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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Even if such threadbans were temporary it would engender bitterness amongst a lot of users. You'd be trading sticker crying for a different kind of whining.

Sometimes, you have to make sacrifices. What else is there to be done? Look at what @snailslime just posted. The Chantal thread alone could be cut down by tons of pages if you got rid of shit like that. It's not just hers either - it's ALR, it's DSP, it's Luna Slater, it's a lot of the cows on there, really. If you have to keep insisting that you're better than them, not like it's any achievement considering who it is we're talking about here, you're really not. Hell, even Josh does it - he posts now and then, projecting his own flaws onto Chantal and people poz him up with their stickersperging. I used to wonder what the big deal was about KF and then I realized that for all the Gamergate-esque retardation about the joint, it's basically just Guru Gossip for dudes. Yeah. And the fact that Josh can't even do that properly while a guy like Nik Richie can run The Dirty for a decade plus without problem....it boggles the 'ol noggin.
The point system is a part of almost every forum I've visited and it's been like that since before Reddit existed.
but the world needs to know how much better we are than chantal
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See, that's exactly my point. How does this contribute in any way to the thread? Who cares if they'd turn bitter? Screw 'em. The whole point of Kiwi Farms is to laugh at the mentally ill, not boast how you're also mentally ill, but you're not like those other spergs. Take that juvenile shit back to Tumblr and let the adults post.
Sometimes, you have to make sacrifices. What else is there to be done? Look at what @snailslime just posted. The Chantal thread alone could be cut down by tons of pages if you got rid of shit like that. It's not just hers either - it's ALR, it's DSP, it's Luna Slater, it's a lot of the cows on there, really. If you have to keep insisting that you're better than them, not like it's any achievement considering who it is we're talking about here, you're really not. Hell, even Josh does it - he posts now and then, projecting his own flaws onto Chantal and people poz him up with their stickersperging. I used to wonder what the big deal was about KF and then I realized that for all the Gamergate-esque retardation about the joint, it's basically just Guru Gossip for dudes. Yeah. And the fact that Josh can't even do that properly while a guy like Nik Richie can run The Dirty for a decade plus without problem....it boggles the 'ol noggin.
The reason they're like that is because lolcows as a form of entertainment is dead. Can't squeeze anything out of most of the old or current ones anymore.
See, that's exactly my point. How does this contribute in any way to the thread? Who cares if they'd turn bitter? Screw 'em. The whole point of Kiwi Farms is to laugh at the mentally ill, not boast how you're also mentally ill, but you're not like those other spergs. Take that juvenile shit back to Tumblr and let the adults post.
>KF's entire point of existence
>not being juvenile
Look at what @snailslime just posted. The Chantal thread alone could be cut down by tons of pages if you got rid of shit like that. It's not just hers either - it's ALR, it's DSP, it's Luna Slater, it's a lot of the cows on there, really.
Oh, I know. One of the only good things to be implemented recently is the highlight function. When it works it does wonders letting you skim past pages of worthless junk. All the noise is what keeps me from posting in threads and why I only read them after the event has occurred. I don't think there's a good solution. Maybe hour-length temporary bans might work but that would require a lot more staff to keep an active eyeball on everything.
Kiwi Farms needs a tranny subforum where all that garbage can be safely contained. It's in every corner of the site and I'm sick of seeing it. I hated trannies before I made an account and now I really hate them because every time I log in they're under my goddamn nose.

With how much they talk about trannies, you'd think they were attracted to them or something.
Pretty much, but look on the bright side: the rubber banding effect when the kids rebel is going to be astro-freaking-nomical.
I fully expect there to be massive class action suits. The kind of screeching on both sides will be amazing. The backpedaling everyone that has paid lip service to the mentally disease/fetish will be sweet to see. It wouldn't surprise me if there were to be violence from some of the crazier trannies that have so invested themselves into their fetish lifestyle/delusion.
I fully expect there to be massive class action suits. The kind of screeching on both sides will be amazing. The backpedaling everyone that has paid lip service to the mentally disease/fetish will be sweet to see. It wouldn't surprise me if there were to be violence from some of the crazier trannies that have so invested themselves into their fetish lifestyle/delusion.

There already has been cases of violence IIRC - one of 'em trooned out, and his wife told him she wasn't into him anymore, so he killed her over it. There was Douglas Perry, a troon who went around killing prostitutes, claiming they were ungrateful for being born women, wasting their bodies or some shit. And once the backpeddling happens, it's going to have a ripple effect across the board. This won't just be about the troons. This will be about every single thing from 2010 to 20xx. I'm just hoping what replaces it isn't just as cringe as the woketardation, but who knows anymore with clown world?
@Saltimbanco gives us the reason why he has been an even more annoying and unfunny nigger as of late
as a good hedonist it's all about the Ego
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Get a grip. None of these websites, not even Kiwi Farms will be around forever. I'm waiting for both of these places to implode and when they do I'll have the Jiffy Pop ready.