Do you guys really not know that Godwinson is a leftist?
He is close friends with Kraut. PPP had been his pet retard for years, and he wants nothing more than there to be another big fat retard who preaches alt-right talking points and acts like a huge jackass that makes the right look bad like Ethan Ralph. PPP finally grifting and doing Kino Casino and not just parroting things that Godwinson tells him to say was his form of finally leaving the plantation. But just like the actual niggers, all he managed to do with his freedom was put himself into an even more fucked up position where all he wants to do is beg for gibbs.
You should also consider the other people that he promoted like the council of evil faggots (daiymo, shaggy, phantom organization), who all seem to blatantly retarded faggots with extreme right views. All of his content pre-PPP drama was arguing with alt-right people and making fun of Sargon. Consider also the gayops that Kraut was doing with the fake conservative discord shit and luring alt right people into donating to his leftist shit. Don't think it's that farfetched to think Godwinson is into similar things and that Kraut has continued to do same thing in different avenues.
That being said he still brings the content.