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Same problem I had, I wanted to help but he's a paranoid control freak.

I never wanted to help, I wanted to just contribute and make content that went in a different direction which is what it was sold to me as. I was sick of boring threads that either died on the vine or were just dollar store 4chan, which is what basically all of the "say whatever the fuck you want" sites that are left today strive to be.

When I realized it was "meet the new boss same as the old boss" and that they were just going to focus on being yet another site dedicated to being a Wikipedia of mentally ill retards that got bullied that no one gives a shit about, I was bummed.

It was as disappointing as when I was in the 10th grade and my girlfriend Stephanie let me lick her butthole but then she told one of her friends that I did it, and the whole school ended up finding out and dragging me for it. And that was back in like 1999 before eating ass was fashionable and widely accepted.

But I digress...


He got so ass blasted about the naming of the place. I haven't seen gargamel in days.

Well people like him are used to a good ass blasting.

Typically in mascot outfits.
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Why would you equate the sweet, submissive catgirl we all know and love to the deviant anonymous homosexuals having sex in a hotel room in smelly, unwashed mascot uniforms?

What's your badge number? I want to speak to your supervisor.

I've decided this gay slap fight is gay as such I'm going to start posting catgirl pics
To reclaim this thread