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Pippa Pipkin / Nicolette Pinder

It’s hard to say he won’t let anyone make a thread about about her or even post her doxx which is really odd considering her past boyfriend was a pedophile and her current troon boyfriend is a troon lol not to mention Nicolette has endorsed pedophiles looking at child pornography to control their urges multiple times which should have caused her to have a kiwifarms thread immediately. ...immediately.
So if I were to make a thread on her, I'd get banned instantly, fucking sin and a shame honestly, the fact Josh won't let somebody make a damn thread on her, PROVES kf picks and choses who gets a thread and who doesn't
Here’s a couple of videos of Nicolette endorsing child porn and pedophila.
Pippa Exposed 1
Pippa Exposed 2
So if I were to make a thread on her, I'd get banned instantly, fucking sin and a shame honestly, the fact Josh won't let somebody make a damn thread on her, PROVES kf picks and choses who gets a thread and who doesn't
There is no way Josh Moon allows that thread out of prospering grounds if you write it I guarantee you he locks the thread too.
Nicolette is literally a pedophile those videos prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. ...doubt.
Well Josh is a damn shota boy so I guess that plays in pretty well for him not wanting anybody to make a thread on her
Here’s the post of her talking about good pedophila. I believe chronically it goes from her talking about how lolicon isn’t pedophila in the first clip to her talking about how CP is ok for
pedophiles to consume in the second clip to her finally just straight up admitting she wants to fuck 13 year olds in the final clip.
Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3
(Clip one is at the top of the kiwifarms thread on that page)
Very disturbing when you put it all together.
Here’s the post of her talking about good pedophila. I believe chronically it goes from her talking about how lolicon isn’t pedophila in the first clip to her talking about how CP is ok for
pedophiles to consume in the second clip to her finally just straight up admitting she wants to fuck 13 year olds in the final clip.
Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3
(Clip one is at the top of the kiwifarms thread on that page)
Very disturbing when you put it all together.
And Josh gatekeeps this bitch from having her own thread, you can genuinely not make any of this up, this bitch DESERVES her own thread, her NOT getting a thread on KF is the crux and one of the many reasons KF shouldn't be taken seriously AT fucking ALL. Does Josh know any of these clips exist? If so, he's a fucking jackass for blatantly choosing to ignore it all.
And Josh gatekeeps this bitch from having her own thread, you can genuinely not make any of this up, this bitch DESERVES her own thread, her NOT getting a thread on KF is the crux and one of the many reasons KF shouldn't be taken seriously AT fucking ALL. Does Josh know any of these clips exist? If so, he's a fucking jackass for blatantly choosing to ignore it all.
He definitely knows maybe someone should make an alt and ping him with them though and post these clips so he has no plausible deniability and is forced to make her a thread.
He definitely knows maybe someone should make an alt and ping him with them though and post these clips so he has no plausible deniability and is forced to make her a thread.
I honestly hope so, cause if not.....I'm sorry fucking NOBODY from KF should criticizing ANYBODIES degeneracy, AT ALL, these people need to die cause they're so fucking worthless