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Lolcow.org Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky

@Karl how many hundreds of posts have you made in a thread about me over the years? Have you noticed you're about the only one committed to retaining any knowledge about me personally, because I'm basically normal and don't gain the ire of regular people? Do you think it's obvious to anyone else this is because you're the aggressor here and you've stalked me over the years because I'm an extension of your misogyny and social views which are self-evidently insane, marginal and unhealthy?

You and 60 year old furry creep AnOminous should apologize to the widow whose husband you drove to suicide you abusive fucking lunatic.
Get lost, nutcase
you've been trying to provoke my attention for the last few days aren't you happy you finally did it. seriously though why would you post those the secondhand cringe is incredible
you've been trying to provoke my attention for the last few days aren't you happy you finally did it. seriously though why would you post those the secondhand cringe is incredible
Explain why it's cringe that I have an issue with a nazi that has a swastika tattoo being connected with the main loser stalking me. Do that or else go away. You cannot possibly make yourself look more shitty or insane.
Explain why it's cringe that I have an issue with a nazi that has a swastika tattoo being connected with the main loser stalking me. Do that or else go away. You cannot possibly make yourself look more shitty or insane.
it's cringe that you posted emails desperately begging and trying to reason with him when you've made a public spectacle out of yourself for like 3 years running now. this is like Tommy Wiseau complaining that people want to document him. have you tried not being hysterical?
it's cringe that you posted emails desperately begging and trying to reason with him when you've made a public spectacle out of yourself for like 3 years running now. this is like Tommy Wiseau complaining that people want to document him. have you tried not being hysterical?
How have I "made a spectacle" of myself? I'm literally so fucking boring that your insane white supremacist friend had to fabricate some connection to a sexual predator cousin of my husband's I've never fucking met. I'm so fucking boring that you had to create a bunch of insane racist and fatphobic photoshops about me to try and garner interest from anyone else. Which didn't work. It's just you and some middle aged freak discontent about his own life trying to be "cool" adult bullies.

No you deranged idiot, if anything you've put on a show that you all have mental and social problems. I didn't do anything. You're the one here telling me that I deserve to be the stalking subject of some unmarried fucked up loser who rants and raves about his racist delusions all the time. You are the fuck up and the sped, and you're obsessed with dragging anyone else into your dismal useless existence. That's the actual reality happening here.
Seriously how have I made "a spectacle of myself" on a forum owned by a pedophile dipshit who sympathized with the Christchurch shooter and disseminated his video in an attempt to inspire more mass shootings? How do you not understand that YOU are the freak here? Completely reliant on me for attention.

I have a stable marriage you will never have. I am a good person which you are not. I fucking loathe racist pieces of shit while you suck them off. That is your life. You are actually so pathetic and have such low standards you fuck with guys who thinks Jews are subhuman. And one fucked up creep in your little DM who's a disgusting shutin porn addict. Face the reality of your life, honey.
there's like 300 pages of you being a spectacle on your thread on KF, go back and read through from the beginning lol
When I say "I'm a good person" I didn't say perfect. I mean I try to be respectful of others to the extent they're respectful to me and others, I try to avoid social institutions that hurt people or animals, and the emotional strength of my personal relationships reflect that, regardless of how much you and your bigot idiot friends try to lie about it. The reality is you're losers who loathe anyone who tries, who isn't a purely reactive, taking, shitty, manipulative person. That is your real issue with me.

As arrogant and mean and compensating as Melinda came across when you were fabricating bullshit about her, she seems to have kids that like her and that she tried to take care of emotionally, for as fucked up and flawed as she is. I can't say the same about you. You're a callous, truly indifferent little freak who will never have kids to abuse. You pieces of shit hassled this woman for years, pretending you actually knew what was best for her kids when you view them as less than animals. You're sick fucks and nobody sane would leave you alone with children. You are far lower functioning than she is. Did any of you ask her whether her kids are in counseling? Because I did.
Did any of you ask her whether her kids are in counseling? Because I did.
oh wow you're capable of asking questions that any idiot would already know the answer to if they were familiar with Melinda. please ma'am allow me to tongue clean this Nobel peace prize before I give it to you
When I say "I'm a good person" I didn't say perfect. I mean I try to be respectful of others to the extent they're respectful to me and others, I try to avoid social institutions that hurt people or animals, and the emotional strength of my personal relationships reflect that,
have you heard about the Lockheed Martin drama on Twitter? for some reason your self congratulatory fellation is reminding me of that. always the worst people who crow about how "uwu soft marginalized woke" they are
oh wow you're capable of asking questions that any idiot would already know the answer to if they were familiar with Melinda. please ma'am allow me to tongue clean this Nobel peace prize before I give it to you

have you heard about the Lockheed Martin drama on Twitter? for some reason your self congratulatory fellation is reminding me of that. always the worst people who crow about how "uwu soft marginalized woke" they are

The Ana Mardol fiasco was about a fellow soulless narc or BPD lunatic taking advantage of vulnerable people for monetary gain and social clout. Not really sure how that relates in any way to the fact that you hang out with abusive, insane open racists and fellate them just because they won't tell you you're an insane annoying loser or that you should go away.
oh wow you're capable of asking questions that any idiot would already know the answer to if they were familiar with Melinda. please ma'am allow me to tongue clean this Nobel peace prize before I give it to you

have you heard about the Lockheed Martin drama on Twitter? for some reason your self congratulatory fellation is reminding me of that. always the worst people who crow about how "uwu soft marginalized woke" they are
based we need more trans war criminals
have you heard about the Lockheed Martin drama on Twitter? for some reason your self congratulatory fellation is reminding me of that. always the worst people who crow about how "uwu soft marginalized woke" they are
You flick your bean because some anti-social sexually dysfunctional men won't openly call you ugly, mostly because you kiss their balls and tell them they're funny and their sociopathic actions are cool. Congratulations you trainwreck.