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Lolcow.org Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky

I think it's more likely he's a sad, sick, lonely old man who squirrels away porn and has a boatload of bizarre fetishes he's nursed since he was introduced to the internet in the late 90s. Thank god he had Joshua Moon's platform, otherwise who would ever want him or his shit? He's annoying, he's racist, his tryhard stories about family life are hilariously unconvincing. He has absolutely nowhere else to go.
Being such a fucking failure that you adopt every cringe-inducing mannerism some VDARE fan scumbag who had to get a mentally disabled wife off yahoo ads does in late middle age is so fucking boss. Wow man you're 55 years old and you spelled the word post incorrectly. That's so funny and cool. Maybe senpai who lives in a crumbling Rapid City suburb will notice you. It's amazing how these little faggot nerds carry this awful need to have a daddy figure all throughout life. They can't just be their own people, Karl needs a more "alpha" loser like Brian to latch onto to quell the feelings he's gay and a loser.

The bulk of the community can really best be described as "what if an abusive boyfriend/rapist had never had a relationship or sex before?"

All the energy, all the ambition, all the psychopathy, none of the opportunity.
keffals you doing this yourself bud no one from KiwiFarms even knew who you are until you got swatted and you cried like a bitch. Stop using Twitter and go back to sucking dick on PornHub
emotionally arrested in 2014 i see
If I were you and the other doomed uggos I'd be feeling really good about entrusting someone like Joshua Moon with your IP or other information if you weren't absolutely disciplined about using a VPN or doing other "opsec" right about now

If I ever find out who you are it won't stop, guaranteed
I've always found it mind blowing that anyone on KF is compelled to post ANYTHING about their personal life, even if it's just what they had for dinner

Homie are you sure you want to attach that to the most deranged bigot rhetoric anyone's ever seen in their life that you also type up there? Are you that lonely? Does anyone on such a site really need to know which private school your sister went to in New orleans?

When people kill themselves allegedly because of Kiwi Farms users’ unrelenting vitriol, those users fantasize about attending their funerals “wearing Guy Fawkes masks and pickle suits and all ‘PARTY HARD!!!’ with loud music, free food, and drink,” one post said. Posts like this belie a nauseatingly childish understanding of death, consequence, and one’s own insecurities, but instead of, I don’t know, seeking a therapist, Kiwi Farms posters prefer to let themselves get lost in the abomination they create.

You really are such a collection of fucking losers, dude

Hey just curious, if you actually believe in the Christian God, then how do you expect to get into heaven after a widow accused you of playing a role in her husband's suicide? I mean obviously you're a narc and therefore have no beliefs and are a miserable shell of a human, I just wonder how you'd answer this question since you've claimed on several occasions that you're somehow religious. Do you really think the Biblical God is going to allow something like you into heaven, with your constant lying and maliciousness? Or the worthless racist dogshit people you choose to associate with?
If I ever find out who you are it won't stop
so i can go to bed securely for the rest of my life seeing as how every time one of your enemies has been Dawxxed it was not due to your astounding sleuthing skills
I've always found it mind blowing that anyone on KF is compelled to post ANYTHING about their personal life, even if it's just what they had for dinner
tonight i had buffalo mac n cheese btw it slapped
Remember when underage boy Kenny Glenn beat the shit out of his family's cat in the shower and how no one doxed him and his father's company didn't lose money, god I'm so glad the internet has morals and rules.
Oh wait. That's the opposite of what happened. He got doxed to shit and his family got harassed for months over it and I'd do it again.
Yeah that's kind of how I view doxing a nazi's entire family, I mean if they have a creep like that being open with his beliefs at barbecues then what other shit is going on there.
fnarrf just fyi no amount of performative smug strong detached girl shit you learned from marvel movies and got positive reinforcement from fat lonely men in comics discords over will ever absolve you of the fact you became part of this subculture of bigot scum or the fact that you have no actual friends and when your mother dies, you will be utterly alone forever because you're a horrible piece of garbage who cares about nothing and repels everyone.
Remember when underage boy Kenny Glenn beat the shit out of his family's cat in the shower and how no one doxed him and his father's company didn't lose money, god I'm so glad the internet has morals and rules.
Oh wait. That's the opposite of what happened. He got doxed to shit and his family got harassed for months over it and I'd do it again.
Yeah if some kid is doing animal or human cruelty then obviously it's fine to use their available information to stop that. I honestly have no clue what statement or argument you're making here because I'm not autistic, and I don't know who that specific abuser is, are you saying Kiwifarms doesn't routinely dox underaged kids who don't deserve it? Because I remember a literal 17 year old dumbly wandering on there and all the macho middle aged fellas like @Karl telling the little lady she needs to watch herself because her nudes were findable.