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Last Update January 21, 2025

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I want to fuck Kaine in the ass. I think I'm gay for Kaine. His little ass would be great for me because of all of my sexual frustration. I'm so tired of stroking my dick in the dark. I really need to bust into someone's ass. Kaine is a poet on the internet and he makes nice poems. They are really cute and creative. His little asian ass would be like banana moon pie I just want to eat. Why can't Kaine date me? I'm a male with a big penis that needs to fuck something. I can already see it, him moaning me and calling me daddy. He needs me, He doesn't need rose, deep down I know he's gay because he talks about me all the time and it makes me so horny why can't he understand. I want to make video games with Kaine, he should make one about us going on dates and being anime characters, to be honest, I'm so tired of masturbating by myself, He can suck my dick anytime he wants and I can fuck him anytime.

Why do we have to fight, I just don't understand anymore, maybe if I fuck Kaine, maybe I can fuck @Timepace and her boyfriend. I'm so depraved and just need to fuck and them 3 are just so perfect so fine. I hope they can forgive me.