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Lolcow.org Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky

Yeah if some kid is doing animal or human cruelty then obviously it's fine to use their available information to stop that. I honestly have no clue what statement or argument you're making here because I'm not autistic, and I don't know who that specific abuser is, are you saying Kiwifarms doesn't routinely dox underaged kids who don't deserve it? Because I remember a literal 17 year old dumbly wandering on there and all the macho middle aged fellas like @Karl telling the little lady she needs to watch herself because her nudes were findable.
Define "deserve"
That cunt probably should have stopped looking at her thread.
so i can go to bed securely for the rest of my life seeing as how every time one of your enemies has been Dawxxed it was not due to your astounding sleuthing skills

tonight i had buffalo mac n cheese btw it slapped
No answer about why you've hung around a group of men on a forum who constantly talk about how they'd love to beat women for years at this point? Down to specifics they fantasize about?
Shut up incel
Not an argument. If freedom of speech allows for people who "deserve" it (which I'd still like you to define. Who "deserves" it) then it has to account for people who use their freedom of speech to say things about people which you disagree with or don't like them saying.
Cheering on the sanitization of the internet, the death of free speech, and mob justice is fucking retarded.

"First they came for the lolcow.orgers, and I did nothing because I spent my days screaming at people there
Then they came for the kiwi farmers, and I again did nothing because I stopped posting there
Then they came for the Onion Farmers and I did nothing again because everyone I don't like is a NAZI
Then they came for me and there was no one left to laugh at me for it"
Freedom of speech isn't a real thing, at this point in history any constitutional law has been contorted by the legal system to benefit the capitalist class. NSA should have made any reference or appeals to the idea a laughable anachronism for the last decade+ and leftists have understood for years that if they want to get you, you'll get got.

Speech is a totem disingenuously carried around by fascists who don't really believe in it or democracy or anything. It's a fake philosophical thing they can point at to intellectualize their harmful actions and the fact that elites let them get away with it because there's no monetary benefit in stopping them. There isn't a better example that it's absurd and fake than the fact a single libertarian freak at Cloudflare is keeping the lights on for Joshua so a few hundred criminally insane men can say slurs and inform 17 year olds they found their nudes ( heh we won't post them here though sweetie, that would be...illegal)

Freedom of speech isn't a real thing, at this point in history any constitutional law has been contorted by the legal system to benefit the capitalist class. NSA should have made any reference or appeals to the idea a laughable anachronism for the last decade+ and leftists have understood for years that if they want to get you, you'll get got.

Speech is a totem disingenuously carried around by fascists who don't really believe in it or democracy or anything. It's a fake philosophical thing they can point at to intellectualize their harmful actions and the fact that elites let them get away with it because there's no monetary benefit in stopping them. There isn't a better example that it's absurd and fake than the fact a single libertarian freak at Cloudflare is keeping the lights on for Joshua so a few hundred criminally insane men can say slurs and inform 17 year olds they found their nudes ( heh we won't post them here though sweetie, that would be...illegal)

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Did you and your mom eat out of the same saucepan?
you will be utterly alone forever
ok but can we schedule that to be after my aunt and uncle have lunch w me and my mom this weekend
Also you stink. Hygienically you stink, your attitude online makes it seem like you just smell bad. You jill off to comic books and you are ugly.
Jesus Christ are you 12? what kind of acne ridden teenage boy self conscious about his rough puberty type of insults are these
No answer about why you've hung around a group of men on a forum who constantly talk about how they'd love to beat women for years at this point? Down to specifics they fantasize about?
Ashley, over in the normal world people have this thing called "sleep" where they lay their heads down and turn their brains off for 5-10 hours, it's a 10/10 experience

also keffals defended a zoosadist so fuck him
Josh flew under the radar for a decade because he solely went after powerless people who couldn't afford to pay thousands to a lawyer to get harassment to end, there's nothing noble or meaningful about what he's spent his life grifting for and he knows it. He doesn't care about the philosophical concept of free speech, because he knows if he'd actually attacked the powerful or gone against the status quo at all he would have been ended a long time ago. That's why attracting the attention of a politician and the fucking ADL is his personal apocalypse. No more sitting on his fat ass passively letting the treats roll in.
also keffals defended a zoosadist so fuck him
Yeah I bet nutjob

Did she "defend a zoosadist" or did she unknowingly have them on a stream for a few minutes without knowing anything about them? Nobody keeps an encyclopedia entry of every random pervert out there. Take your lithium and try to think clearly before answering.
also keffals defended a zoosadist so fuck him
There are all kinds of degenerates in the Keffal's discord server. He has a channel there that's paywalled called Catboy Pen and a channel called Gomorrah

Can only imagine the kinds of sick shit that goes on there if you pay him enough money.