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Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Null and Mad at the Internet

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null deleted the above episode and replaced with a 7 second Fishtank clip.

Full MATI episode archived here:

@thefrogninja check this out, Null's fanbois are now denying that the cat meowing you heard on the previous MATI was actually a cat:


Y'all can deny and gaslight on his behalf all you want, we all saw the picture of the cat on his desktop. You can't retroactively cover that up or explain it away. I have to wonder why they're doing this though. Is the idea of Null as a catlady so abhorent and shameful to these trad-LARP obsessed fanbois that they have to deny what's plainly before them?

BTW, Null was in the comments responding to people:

@thefrogninja check this out, Null's fanbois are now denying that the cat meowing you heard on the previous MATI was actually a cat:
View attachment 33283View attachment 33282
Y'all can deny and gaslight on his behalf all you want, we all saw the picture of the cat on his desktop. You can't retroactively cover that up or explain it away. I have to wonder why they're doing this though. Is the idea of Null as a catlady so abhorent and shameful to these trad-LARP obsessed fanbois that they have to deny what's plainly before them?
Josh was audibly more sick this recent MATI than the previous one, but there were ZERO cat sounds :thinking:
Josh was audibly more sick this recent MATI than the previous one, but there were ZERO cat sounds
Exactly! If it was Null making those cat sounds due to being sick, why were they only audible during that particular short segment? Why wasn't he making cat sounds throughout the whole episode, and why wasn't he making cat sounds in this week's episode as well, since he's even more sick than last time? Do these people ever hear themselves to notice how plainly illogical they sound when they try to gaslight about this?

I could hear that he was turning off his mike in between speaking a lot more this time. He clearly doesn't want people to know that he has a cat. Which is ridiculous, because the MATI episode where he (inadvertently) showed the picture of his cat on his desktop is still up on Youtube for anyone to look into. Does he really think he can retroactively gaslight all the people who already saw that picture of his cat back then? What is seen cannot be unseen. Most people on Youtube think it's cute when their favourite Youtuber shows off their pet, so why is Null acting like his cat is this huge shameful secret he has to hide?

Edit: Here's the screenshot from the 2018 (sorry, I thought it was 2019) where Null accidentally showed off the picture of his cat on his desktop:

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They don't believe in the cat?
They know the cat exists. I know a lot of them have binge-watched and listened to old MATI episodes, so they too must've have seen the picture of the cat on Null's desktop when he accidentally showed it during that 2019 MATI episode. How else did I get that screengrab I posted? I too saw that cat on his desktop, and so did they. Why are they pretending like this is a big secret no one is allowed to talk about?

And their bullshit excuse, claiming that it's Null himself meowing because he's sick and it's making him meow, it's so ridiculous on the face of it. If Null was sick, why was there only meowing during that particular short segment? If he was meowing due to being sick, he would've meowed throughout the whole episode. And why wasn't Null meowing on this week's episode, despite being even more sick? It's such bull. No wonder people say that "Kiwis act like they're in a cult". Gaslighting yourselves like this is not normal y'all. JFC SMH.


Null's MATI this week is so boring, JFC:

Mad at the Internet (May 5th, 2023)

Mad at the Internet (May 5th, 2023) on Odysee

Mad at the Internet (May 5th, 2023) on Rumble

The only fun part was Null placing an eternal curse on Keffals to dramatically climaxing orchestral music was quite dramatic. Tanuki is definitely gonna excerpt that part for his clip channel.

View attachment 33488

Null's MATI this week is so boring, JFC:

Mad at the Internet (May 5th, 2023)

Mad at the Internet (May 5th, 2023) on Odysee

Mad at the Internet (May 5th, 2023) on Rumble

The only fun part was Null placing an eternal curse on Keffals to dramatically climaxing orchestral music was quite dramatic. Tanuki is definitely gonna excerpt that part for his clip channel.
tradcath spongebob
aka nick fuentes
The DDoSer appears to attack Josh during stream because Josh has made it clear over the past few weeks that he does zero prep, downloading videos and screenshotting posts, and does everything live which has led to problems of his site not loading and needing to wait along with asking sneedchat live for links to things he's missed.
I really wanted to time-stamp the part where Null cursed Keffals to The Dark Night Rises OST.... unfortunately, only the Rumble VOD is up right now, the Youtube one and the Odysee one are both down. Rumble doesn't allow time-stamped linking, so I'll put the time-stamp in the quote:

2:03:00 Without further ado, I would like to play a clip. ("Why Do We Fall" from The Dark Knight Rises OST swells up). I would like to play a clip for all of you. If I'm allowed to, to sorta juxtapose this perceived weakness with how they really felt when they had the upper hand.

(Null plays a Livestream clip of Keffals with Ellen Murray on Youtube, gloating over KF being down and "the ruination of Joshua Moon's life", "I think this is officially rest in piss territory", "How do you come back from this? You can't! And this is before any legal action and anything else! This is the end!" as "Why Do We Fall" rises dramatically)

Even right now, there's more shit happening, as a consequence, that I have to deal with, by myself, and without anybody else's help. And when it was OK, when it was going well, Keffals had no problem laughing about it. Well, my friend, here's where have to say: I don't want you to die, Keffals. I want you to live. I want you to live for thousands of years, so that every day, you wake up and you see half of a man. You agonize over your own botched surgeries. And you've accomplished nothing. And you fight drug addiction year after year. I want you to live forever. For 475k years until the end of Kali Yuga, I want Keffals to be alive so that they can continue to suffer, as Keffals does everyday, boys and girls. TTD, that's right chat! That's right chat! FUCK'em! What's a problem that's not going to exist in 2070, chat? Troons! That's right!

While I can't stand Null, it's hard for me not to share his anger. I remember how I was still on KF while all of this was happening and how fucking pissed off I myself was.

BTW, from an occult perspective (and I am only saying this because it's so accurately descriptive, not because I personally believe in such woo-woo), what Null did there is a black magick ritual. He placed a curse on Keffals. He did this in the presence of others who feel the same way about Keffals, using theatrics and dramatic music in order to concentrate that collective resentment to power up his curse. What can I say, uncle Marilyn Manson would be proud. 😋
The DDoSer appears to attack Josh during stream because Josh has made it clear over the past few weeks that he does zero prep, downloading videos and screenshotting posts, and does everything live which has led to problems of his site not loading and needing to wait along with asking sneedchat live for links to things he's missed.
what a great website , you would think the owner would have a stable chat

sometimes i like screaming into the void.
I really wanted to time-stamp the part where Null cursed Keffals to The Dark Night Rises OST.... unfortunately, only the Rumble VOD is up right now, the Youtube one and the Odysee one are both down. Rumble doesn't allow time-stamped linking, so I'll put the time-stamp in the quote:

While I can't stand Null, it's hard for me not to share his anger. I remember how I was still on KF while all of this was happening and how fucking pissed off I myself was.

BTW, from an occult perspective (and I am only saying this because it's so accurately descriptive, not because I personally believe in such woo-woo), what Null did there is a black magick ritual. He placed a curse on Keffals. He did this in the presence of others who feel the same way about Keffals, using theatrics and dramatic music in order to concentrate that collective resentment to power up his curse. What can I say, uncle Marilyn Manson would be proud. 😋
very optimistic that he won't relapse on the crack and od or hang himself
what a great website , you would think the owner would have a stable chat
View attachment 33502
sometimes i like screaming into the void.
View attachment 33503
free my boi empressa zhe dindu nuffin
Reason: H
MATI is live right now, 2k+ viewers on YT, 260+ on Odysee:

Someone in the chat claims that Null posted this:

Mad at the Internet
I just received an email with tracking number that says the server might already be heading to the DC, I am going to send an urgent email with instructions with what to do with it - then stream.

Everyone likes to try and blame those "evil fedposting right wingers!!1" cause they post "lol guess the race" on news articles about crime, when the reason the site always goes down is cause of TERFs and similar spergs spamming "GAS AND MURDER ALL TRANNIES!!!" and encouraging actual dox and harassment campaigns, which the trannies then point to as proof that KF is just an anti-trans hate site. Hey, I hate trannies too, but lets be honest about who the real fedposting retards causing trouble for the site are, but those tend to be the paypigs, whereas A&H is full of freeloading edgelords who giggle at posting "nigger".

Sorry to quote your post in this thread instead of the other one, but just to illustrate your point, this was the MATI chat the other day:

MATI fans in action...


I hate TRAs too, but how is this different from TRAs posting pictures of guillotines or of the transflag super-imposed with machine guns?
Mad at the Internet (May 19th, 2023) (2550 viewers)

Mad at the Internet (May 19th, 2023) (56 viewers)

Mad at the Internet (May 19th, 2023) (100 viewers)

Null said he wants Daniel Radcliffe to play him in KiwiFarms the Movie, because they look alike, supposedly.

He said that in Serbia there are bitcoin ATMs.

He's also learning to program in C for Nginx and says "it's hard".