Corporeal and spiritual manlet, his short temper and neuroticism really aren't helpingdon't forget manlet, he's a serious fucking manlet
Corporeal and spiritual manlet, his short temper and neuroticism really aren't helpingdon't forget manlet, he's a serious fucking manlet
The only time lidl null and dyn are ever funny is unintentionally. The only time I remember dyn being funny for example was in the man hate thread when he was grovelling at the feet of femcels.He is unintentionally funny, hence why I follow him as a lolcow.
Exactly. The fact he hasn't banned lidl for doing what he consistently bans others for proves he is socking. Breaking his own rule which is why he bans anyone too close to the truth making it more obvious.
Yeah, that would be horrible for genetic diversity and ultimately extremely dysgenic. I watched a documentary once about a homeless schizophrenic man who has dozens of offspring because the sperm bank didn't know/care he was mentally ill, only that he had a post secondary degree and blue eyes/blonde hair.An planet descended from... men who sold their sperm
You will never convince me that a "man" who describes himself as a Positive Polly is in a relationship with a womanNull might have a girlfriend which puts him above the average OF user and therefore is impossible.
I don't know much about gunt, but isn't he regularly visible on his streams? Poor Joshy is terrified to show us how he looks.Yes, lidl is talking about joshy. joshy... who will be (sincerely) never as much as a man as gunt. Ever.
Regularly. However, sometimes he's not visible, eg, dipping down to have a toot, or just passed out drunk. He also goes OUTSIDE. Gunt don't give a fuck about the h8rz, he gets knocked down, but he gets up again, joshy ain't ever keep him down.but isn't he regularly visible on his streams?
And ashamed. Don't forget the shame he feels. He expected us to believe his phone weighed HOW MUCH?Poor Joshy is terrified to show us how he looks.
Spiderman how could uEveryone who saw it in the Spiderman thread knew it was no fucking joke because the whole context was another retarded slapfight where she was shitting on me in every way imagineable and making up all kinds of things about me using my Q&A posting history as real true evidence of all the horseshit she was saying.
Wasn't there another user here that said he accused him of WolfToneing him with no evidence before banning him?
Yeah get her assSHe's just like you. SOme sad middle aged spinster, only not as terminally online and stupid.
Sexual predator also works.