• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Null and Mad at the Internet

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
These tweets got read on MATI today, with Null misidentifying the Twitter account "Doctor Contra" as the Youtuber ContraPoints, when these are definitely two different people.

TLDR, Null is just playing and reading whatever Kiwis ask him to, but he's pretending that MATI and KF are separate when they're clearly not. KF exists to crowdsource content for MATI so Null can live out his dream of becoming Dick Masterson when he grows up.
One of my PET peeves is Null getting info wrong on MATI.
Josh is perhaps the most "censored" man on the internet who is still allowed on youtube to cry about his woes twice a week to the tune of hundreds of dollars.

Actually, I was trying to find the clip of Null responding to a Tik Tok video of a TIF crying about being lonely and unable to be friends with real men... then this happened as I was trying to get the timestamp:


LMAO, oh well, it was fun while it lasted! Last time I checked the Livestream had about 16k views.

I did manage to get a screenshot of the part I was trying to timestamp:


And here's Null in the comments apologizing for referring to the above TIF as a "he":

Null has purged his community tab:

And he confirmed that his last MATI was struck for Hasspostings:

Mad at the Internet 4 days ago (edited)
The June 16th stream was struck for hatespeech. I am not told what was said that is considered hatespeech.

The thumbnail of the archived stream warns that Null has now received a month-long ban on his MATI Youtube channel, and will not be streaming on Youtube until July the 16th.


Null has purged his community tab:

And he confirmed that his last MATI was struck for Hasspostings:

The thumbnail of the archived stream warns that Null has now received a month-long ban on his MATI Youtube channel, and will not be streaming on Youtube until July the 16th.

View attachment 36009

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maybe i'm dumb but shouldn't Null have privated/private streams at this point? its not like randos are going to stumble upon MATI one day while searching youtube.
View attachment 35687

Imagine having all this musical talent, imagine literally going to music school to become a skilled and accomplished musician... but then one day you delude yourself that you're a chick, you end up mutilating yourself and then you try to eke out a living using your musical skills and knowledge to teach a bunch of pornsick coomers how to cough like a girl. :rolleyes: Euterpe weeps.
be honest, would you fuck him? if he went up to you and started talking about pokemon and then asked you out would you say yes? what if your only option besides saying yes was for him to troon out, what then?
Isn't the fact that we can find people's posts from the late 90s/early 2000s proof that this person is full of shit when they say stuff from that era wasn't online forever?
i mean friendster and myspace and a fuckload more forums from that era either wiped archives or went down. Metokur forums was bigger than kiwifarms when it vanished, multiple communites with 2k active members daily got big and vanished from then, even EDF's first forum got wiped. If anything its more impressive people found this stuff than not, especially when every search engine has gone full retard recently. there's a reason being an oldfag means remembering the internet from a decade ago, like a cat. that doesn't even factor in stuff like social media completely wiping accounts and posts or people DFE.

like just reading an article from 2010 with a comment section and it being entirely intact from when it was posted should be considered a major accomplishment.
lol his podcast is so boring now since its mostly news bits , because his site loads like shit, so he doesn't rely on it too much , since he doesnt want another episode where they ddos it while hes using it live.
why wouldn't he keep a fresh page of it pre-loaded so he can reference it even if the site goes down or keep screenshots.

Mad at the Internet (Tuesday, June 20th, 2023)​


Odysee (8381 views)

Rumble: (5450 views)

As you can see, when Null can't Livestream on Youtube people will just go to alt media sites to listen to his podcast. Especially his Rumble numbers are very telling. Look at his other Rumble mirrors of MATI and you will see that those get about 2k views. He would never have over 5k views on Rumble if he wasn't banned on Youtube. He did get a lot less superchats this time though, but that did make MATI about an hour shorter than it usually is.
he got 1k live viewers on odysee and 700(ish) on rumble
Those numbers are unreliable because it's just the people watching him at that particular moment, not the total number of people who watched a MATI stream. Best is to wait for a couple of days or a week because most Kiwis don't watch MATI live but days after the fact.

KiwiFarms racists complaining about Null's Juneteenth Livestream:

I'm glad Josh doesn't do melanated streams often, even the cows are boring.

I agree with Lidl Socks though, that part where Null read entries from Lipstick Alley with a black accent was funnyAF, you have to be a pure blood-and-soil fucking racist to not find that funny:

Josh reading black women problems on Lipstick Alley was kino.
Only the Rumble mirror of today's MATI is up right now:

Mad at the Internet (June 23rd, 2023)

Talking about the billionaires' implosion at the Titanic, Null said:

13:00 I've made video game animations that involve respiration.

You can watch those animations here. They are unlisted, because Null doesn't want people to know he animated someone exploding in a pool of blood.