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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

This is the second Manilow reference from Gaywinson. ANd yes he opens with a cover of the song.
i l liked the little dance he did
PPP brought back his retarded dancing monkey to the same one note fucking show they've been doing for the past 10 months.

Remember when they actually had momentum making fun of Nick Fuentes and people were actually writing articles about their takedowns of America First and they were actually bringing up good clips of Nick where there was actually something new and interesting to criticize?

Now they have become like the old Gunt Board on kiwifarms where it's just "NICK FUENTES FARTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" just bringing up a clip from literally anything at all that Nick does and PPP just preaching the same tired points over and over again regardless of what Nick is saying or doing "he hates women", "sour grapes bit", "he's gay" ad infinitum. How about you only cover AF when something new or interesting happens?
It's also incredibly embarrassing and gay how PPP just bows down to whatever flavor of the week the Gunt Board on Kiwifarms is on about at the time.

Once Josh gave PPP those Lemons and he got a taste of the Kiwifarms grifter money he hasn't been able to quit. Josh is like the heroin dealer who gives the first time free, so he can watch Ashton destroy himself. Really shameful stuff.
And he replies to Woes.
Woes did not defend shagging animals. Also, Boomerwinson had to get other people to find a video (of his). Shameful lack of prep.

Also: Hemmy and Hobbit were in chat (and Alphabet Cat). Hobbit did a top job of trolling Godwinson. TBF Black Rain isn't a great movie.
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MvAgusta has started a (very salad tossing) thread on Godwinson.

Bout sums it up.

Mv the sycophant is too lazy to actually do any research (why bother, it's not about ethics in Alog'in, it's about chasing clout and sucking dick, right?)

Failure to include the "classic"
Neethog day

And this one, tho' I don't think some Kfers would want many to listen to this
Y'know, it's not about what Godwinson has actually said

"Milk Fed Gimp" Vee is mentioned (because of the most recent stream from Godders), but Mv fails to post this:
The reason for Fibwinsons dislike of the Bunny banger. Neither the Slav or the Fop come out of this one well.

Oh and failure to mention that Godwinson, after saying he couldn't avow the KC then (after seeing it was making money) decide to get his snout into the trough. Wonder why that could be? Same reason no one has mentioned Tomswinson's own fear of the love apple.

eta: If anyone can link to the Empire Strikes Back media studies student vid he did, and the Heaven Gate reading vid, that would be great.
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