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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I think this guy might be legitimately retarded.
Yeah, I do think they're genuinely not very bright. They're... nice, at least, I guess? But they just say some of the stupidest, strangest shit.

ILoveBeef also continually brings up shit from No More Heroes 2 and spergs out for everyone to see - the antagonist is named "pizza bat," so if you see him spazzing about that, that's genuinely what he's referencing. I have no idea why, so I think he's just a nutter.
Actually wait, the entire coin thread gave me autism. Biggest circlejerk I've seen since muh waifu post jewsh made.
I think the idea of minting coins is funny and he should go for it, but the amount of fanfare is pretty absurd. It's a fucking coin that mooks will buy, half-dox themselves in the process of buying, and forget about in a month

kekofthebest is an incel /pol/tard.
He ought to stop wasting time and skip straight to the suicide note
Despite claiming to be 18 or 19 or something, I'm pretty sure that he's like 13. Bubbly Sink also didn't strike me as someone who was actually 19, nor did that idiot that shared his fucking shitty fanfiction. Nor does Gentleman Gamer.

Which means they're probably all fucking 18 or 19 in all actuality. What the fuck happened to zoomers