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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
"People with cancer aren't fa-"
People with cancer can balloon up because during chemo they don't like eating much besides junk food.
Sure, but this is reaching.
If you can't a-log without reaching, what's the point? It should hurt the subjects feelings and have the potential to convert followers into detractors.
Do you think calling him fat does anything other than make you look salty and late as fuck?
I'm not a big fan of the dude but let's step the bantz up beyond what KF rightfully calls "Onionigger bullshit"
I had a relative with breast cancer and she just felt like shit all the time thanks to the chemo so we made her food she actually liked to keep her spirits up. It was a rough time for her. The cancer drugs made her balloon a long time before the carbs so her weight just wasn't a concern. (Good news is that she is in remission and has since lost the weight after she stopped having to take so many gd pills.)
lidl talks socks.
Gee. Well... Dyn is a sock, of Dynastia. Had to sock up due to that beef with the Bonglander... and again lidl, YOU are the sock of a janny.
It's like as soon as anyone is having fun on KF Null's schizo ball washers have to come in and ruin it. Reminds me of a forum whose owner an hero'ed after selling it to pay child support when it went to shit after a bunch of feminist bitches and troons pretending to be feminist bitches forced everyone else out. Hmm, something something history repeating and being doomed to repeat it.
"The mods close threads because we don't need more than one thread on her. Soon this thread will be jannied too and good riddance.

Why can't you just ignore her like every other shit poster/meme account/sperg?"

Scolopendra Dramatica

Her. Still clinging to that, huh? Might be more concerning matters, vis a vis the broom... To labour the point... Zhen who said "Stick your fines up your arse"... is getting his fines paid by the broom...