I actually agree with him. I too think 99,99% of porn nowadays is violent, degrading, dehumanizing and nothing a sane individual who values their sex life and that of their significant other should want to watch. What Didl conveniently forgets to mention is that most of these hyperviolent BDSM porn movies are still straight porn movies. It's a woman getting wrecked and ruined by a man. That's what straight people do to one another when they are being heterosexual exhibitionists on the internet. Yet Didl and Null still insist that hetero sex is somehow less destructive and dangerous than gay sex. Or they will blame straight people having acess to gay porn for "inspiring" straight people to have more degenerate sex, as if straight people can't be degenerate on their own and somehow feel the need to catch up with the gays' more advanced levels of degeneracy.
If you need to remind yourself what cuddly, loving, tender sex heterosexuals are having as opposed to those disgusting gay homosexuals wrecking their assholes, just go watch the next straight porn movie you're spammed with. It's amazing to me how trad-LARPers like Null and Didl will bigot-wax poetically about all the sick depraved asshole-ruining gay porn, when most violent porn online is straight porn. How willfully blind do you have to be not to see this?