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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, this is the greatest post on that wretched site. Also, Fatfuck Drip's typing style always read as very male to me, I can't quite put my finger on it but xe simply does not type like a woman at all.
I thinks she writes the same as Null. Uses all the same talking points and lately has had heavy handed opinions on moderating decisions that sound word for word what Null would write. I just am subscribing more and more to the theory Lidl is actually Null's troon persona.
I thinks she writes the same as Null. Uses all the same talking points and lately has had heavy handed opinions on moderating decisions that sound word for word what Null would write. I just am subscribing more and more to the theory Lidl is actually Null's troon persona.
90% of the lolcows featured on KF have trooned out. Null is next, he even has his own official trannysona, who is a morbidly obese goth slut
The fact that Lidl even thinks that people would make a miscarriage into a joke says something about he/she/it. I don't even know how you would. And then these are the same women that screech about abortion till the 50th trimester. Why care now? I mean it doesn't real, right? People insulting you over something that doesn't real shouldn't matter, right?
Funny given that "she" is the same person that stated that she hopes that ShoeOnHead's baby son dies of SID's and states she will get so much joy seeing Shoe cry over her dead baby son. However, don't you homosexual clowns dare say you want her best buddy Stan to miscarry otherwise you are evil, woman hating moids.
Funny given that "she" is the same person that stated that she hopes that ShoeOnHead's baby son dies of SID's and states she will get so much joy seeing Shoe cry over her dead baby son. However, don't you homosexual clowns dare say you want her best buddy Stan to miscarry otherwise you are evil, woman hating moids.

I can't find any comments by Lidl Drip wishing Shoe0nhead's son dies of SIDS, can you provide a link or did you just make this up?


There is only these two comments


And both negrated by Lidl.
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If Lidl did actually wish SIDS on shoeonhead's child (whatever the fuck that shit means), just know the whore slut ass bitch would lose her mind trying to have children, either that or she's a just a jealous niggerish hedgehog rapephile, cause she's a fucking nigger coon
Yeah I'm gonna be waiting for some evidence that this actually happened, because it appears to be a figment of Wasteland Scholar's imagination.
The GuntGuardRegular is back. I can't wait for a fresh batch of "I can't believe you think Lidl is a Larp" posts.
I hope what you say about Lidl being a sock is true because:
1. It would be really funny if Null is LARPing as his ideal woman which would make him even more pathetic.
2. I would lose all faith in womankind if there is a genuine woman out there that is deeply sexually attracted to Null of all people.
I believe the theory lidl is a separate person and that they are dating or perhaps married. It would be too much work to run a separate account and jersh is simply too lazy and retarded to do all that I think. The baking posts are convincing as well. Maybe it's more obvious to me because she behaves like alot of radfems do online so it sticks out. Josh behaves like a radfems male partner, or atleast the cucked/simp ones. Source: trust me bro
I believe the theory lidl is a separate person and that they are dating or perhaps married. It would be too much work to run a separate account and jersh is simply too lazy and retarded to do all that I think. The baking posts are convincing as well. Maybe it's more obvious to me because she behaves like alot of radfems do online so it sticks out. Josh behaves like a radfems male partner, or atleast the cucked/simp ones. Source: trust me bro
It also doesn't make any sense if you actually think about it and don't just want the explanation to be the most humiliating thing for Null possible (I get it, it's funny, but I'm interested in the truth). Why would he need a female alter-ego? He already has the TERFs and BP on his side from his fight against the troons, he already has plenty of ballwashers constantly defending him, he has nothing to gain from this and everything to lose from people calling him out on the blatant favoritism.
She posts like a 90s mean girl a lot of the time. Like a caricature of a catty bitch, there's an uncanniness to the way "she" writes that rings false. Null blasts someone for pointing out he's a sperg, and here "she" comes with bantz that would make a middle schooler cringe into a fucking diamond. Bizarre.
She sounds exactly like every other lolcow.farm refugee radfem poster. Have you ever been to the Beauty Parlor? It's all catty fat women powerleveling and picking apart other fat women.