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Kiwifarms Linked Liz Fong-Jones / Elliot William Fong,

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Didn't read, don't care.

Look at this absolute gold nugget I found while looking at something completely unrelated:

This is what Liz Fong-Jones wanted to achieve:

View attachment 41034

This is now the top hit when I type "Vincent Zhen" into Bing.

Liz Fong-Jones wanted to cause reputational damage to someone Null actually cares about.

Imagine making a OF account just to tell me, of all people, that I should refer to a sadistic liar like Liz Fong-Jones as a woman. I do not see a woman when I look at Liz Fong-Jones, I see a man looking like a man, sounding like a man and behaving like a man. Liz Fong-Jones is a troon because he is a homosexual Asian man with daddy issues, plain and simple. If you see woman when you look at Liz Fong-Jones, you need a new pair of glasses. Just because I'm no longer on KF doesn't mean I have changed my mind about TRAs or Liz Fong-Jones. KF isn't the reason I think about TRAs the way I do. I don't hate TRAs because of KF, I hate them because I have seen them destroy countless of innocent people's lives over completely trivial irrelevant bullshit.

Here's list of all the legal crowdfunders from the victims of TRAs. I had posted this list on KF too at the time of #DropKiwiFarms, as an illustration of TRA litigiousness:

View attachment 41035

I know these TRAs are litigious bastards who will abuse the legal system to waste people's time, money and energy. I know they are fucking destructive demons who only exist to destroy lives and force their bullshit upon non-consenting others who do not share their warped beliefs. TRAs exist for no other reason than to destroy literally every freedom we take for granted and hold dear.

These people are truly a menace to society and they need to be stopped, by any legal means necessary. That's what Null doesn't understand about TRAs, how fucking vicious and obsessed they really are once they've declared someone a target. The only way to stop them is to nip that entire movement in the bud. That's why Null should've sued Liz Fong-Jones into the ground himself over the cybercrimes of #DropKiwiFarms instead of waiting for things to get to where they are now. Null knew that Liz Fong-Jones couldn't do shit legally in the US against him, so he rested on his laurels thinking he was good. Now Null has to defend his best friend in a lolsuit in a foreign country in which Null isn't even a direct party to the lolsuit, which is a very poor position to litigate from.

I anticipated that Liz Fong-Jones was going to engage in libel tourism. I anticipated that he was going to forum shop and try to sue Null in a foreign jurisdicition to get a leg up on him, because that's what obsessed litigious bastards with money always do: they become libel tourists. That's why I sent Null the contact information of different lawyers in different jurisdictions who might be able to help him, because I saw that's where Liz Fong-Jones was going to take things. I read Liz Fong-Jones's KF thread, there I read that he is ex-Google (so basically a technocrat technonatsee) and that he had left the company with a golden parachute after suing them, so I knew LFJ was litiguous and would happily abuse the courts to get his way. Instead of appreciating the gesture and the warning on my part, Null said that I was too stupid to be on his web forum and banned me. Well, at least I'm not as stupid as Vincent to think I can just ignore a subpoena and expect the judge to handle things on his own.

Take for example fund raising. Null is going to have to set up a legal crowdfunding campaign to help Vincent appeal the verdict. People on KF know who Null is but unless they have listened to old MATI episodes, they have no idea who Vincent is. On top of that, a lot of the people on KF who are into Null are far right racists who hate anything non-white, so if Null raises the begging bowl to these racists asking them to help his Chinese-Australian friend, they're gonna say they're not interested in "helping some dumb chink immigrant who was too busy playing Dota2 to bother getting a lawyer when he got sued" (see how that works Null? You cultivated this far right audience that hates your best friend for whom he is. This is whom you've surrounded yourself with now.)

Liz Fong-Jones is a cybercriminal hiding behind the thin veneer and pretense of online activism. Liz Fong-Jones targeted Cloudflare with the explicit intent of enabling cybercrimes against KF. There is literally no reason to take away someone's DDoS protection or someone's anti-virus software unless you intend to attack them with DDoS or infect them with a virus. The intent behind #DropKiwiFarms was always explicitly cybercriminal. If you are cheering for LFJ, you are cheering for cybercrimes and using crimes to get your way. The reason LFJ will not sue Null in the US is because they're both Americans, so LFJ knows an American lolsuit will go nowhere. LFJ targeted Null's best friend Vincent in Australia out of pure opportunistic sadism. This isn't about denying Null his IP space. LFJ wanted to hurt Null where it really hurts and Vincent was the means to do so.

If you read Null's comments on KF about this verdict, you will see that Null is still very reluctant to disclose anything about his personal relationship with Vincent, but everybody knows that Null and Vincent are more than just business partners, and that Null holds his 先生 Vincent in high esteem. Since Null doesn't have a family that LFJ can target - Vordrak already did that before Liz - Liz decided to target the only person he knew was close to Null, and that was Vincent. Null said that Liz Fong-Jones likes to target women, but since there isn't a public woman in Null's life, Liz Fong-Jones targeted the next best thing, the Asian man in Null's life.
Just like he hurt that one lady’s reputation that spoke out against him about the rape.

I’ll say it once more .the people who the farms have taken an interest too. when it comes to family and friends, associated POI most of the time, the farms will not go after them. They will be more so mentioned as more for a dramatic backdrop for storytelling . If the farms does go after someone’s mother, grandmother, friend , and family, there’s a reason .i’ve only seen it happen a few times but it’s gotta be like a big name person. Most of the time the farms were just post someone’s they have a mother or father ,siblings, or friend they associate with. nothing more is expanded.(I would like to make a note that there’s a thing called the rat king subforum and that is where one individual is a cow that knows another individual that is also cow.)
Now when it come to transgender folks and being a cow. Or basically any of the crazy liberals and there’s some crazy Republicans in there, too. I say more so the woke mob that if you piss them off, they will find you’re father, your mother, your brother, your siblings, your grandparents, your childhood friends, your neighbors, and anyone you associate to, and they will make you a living hell by destroying each, and everyone of those lives.
I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to understand, but the farms is the lesser evil to this.

But to get back on topic, the popularity of this Mr. Jones was going down. No one seems to be really talking about this individual after drop KiwiFarms. In fact, a lot of people have noticed how perverted narcissistic they are. When no ones paying attention to him, He’ll be like a child having a tantrum.
This is what Liz Fong-Jones wanted to achieve:
What Liz Fong-Jones wanted to achieve, was exactly what they got. They established that service providers can be sued for hosting KF, even if they just provide wires to Josh's hosting company at three-times removed. What company in the world will now provide services to KF? All Liz and their friends are going to do is point to the Australia judgement. Outside of Australia, the legal situation in other places like the EU is unlikely to be better. S230 only exists in the US and even in the States it has loopholes.

Liz and pals can now rock up to these Tier 1 and 2 ISPs and say, "Doing business in Australia? Doing business in the EU? Drop the farms or give me $$$ / €€€", and Liz will probably be right about that.

Who is going to say, "Why yes! I would love to hand over half-a-million dollars for a site paying us 2 dollars a month in fees! Bring it Liz Fong-Jones!"
I’ll say it once more .the people who the farms have taken an interest too. when it comes to family and friends, associated POI most of the time, the farms will not go after them. They will be more so mentioned as more for a dramatic backdrop for storytelling . If the farms does go after someone’s mother, grandmother, friend , and family, there’s a reason .i’ve only seen it happen a few times but it’s gotta be like a big name person. Most of the time the farms were just post someone’s they have a mother or father ,siblings, or friend they associate with. nothing more is expanded.(I would like to make a note that there’s a thing called the rat king subforum and that is where one individual is a cow that knows another individual that is also cow.)
The Farms will publicly disavow doing this, but their past behavior of having a secret group of mods and at least one person who broke and entered Chris Chan's place to search through things does not leave them much credibility.
All Liz and their friends are going to do is point to the Australia judgement. Outside of Australia, the legal situation in other places like the EU is unlikely to be better. S230 only exists in the US and even in the States it has loopholes.
Look, the Australian default judgement is very obviously baseless forum shopping libel tourism, and was very obviously obtained purely for the sake of tactical advantage, so that Liz Fong-Jones would have some Paper Tiger to wave at ISPs and Tier1s if they don't relent upon first contact with their abuse department. Liz Fong-Jones wants to be able to say: "Look, I sued and I won!", when upon closer inspection it's just a default judgement and no substantial argument was made or had in court. This is why Null should've sued Liz Fong-Jones first instead of waiting for Liz to make the first legal move. Now Null is going to have to play defense, and he's going to have to do so as a third party to the lolsuit, not as a direct party/defendant, because Vincent is the defendant here, not Null. Null says he doesn't want to waste $75k of his alleged $300k in crypto to sue Liz Fong-Jones... but what if Null now has to waste that amount helping Vincent with his defense in Australia? Null will be wasting money anyway, whether that's to help Vincent with his appeal, or whether it is to sue Liz Fong-Jones. If Vincent manages to succesfully appeal the default judgement, he should definitely consider suing Liz Fong-Jones for abuse of process in Australia, just to give him a taste of his own medicine.

You can rest assured that Liz Fong-Jones will continue waving his default judgement at ISPs as long as it's not repealed. I am not hearing anything about Null and Vincent getting a defense lawyer in Australia to appeal the default judgement. I hope they've already gotten one, because I know Liz Fong-Jones is sadistic enough to use his default judgement to process serve Vincent and strip him of his assets (basically, empty his house, take his car, take his wages, etc) just to have someone to hold at gun-point before Null. Again, I don't know if Liz Fong-Jones can process-serve in Australia on the basis of a default judgement, but if he can, that's another weapon he can use against Null.

Liz and pals can now rock up to these Tier 1 and 2 ISPs and say, "Doing business in Australia? Doing business in the EU? Drop the farms or give me $$$ / €€€", and Liz will probably be right about that.

Liz Fong-Jones isn't going to sue ISPs and Tier1s, that would give him a bad reputation in his own professional field. LFJ wants all those ISPs and Tier1s on his team and against team KF, he doesn't want to turn them into antagonists by suing them.

This is a dumb question. But what is a TRA?
That wasn't a question but a statement. TRA = Trans Right Activist. It's usually a trans person who is SJW woke, but sometimes it's a cis person who is even more zealous about trans rights than trans people themselves are, and is parading their trans allyship for woke points.
That wasn't a question but a statement. TRA = Trans Right Activist. It's usually a trans person who is SJW woke, but sometimes it's a cis person who is even more zealous about trans rights than trans people themselves are, and is parading their trans allyship for woke points.
You should consider killing yourself.