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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I was agreeing with him on trying to calm down the site, since stickers are part of the reason why there's such a big shitflinging contest on A&H.
So ban the people who whine about stickers. If you're that fucking fragile and addle-pated nothing is going to keep you satisfied: he's just bending to the whims of literal manbabies.
Are we going to start debating internet stickers again?
Yes, because I understand both sides of the sticker issue.
So ban the people who whine about stickers. If you're that fucking fragile and addle-pated nothing is going to keep you satisfied: he's just bending to the whims of literal manbabies.
>ban everyone who whines about stickers
So, most of KF?
"There may come a day when the only way to atone for white privilege is to die" sounds pretty doomer-y to me
Stuff like that is seriously advocated for already. Whether it's actually acted on, depends on how much faith you have in Clown World.
To break up the super serious sticker talk, here's some parts of @Bubbly Sink's own SIGperience.

