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Lolcow.org Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky

Chinese person would consider harassing less fortunate people who made less optimum personal decisions until they commit suicide an admirable hobby.
You really don't know much about Chinese history. Struggle session.

Ash, you are a fat useless lump, if you really think that you could survive in China with your personality, then please, move there asap.
Glad to see the racist sucking autistic retard who works at goodwill is still picking her scabs and lurking this thread passive aggressively not a week after learning she was involved in causing a suicide.
Are you talking about yourself? You're a skitzoposter, it's hard to follow what you post. Whose suicide did you cause. Why do you think this is such a think to celebrate, here on the onion farms... Oy vey already?

Btw. You can get some real bargains at goodwill.
and you guys wonder why there's a short bus following her around!
Anyway I'm feeling calmer so I can deal with the BPD void a little more coherently.

The reason I know Melinda wasn't lying is because she described the effect of a 9mm bullet accurately, when in the past she's exhibited a lot of ignorance about firearms she claimed to own. A 9 mm bullet is pretty small, it doesn't obliterate your head like a shotgun does (like in the one gif a psychopath posted to the thread). Depending on how you aim the gun, it would cause massive damage to a silver dollar sized area of your skull. If it passed through cleanly, chances are you're not going to die immediately from losing the area of brain it burrowed through. So. You can retain some motor and language functions, enough to tremble and spasm and make horrific noises as you bleed out everywhere. You retain enough function as your life fades to say some upsetting but nonsensical words to your wife I won't share because she told me about it with I would assume some expectation I wouldn't share. You cling on long enough that your kids see this happening, too.
Thanks for the sticker, fnarrf.

But that's why people who don't have personality disorders don't spend over a year writing out baseless claims in size 24 font about how some guy who is assuredly a scumbag, but also obviously emotionally troubled and unwell killed his own infant or is molesting his own kids. That's a rule all of us just instinctively follow, especially considering none of you had any intention of following through for any justice for the baby he supposedly killed, or doing anything about the kids you claimed he was abusing. Mostly because you were lying, and even if you weren't, you wouldn't give a shit about her "spawn" being abused anyway.

Then again most of us aren't nasty fat fuck racist nerds who come from a long line of slavers turned spoiled business cheats and parasitic landlords and don't think any social rules apply to them, on a multi-generational level.
Then again most of us aren't nasty fat fuck racist nerds who come from a long line of slavers turned spoiled business cheats and parasitic landlords and don't think any social rules apply to them, on a multi-generational level.
Don't knock it until you try it. Better than your family. Living under a bridge. Getting btfo'd by a goat.

I've had that one lying around for a while.
Like with the insane gay accusations I don't even know what this is accusatory of when Tom's lived here since the early 2000s. Maybe @Karl is accusing my husband of being a sexual abuse victim, which is funny to him. He isn't, but every other poster on KF talks about having insane narc parents and trauma so I'm not even sure why that's supposed to be shameful or excluding. There's various studies, but the generally considered number for female sexual abuse victims is 1 in 5.

Do you think victims of child abuse deserve to be shamed, Karl?