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Not my own work, reposted from lolcow.farm reposting from onion farms reposting from Kiwi Farms, but my oh my is he pressed. I love it. He deserves all that and more for trying to tip our cow. I love how badly it worked out for him.

>virulent misogynist
>Some fat foid's opinion

I used to be able to fit bigger toys when I was younger.

First toy I got when I was 18 was a generic black vibrator, usable length around 14 inches. As big around as a golf ball.

Next size up was this purple dildo with a suction cup from AdamEve that had a usable length of about the same, as big around as a can of Red Bull if not a little thicker.

I was always told “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach” by people, but turns out that the same goes for orifices.

It has nothing to do with lubrication, as I produce plenty myself and always use more just in case.

I haven’t asked a gynecologist about it, but I might just have vaginismus. It’s weird because it never happens when I’m with my bf.
gays > femboys > crossdresers > trannies
>we are out here
View attachment 12979
trans pride world wide!

Actually I was calling Rachel a tranny but Naughts ass is permanently sensitive and he projects more than a cinema so go figure.
ill say this here since the thread was put in the dumper.
i considered you a fellow shitposter that's why when .org was being shitty i reached out, after six to nine months i considered you a friend and you tried to fuck me over.
View attachment 15326
@NekoRightsActivist sorry about that i asked to be unbanned for the second time recently so i guess he had me in mind.
lol joshy was just trying to cover the fact that he got his feefee hurt because someone thinks he is uglier than chris chan. his simps will still eat up whatever lie their queenie fed them tho.
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lol joshy was just trying to cover the fact that he got his feefee hurt because someone thinks he is uglier than chris chan. his simps will still eat up whatever lie their queenie fed them tho.
View attachment 15346
@Jetstream Sharpe not even the "don't gimmick post" is enforced anymore as long as you do it against people null doesn't like.
plus, his banning of neko was clearly a way for null to remain master of CAT BOYS.