

@;-; I don't know if you've caught Blaine's schizophrenia or if you're indulging this because it is objectively hilarious watching him spaghetti all over the internet, but if you have to ask me what I'm doing then I'm disappointed in you.

Why would I be nice to people on the internet?

Discord, duh, I'm a discord tranny.

only if Mommy lets me

It's funny cause Null wants to unironically sell NFTs

@ZephyrExtension sharpie your tummy, write onion farms on it please

can't get enough tummy eh?

exhibitionist** retard.

Blaine's going to hold a grudge against you for life now.

It's about ethics in shitposting but nah I don't care, just proves why others wouldn't trust you.

small world, AC is a crack baby too?

Mommy is cute when they're mad

I'm clearly a drawing.
This is going to be spergy but then again I’m a lolcow so it’s expected.

At first I was guns blazing ready to destroy Kiwi Farms.

If it wasn’t for a particular group of users who reached out and eventually became some of my closest friends, I would still be seething.

I soon grew to like the site, and I genuinely worried & cared about Null.

I don’t know why because I oughta have hated him but I couldn’t help but want to hook him up with a job, a therapist & someone who could help erase his digital footprint.

I don’t know why I cared but I clearly shouldn’t have.

When I was first posted on lolcow.farm I went through the site. On multiple threads I saw kids being posted, nudes of children and threads about people under 18 and even under 16.

I have archives of this but obviously they’re for the police & detectives who have reached out to ask me for this evidence, and I have complied. Posting them publicly would be disgraceful.

I admit that I did fuck Ines over pretty badly considering I was friends with multiple users and staff at LCF who would feed me data.

I posted her name on her site and that’s when the problems started.
When Null believed Ines & her site purely down to stuff like username tags I used on both sites or down to my vendetta, I was appalled and really disappointed. Despite being a cow, I don’t lie to get people to hate each other, even if I want to fuck someone over. Everything I said about that site hosting cp is true.
I have no idea how anyone came to the conclusion I was behind any cp spams but I’m guessing it came from ines and a few of her friends that were annoyed at being exposed so flipped it onto me.

I am an avid fighter of cp and pedophilia and do everything I can everyday to clear these people offline, ruining my own mental health in the process. I have not and will never post or upload or possess cp.

Armpit Cream from Kiwi Farms is a farmhand at Lolcow farm and I don’t know if he had anything to do with this, it’s just unknown lore that’s potentially unrelated. Apparently he snuck onto the administration team over there.

Stay based guys
KF is for men. LCF is for women.

If you haven't vomited today already, you're about to.

Screenshot courtesy of a kiwi.
IMG_1590 (1).jpg

Anyone from KF watching this, do me a solid (ha) and just inform my thread that I don't shit myself. It's a fucking disgusting thing to suggest. I've been very fastidious about my hygiene to the point of OCD ever since I was a child, washing my hands after I pet my cat, handle cat food, touch a kitchen surface, mail in the mail box, and dirty laundry besides all the normal things you'd wash your hands for. Some everyday foods that you would consider palatable are disgusting to me and I hate touching them; the smell of them make me nauseous.

Reading this fucking screenshot made me want to shrivel up like a fucking raisin. Neither Blaine nor Michael are to be trusted for absolutely fucking anything.
Last edited by a moderator:
KF is for men. LCF is for women.

If you haven't vomited today already, you're about to.

Screenshot courtesy of a kiwi.

Anyone from KF watching this, do me a solid (ha) and just inform my thread that I don't shit myself. It's a fucking disgusting thing to suggest. I've been very fastidious about my hygiene to the point of OCD ever since I was a child, washing my hands after I pet my cat, handle cat food, touch a kitchen surface, mail in the mail box, and dirty laundry besides all the normal things you'd wash your hands for. Some everyday foods that you would consider palatable are disgusting to me and I hate touching them; the smell of them make me nauseous.

Reading this fucking screenshot made me want to shrivel up like a fucking raisin. Neither Blaine nor Michael are to be trusted for absolutely fucking anything.
You can trust that everyone on this sphere of the internet is untrustworthy for the most part, some less so than others, but at the end of the day these are doxing sites dedicated to making fun of people.

You can trust that the women on lolcow.farm are going to be fat, angry women doing fat angry women things on the internet

You can trust the people on AMB to be gayoping Tommy Tooter in some way like convincing him that @SIGSEGV is on his way to Arizona to assassinate him.
You can trust that the people on lolcow.org are trying really hard to prove how they don't try hard at all.
You can trust that Josh is going to be an unhinged man on the internet who either cares about nothing or blindly bans people from KF he thinks might be cow-poly socks. lmao
Everyone's "trustworthy" to behave the way they behave.

You can trust the ladies on lolcow.farm to see this post and use it as evidence that I'm "in contact with you" or that I'm orbiting you
You can also trust that after I fucked with your discord servers I got bored and moved onto doing other things because I just don't see what's funny about you.
KF is for men. LCF is for women.

If you haven't vomited today already, you're about to.

Screenshot courtesy of a kiwi.

Anyone from KF watching this, do me a solid (ha) and just inform my thread that I don't shit myself. It's a fucking disgusting thing to suggest. I've been very fastidious about my hygiene to the point of OCD ever since I was a child, washing my hands after I pet my cat, handle cat food, touch a kitchen surface, mail in the mail box, and dirty laundry besides all the normal things you'd wash your hands for. Some everyday foods that you would consider palatable are disgusting to me and I hate touching them; the smell of them make me nauseous.

Reading this fucking screenshot made me want to shrivel up like a fucking raisin. Neither Blaine nor Michael are to be trusted for absolutely fucking anything.
Your time on the internet would be infinitely easier if you just admitted to being on your thread.