Do you have a response to this or are you just going to drive-by click angry emoticons about it you insane bitch
Is Karl taking a break out of guilt or paranoia
Is Karl taking a break out of guilt or paranoia
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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 22, 2025
You really don't know much about Chinese history. Struggle session.Chinese person would consider harassing less fortunate people who made less optimum personal decisions until they commit suicide an admirable hobby.
Are you talking about yourself? You're a skitzoposter, it's hard to follow what you post. Whose suicide did you cause. Why do you think this is such a think to celebrate, here on the onion farms... Oy vey already?Glad to see the racist sucking autistic retard who works at goodwill is still picking her scabs and lurking this thread passive aggressively not a week after learning she was involved in causing a suicide.
Anyway I'm feeling calmer so I can deal with the BPD void a little more coherently.and you guys wonder why there's a short bus following her around!
Don't knock it until you try it. Better than your family. Living under a bridge. Getting btfo'd by a goat.Then again most of us aren't nasty fat fuck racist nerds who come from a long line of slavers turned spoiled business cheats and parasitic landlords and don't think any social rules apply to them, on a multi-generational level.