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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Lollipop Chainsaw Remake

Aqua Teen Hathaway Force

Staff writer
Local Moderator
So I just found out that yesterday a new, remastered, remade edition of lollipop chainsaw came out. Fun cult classic that was made by the director of the guardians of the galaxy movies.

Great game if you're into zombie killing and pervy jokes.

Mainstream game websites are refusing to review it for some reason. Must be butt hurt over the fact that Concord was DOA.
Haha, gamer YouTubers picking up on the fact that mainstream video game reviewers are ignoring this game because it doesn't fall in line with the uglification and wokeness of modern games.


(I love how hard this girl dunks on trannies in her review)

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Haha, gamer YouTubers picking up on the fact that mainstream video game reviewers are ignoring this game because it doesn't fall in line with the uglification and wokeness of modern games.


(I love how hard this girl dunks on trannies in her review)

Why does every western cunt try to LARP as a Yautja with tats and other gross niggercattle shit like excessive piercings these days? Its not just a phase since they go into their 30s and 40s yet still expect you to take them seriously by law when they end up looking like a deflated blobfish.
Why does every western cunt try to LARP as a Yautja with tats and other gross niggercattle shit like excessive piercings these days? Its not just a phase since they go into their 30s and 40s yet still expect you to take them seriously by law when they end up looking like a deflated blobfish.

Sir this is a Wendy's. We're talking about a remake of an American made video game from like 15 years ago, not... whatever fucking rambling incoherent point you're trying to make.