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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Yes. People are saying he joined and had his fiance join specifically for the trophy.
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
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Now is this user actually getting married? I have no idea, but the fact its believable is horrifying enough alone.
thats not the only person who did it, SSRI advocate, chat regular and construction man NIppleonBonerFart forced his wife, nippleonbonerqueef, to join KF just for the trophy after begging her for over a year(and mentioning in chat she would come), now that she has an account she only comes on drunk and confused.
thats not the only person who did it, SSRI advocate, chat regular and construction man NIppleonBonerFart forced his wife, nippleonbonerqueef, to join KF just for the trophy after begging her for over a year(and mentioning in chat she would come), now that she has an account she only comes on drunk and confused.
That's cringy as hell. Who on earth would think it's a good idea to bring your significant other to a forum like that?.
This reply gave me autism