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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Lidl goes in for a bit of plagiarism....
"Imitation is the greatest compliment mediocrity can pay greatness"

Also: Lol at the time the brooms Mum had to fend of the trannies at the homestead. And she got sacked for her efforts.
Here Lidl accuses Null of having a "gross coombrain moid moment" for jokingly fantasizing during his interview with Sean/Potentially Criminal about a hot Ukrainian soldier girl replacing the fugly troon that represented the Ukrainian Defense Forces until recently:

Good show except for the part where they were both wishing that Ukraine would install a hot thot to replace the tranny with and fat lawyer man was dreaming about Ukrainian mail order brides. Gross coombrain moid moment.

Only a jealous homosexual man would get upset at Null fantasizing about a hot Ukrainian soldier girl.
Null likes soldier girls, Lidl, get over it. Are you jealous because you're neither a soldier or a girl?
You know that you, as a man, can try to become only one of those, LMAO.
Here Lidl accuses Null of having a "gross coombrain moid moment" for jokingly fantasizing during his interview with Sean/Potentially Criminal about a hot Ukrainian soldier girl replacing the fugly troon that represented the Ukrainian Defense Forces until recently
If you’re attracted to women then you are a gross coombrained moid and probably a rapist too. Obviously the only True and honest woman you’re allowed to be attracted to is Lidl Troon.
In my opinion, there are two possibilities when it comes to Lidl Drip.

1. Dyn sock. (This is the one I believe, and I will elaborate.)
2. Woman who copies what Dyn does because she saw how close he is to Null and wants to be like that too.

The reason I believe Lidl Drip is Dyn dates back to the 2019 Kiwifarms leak. Dyn did eventually leave over it, around February as far as I can tell. He would not publicly rejoin Kiwifarms until October of that year, but February sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?

I think that the Lidl Drip account was created by Dyn back when he left so he could continue lurking KF, since he was (and still is) addicted to it. He then made the account he currently uses and discontinued using his incognito sock account.

That is, until late 2022. Lidl Drip's earliest behavior tracks in terms of how Dyn generally posts, and it looks to me like he was trying to figure out what angle to go with on his new troll account. He ended up settling with "True and Honest woman" and proceeded to do what everyone has seen so far.

I think the Man Hate thread was created deliberately to try and rile up the people Null doesn't like and give him an excuse to ban them. It would certainly explain his beligerant behavior towards the people reacting to the lunacy in that thread, and the coddling he does with the women. The whole point of its existence is to bait people into speaking out so he can clean house.

Now, as for Lidl being a woman, it's not hard to believe that someone saw Null talking about wanting to start a family, and decided they wanted a piece of internet power (Elaine, anyone?). To get there, all she would need to do is lovebomb Null while behaving just like his favorite pet feminist.

Either way, Dyn and Lidl Drip have a very similar posting style, that being one-track super serious all the time, and arguing with either of them at all is like going for the little glowy bit sticking out the top of an angler fish.
Either way, Dyn and Lidl Drip have a very similar posting style, that being one-track super serious all the time, and arguing with either of them at all is like going for the little glowy bit sticking out the top of an angler fish.
I am open to the idea that Lidl is Dyn but I am almost unfamiliar with Dyn's writing style so I can't compare the two. As I said elsewhere, I avoided interacting with Dynastia all the years I was on KF, despite him repeatedly trying to bait me, because I figured out very quickly that he was the resident troll of KF. Whenever he responded to me or anyone else, I'd just think to myself "Here comes Dyn again to bait people.", and proceeded to ignore him.

Since you're more familiar with Dynastia, can you give me specific examples of him sounding like Lidl? IIRC Dynastia is Australian and he plainly sounds like a native Anglo speaker in his posts, but Lidl IMO very clearly does not, so why do you still think they sound similar?
I don't know if she's a dude or not. I did notice she made some basic mistakes when trying to talk about things like feminism, but that could have just been from being unknowledgeable about the subject. I can't say I care for any of the radifem trolls in the Lolcow Salon. A few of them are extra obvious gimmick accounts. The only thing they are good for is riling up the male autist stormtards, which I guess serves it's purpose. The retards there haven't stopped seething since the Man Hate Thread started.
Also leaving this here.

And this

Unrelated but maybe lidl works at that store chain and or is bri ish.


  • london-united-kingdom-people-walk-past-a-lidl-store-in-london-lidl-is-a-chain-of-german.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 89
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Reason: Needed to add more detail
"I'm sick of ovulating every month and knowing that those eggs were meant to be fertilized by Null's boysauce.", and y'all still think this is a woman. This is not a woman. This is a desperate incel gay man LARPing as a woman.
The desperation is clear even in the attempt at humor by exaggeration.
She's a heckin' valid woman like all other trans woman like her and no transphobarinos will tell me otherwise!
"I'm sick of ovulating every month and knowing that those eggs were meant to be fertilized by Null's boysauce.", and y'all still think this is a woman. This is not a woman. This is a desperate incel gay man LARPing as a woman.
Jokes aside this reads like an UwU femboy copypasta meme.