After Weedsneaker/Revo tried to get my
Easypeasy halal un-approved by going behind my back because he was such a dopamine hungry retard
(btw in the OP he made he confused "is" and "are", so sentences would be like "he are from england"), he decided to randomly ask said mod if they were a lesbian out of nowhere. Asking random people over DM about their sexuality is kinda weird particularly when you have no real rapport with them, not to mention right after making ridiculous demands trying to take me down. This isn't even mentioning the fact that during this same time he harassed me for two weeks @ing me 30-80 times every day with whispers well I was just trying to work on a thread, all him begging for credit and never helping me. Worst of all is he was the one who asked me to make the OP and I explained to him quite literally 10 different times before I got the halal approved that I would get all the credit as the one posting it. It got to the point where I was done the halal and he was still begging for credit, I obviously kicked him off the project when he acts like that and barely contributed.
From what i've heard he has asked these kinds of inappropriate questions to multiple women users i've spoken to, nothing that bad but he asks weird questions that make them feel pretty uncomfortable.
If you wanna really get into it, he's tried to make examples of the female users @tuscangarder and @tothepowerofgunt, doing everything to bring attention to them in supporters including making a supporters thread on the latter user. The problem is however; he did this out of need to personal vendetta against each user. Immediately in both case he came running to me crying about how guilty he felt and how he was "scared for the user". So you made a thread/post on a person and then you can't handle the basic consequences? It makes me question his motives. I believe this user to be an unironic incel who hates women deeply. I don't know why he makes a thread and then in minutes gets trolls remorse, or why he always seems to target women.
It was entertaining to watch him go from spamming my threads in chat, calling me his favourite user repeatedly(zed even laughed at him once for this), etc. to shit talking me behind my back when i was banned in august, then that retard thought I wouldn't see him talking shit, then I come back and he immediately sucks my dick. Needless to say, I told him to fuckoff and he's been a scorned lover ever since.
I call him Weedsnaker.